the flattening

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 5308b0457a
commit e8d7deb890

@ -2,7 +2,8 @@
(require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax))
(require/typed sugar/list [slicef-after ((Listof Quad) (Quad . -> . Boolean) . -> . (Listof (Listof Quad)))]
[shift ((Listof Any) (Listof Integer) . -> . (Listof Any))])
(require math/flonum racket/list)
(require math/flonum (except-in racket/list flatten))
(require/typed racket/list [flatten (All (A) (Rec as (U Any (Listof as))) -> (Listof Any))])
(require "ocm-typed.rkt" "quads-typed.rkt" "utils-typed.rkt" "measure-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "logger-typed.rkt")
@ -59,20 +60,20 @@
(when (not (possible-word-break-quad? q))
(error 'convert-to-word-break "input is not a possible word break:" q))
(define result (cond
[(word-break? q) q]
[(word? q)
(define str (word-string q)) ; str will be one character long, because we've exploded our input
(apply word-break
(merge-attrs q ; take q's attributes for formatting purposes
;; a space is ordinarily visible, but disappears at the end of a line
[(equal? str " ") (list world:no-break-key " " world:before-break-key "")]
;; soft hyphen is ordinarily invisible, but appears at the end of a line
[(soft-hyphen? str) (list world:no-break-key "" world:before-break-key "-")]
;; a visible breakable character is always visible
[(visible-breakable? str) (list world:no-break-key str world:before-break-key str)]
[else (cast (world:default-word-break-list) HashableList)])) (quad-list q))]
[else #f]))
[(word-break? q) q]
[(word? q)
(define str (word-string q)) ; str will be one character long, because we've exploded our input
(apply word-break
(merge-attrs q ; take q's attributes for formatting purposes
;; a space is ordinarily visible, but disappears at the end of a line
[(equal? str " ") (list world:no-break-key " " world:before-break-key "")]
;; soft hyphen is ordinarily invisible, but appears at the end of a line
[(soft-hyphen? str) (list world:no-break-key "" world:before-break-key "-")]
;; a visible breakable character is always visible
[(visible-breakable? str) (list world:no-break-key str world:before-break-key str)]
[else (cast (world:default-word-break-list) HashableList)])) (quad-list q))]
[else #f]))
(or result (error 'convert-to-word-break "result was a not word break for input:" q)))
(define/typed (make-unbreakable q)
@ -103,7 +104,7 @@
(Quad . -> . (List Nonnegative-Flonum String Symbol Symbol))
(cast (let ([size (quad-attr-ref/parameter q world:font-size-key)])
(if (exact-integer? size) (fl size) size)) Nonnegative-Flonum)
(if (exact-integer? size) (fl size) size)) Nonnegative-Flonum)
(cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter q world:font-name-key) String)
(cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter q world:font-weight-key) Symbol)
(cast (quad-attr-ref/parameter q world:font-style-key) Symbol)))
@ -249,19 +250,16 @@
(Quad Quad . -> . Quad)
(define keys-to-ignore '(width)) ; width will be determined during fill routine
(define filtered-hash (cast (and (quad-attrs attr-source)
(foldl (λ(k [ht : HashTableTop]) (hash-remove ht k)) (quad-attrs attr-source) keys-to-ignore)) QuadAttrs))
(foldl (λ(k [ht : HashTableTop]) (hash-remove ht k)) (quad-attrs attr-source) keys-to-ignore)) QuadAttrs))
(quad (quad-name q) (merge-attrs filtered-hash q) (quad-list q)))
(quad (quad-name line) (quad-attrs line) (flatten (let ([qs : (Listof Quad) (quad-list line)])
`(,@(if before (copy-with-attrs before (first qs)) null)
,@(map (λ(q) (if (and middle (takes-justification-space? q))
(let ([interleaver (copy-with-attrs middle q)])
(list interleaver q interleaver))
q)) qs)
,@(if after (copy-with-attrs after (last qs)) null)))))
(quad (quad-name line)
(quad-attrs line)
(cast (flatten (let ([qs (cast (quad-list line) (Listof Quad))])
`(,@(cast (if before (copy-with-attrs before (first qs)) null) (Listof Quad))
,@(map (λ([q : Quad]) (if (and middle (takes-justification-space? q))
(let ([interleaver (copy-with-attrs middle q)])
(list interleaver q interleaver))
q)) qs)
,@(cast (if after (copy-with-attrs after (last qs)) null) (Listof Quad))
))) QuadList)))
