@ -220,3 +220,48 @@
(quad-attr-set q world:width-key (fl+ (overhang-width q-left) (overhang-width q-right)))
[else exploded-line-quads]))
;; ultimately every line is filled to fit the whole measure.
;; spacers are used to soak up extra space left over in a line.
;; depending on where the spacers are inserted, different formatting effects are achieved.
;; e.g., left / right / centered / justified.
(define/typed (insert-spacers-in-line line [alignment-override #f])
((Quad) ((Option Symbol)) . ->* . Quad)
;; important principle: avoid peeking into quad-list to get attributes.
;; because non-attributed quads may be added.
;; here, we know that common attributes are hoisted into the line.
;; so rely on line attributes to get horiz alignment.
(define key-to-use (if (and (last-line? line) (quad-has-attr? line world:horiz-alignment-last-line-key))
(define horiz-alignment (or alignment-override (quad-attr-ref line key-to-use (world:horiz-alignment-default))))
(define default-spacer (spacer))
(define-values (before middle after) (case horiz-alignment
[(left) (values #f #f default-spacer)]
[(right) (values default-spacer #f #f)]
[(center) (values default-spacer #f default-spacer)]
[(justified justify) (values #f default-spacer #f)]
[else (values #f #f #f)]))
(define/typed (copy-with-attrs q attr-source)
(Quad Quad . -> . Quad)
(define keys-to-ignore '(width)) ; width will be determined during fill routine
(define filtered-hash (cast (and (quad-attrs attr-source)
(foldl (λ(k [ht : HashTableTop]) (hash-remove ht k)) (quad-attrs attr-source) keys-to-ignore)) QuadAttrs))
(quad (quad-name q) (merge-attrs filtered-hash q) (quad-list q)))
(quad (quad-name line) (quad-attrs line) (flatten (let ([qs : (Listof Quad) (quad-list line)])
`(,@(if before (copy-with-attrs before (first qs)) null)
,@(map (λ(q) (if (and middle (takes-justification-space? q))
(let ([interleaver (copy-with-attrs middle q)])
(list interleaver q interleaver))
q)) qs)
,@(if after (copy-with-attrs after (last qs)) null)))))