refactoring, tests work

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent c68b28debd
commit 65efb7c595

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/class sugar/container sugar/debug racket/contract racket/match)
(require racket/class sugar/container sugar/debug racket/contract racket/match racket/generator)
(require "domain.rkt" "helper.rkt" "constraint.rkt" "solver.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -23,11 +23,12 @@
(init-field [solver #f])
(field [_solver (or solver (new backtracking-solver%))]
[_constraints #f]
[_variables #f])
[_variable-domains #f])
(reset) ; use method rather than manually set up fields
(define (repr) (format "<problem% ~a>" (hash-keys _variables)))
;; implement object printing
(define (repr) (format "<problem% ~a>" (hash-keys _variable-domains)))
(define/public (custom-print out quoting-depth) (print (repr) out))
(define/public (custom-display out) (displayln (repr) out))
(define/public (custom-write out) (write (repr) out))
@ -35,27 +36,27 @@
(define/public (reset)
;; Reset the current problem definition
(set! _constraints null)
(set! _variables (make-hash)))
(set! _variable-domains (make-hash)))
(define/public (set-solver solver)
;; Change the problem solver currently in use
;; Set the problem solver currently in use
(set! _solver solver))
(define/public (get-solver)
;; Obtain the problem solver currently in use
;; Get the problem solver currently in use
(define/public (add-variable variable domain-or-values)
;; Add a variable to the problem
;; Contract insures input is Domain object or list of values.
(when (hash-has-key? _variables variable)
(when (hash-has-key? _variable-domains variable)
(error 'add-variable (format "Tried to insert duplicated variable ~a" variable)))
(define domain (if (domain%? domain-or-values)
(send domain-or-values copy)
(new domain% [set domain-or-values])))
(when (not (object? domain)) (error 'add-variable "not a Domain object"))
(when (null? (get-field _list domain)) (error 'add-variable "domain value is null"))
(hash-set! _variables variable domain))
(when (null? (get-field _list domain))
(error 'add-variable "domain value is null"))
(hash-set! _variable-domains variable domain))
(define/public (add-variables variables domain)
;; Add one or more variables to the problem
@ -65,60 +66,64 @@
[else variables]))
(for-each (λ(var) (add-variable var domain)) listified-variables))
(define/public (add-constraint constraint [variables null])
(define/public (add-constraint constraint-or-proc [variables null])
;; Add a constraint to the problem
(when (not (constraint%? constraint))
(if (procedure? constraint)
(set! constraint (new function-constraint% [func constraint]))
(error 'add-constraint "Constraints must be instances of class Constraint")))
;; contract guarantees input is procedure or constraint% object
(define constraint (if (procedure? constraint-or-proc)
(new function-constraint% [func constraint-or-proc])
(py-append! _constraints (list constraint variables)))
(define-syntax-rule (solution-macro solution-proc null-proc)
(define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (_get-args))
(if (null? domains)
(if null-proc (null-proc null) null)
(send _solver solution-proc domains constraints vconstraints))))
(define/public (get-solution)
;; Find and return a solution to the problem
(define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (_get-args))
(if (not domains)
(send _solver get-solution domains constraints vconstraints)))
(solution-macro get-solution #f))
(define/public (get-solutions)
;; Find and return all solutions to the problem
(define-values (domains constraints vconstraints) (_get-args))
(if (not domains)
(send _solver get-solutions domains constraints vconstraints)))
(solution-macro get-solutions #f))
(define/public (get-solution-iter)
; Return an iterator to the solutions of the problem
(solution-macro get-solution-iter yield))
(define/public (_get-args)
(define domains (hash-copy _variables))
(define allvariables (hash-keys domains))
(define constraints null)
(for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list _constraints)])
(define variable-domains (hash-copy _variable-domains))
(define all-variables (hash-keys variable-domains))
;; set up constraints
(define constraints
(for/list ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list _constraints)])
(match-define (list constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair)
(when (null? variables)
(set! variables allvariables))
(set! constraints (append constraints (list (list constraint variables)))))
(define vconstraints (make-hash))
(for ([variable (in-hash-keys domains)])
(hash-set! vconstraints variable null))
(list constraint (if (null? variables) all-variables variables))))
;; set up vconstraints
(define vconstraints
(hash-copy ; converts for/hash to mutable hash
(for/hash ([variable (in-hash-keys variable-domains)])
(values variable null))))
(for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list constraints)])
(match-define (list constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair)
(for ([variable (in-list variables)])
(hash-update! vconstraints variable (λ(val) (append val (list (list constraint variables)))))))
(for ([constraint-variables-pair (in-list constraints)])
(match-define (list constraint variables) constraint-variables-pair)
(send constraint preProcess variables domains constraints vconstraints))
(send constraint preProcess variables variable-domains constraints vconstraints))
(define result #f)
(let/ec done
(for ([domain (in-list (hash-values domains))])
(for ([domain (in-list (hash-values variable-domains))])
(send domain resetState)
(when (not domain)
(set! result (list null null null))
(set! result (list domains constraints vconstraints)))
(set! result (list variable-domains constraints vconstraints)))
(apply values result))

@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
;; Problem: fields
(check-equal? (get-field _solver (new problem% [solver 'solver-in])) 'solver-in)
(check-equal? (get-field _constraints (new problem%)) null)
(check-equal? (get-field _variables (new problem%)) (make-hash))
(check-equal? (get-field _variable-domains (new problem%)) (make-hash))
(define problem null)

@ -131,15 +131,15 @@ A collection of 33 coins, consisting of nickels, dimes, and quarters, has a valu
;; queens problem
;; place queens on chessboard so they do not intersect
(define qp (new problem%))
(define queens-problem (new problem%))
(define cols (range 8))
(define rows (range 8))
(send qp add-variables cols rows)
(send queens-problem add-variables cols rows)
(for* ([col1 (in-list cols)] [col2 (in-list cols)] #:when (< col1 col2))
(send qp add-constraint (λ(row1 row2 [col1 col1][col2 col2])
(send queens-problem add-constraint (λ(row1 row2 [col1 col1][col2 col2])
;; test if two cells are on a diagonal
(not (= (abs (- row1 row2)) (abs (- col1 col2))))
;; test if two cells are in same row
(not (= row1 row2)))) (list col1 col2)))
(check-equal? (length (send qp get-solutions)) 92)
(check-equal? (length (send queens-problem get-solutions)) 92)