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A keyword value is similar to a symbol see \[missing\], but its printed form is prefixed with #:.

+[missing] in [missing] documents the fine points of the syntax of keywords.


> (string->keyword "apple")               
> '#:apple                                
> (eq? '#:apple (string->keyword "apple"))

More precisely, a keyword is analogous to an identifier; in the same way that an identifier can be quoted to produce a symbol, a keyword can be quoted to produce a value. The same term “keyword” is used in both cases, but we sometimes use keyword value to refer more specifically to the result of a quote-keyword expression or of string->keyword. An unquoted keyword is not an expression, just as an unquoted identifier does not produce a symbol:


> not-a-symbol-expression                            
not-a-symbol-expression: undefined;                  
 cannot reference an identifier before its definition
  in module: top-level                               
> #:not-a-keyword-expression                         
eval:2:0: #%datum: keyword misused as an expression  
  at: #:not-a-keyword-expression                     

Despite their similarities, keywords are used in a different way than identifiers or symbols. Keywords are intended for use unquoted as special markers in argument lists and in certain syntactic forms. For run-time flags and enumerations, use symbols instead of keywords. The example below illustrates the distinct roles of keywords and symbols.


> (define dir (find-system-path 'temp-dir)) ; not '#:temp-dir   
> (with-output-to-file (build-path dir "stuff.txt")             
    (lambda () (printf "example\n"))                            
    ; optional #:mode argument can be 'text or 'binary          
    #:mode 'text                                                
    ; optional #:exists argument can be 'replace, 'truncate, ...
    #:exists 'replace)