array tests pass

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 0eba993f8d
commit 53161dc964

@ -1,4 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/dict racket/sequence "base.rkt" "number.rkt" "util.rkt" sugar/unstable/dict)
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -6,10 +7,88 @@ approximates
(define (xarray-decode xa [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (->input-port port-arg))
(define ctx (if (xint? (xarray-len xa))
(mhasheq 'parent parent
'_startOffset (pos port)
'_currentOffset 0
'_length (xarray-len xa))
(define decoded-len (resolve-length (xarray-len xa) port parent))
[(or (not decoded-len) (eq? (xarray-length-type xa) 'bytes))
(define end-pos (cond
;; decoded-len is byte length
[decoded-len (+ (pos port) decoded-len)]
;; no decoded-len, but parent has length
[(and parent (not (zero? (dict-ref parent '_length)))) (+ (dict-ref parent '_startOffset) (dict-ref parent '_length))]
;; no decoded-len or parent, so consume whole stream
[else +inf.0]))
(for/list ([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (or (eof-object? (peek-byte port)) (= (pos port) end-pos)))
(decode (xarray-type xa) port #:parent ctx))]
;; we have decoded-len, which is treated as count of items
[else (for/list ([i (in-range decoded-len)])
(decode (xarray-type xa) port #:parent ctx))]))
(define (xarray-encode xa array [port-arg #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (sequence? array)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-encode "sequence" array))
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
(define (encode-items ctx)
;; todo: should array with fixed length stop encoding after it reaches max?
(let* (#;[items (sequence->list array)]
#;[item-count (length items)]
#;[max-items (if (number? (xarray-len xa)) (xarray-len xa) item-count)])
(for ([item array])
(encode (xarray-type xa) item port #:parent ctx))))
(check-equal? (decode (+Array uint16be 3) #"ABCDEF") '(16706 17220 17734))
(check-equal? (encode (+Array uint16be 3) '(16706 17220 17734) #f) #"ABCDEF")
(check-equal? (size (+Array uint16be) '(1 2 3)) 6)
(check-equal? (size (+Array doublebe) '(1 2 3 4 5)) 40))
[(xint? (xarray-len xa))
(define ctx (mhash 'pointers null
'startOffset (pos port)
'parent parent))
(dict-set! ctx 'pointerOffset (+ (pos port) (size xa array ctx)))
(encode (xarray-len xa) (length array) port) ; encode length at front
(encode-items ctx)
(for ([ptr (in-list (dict-ref ctx 'pointers))]) ; encode pointer data at end
(encode (dict-ref ptr 'type) (dict-ref ptr 'val) port))]
[else (encode-items parent)])
(unless port-arg (get-output-bytes port)))
(define (xarray-size xa [val #f] [ctx #f])
(when val (unless (sequence? val)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-size "sequence" val)))
[val (let-values ([(ctx len-size) (if (xint? (xarray-len xa))
(values (mhasheq 'parent ctx) (size (xarray-len xa)))
(values ctx 0))])
(+ len-size (for/sum ([item val])
(size (xarray-type xa) item ctx))))]
[else (let ([item-count (resolve-length (xarray-len xa) #f ctx)]
[item-size (size (xarray-type xa) #f ctx)])
(* item-size item-count))]))
(struct xarray (type len length-type) #:transparent
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xarray-decode)
(define encode xarray-encode)
(define size xarray-size)])
(define (+xarray type [len #f] [length-type 'count])
(unless (xenomorphic? type)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "xenomorphic type" type))
(unless (length-resolvable? len)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "length-resolvable?" len))
(unless (memq length-type '(bytes count))
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "'bytes or 'count" length-type))
(xarray type len length-type))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be 3) #"ABCDEF") '(16706 17220 17734))
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint16be 3) '(16706 17220 17734)) #"ABCDEF")
(check-equal? (size (+xarray uint16be) '(1 2 3)) 6)
(check-equal? (size (+xarray doublebe) '(1 2 3 4 5)) 40))

@ -31,7 +31,12 @@
[(list? x) (map loop x)]
[else x])))
(define (pos p [new-pos #f])
(when new-pos
(file-position p new-pos))
(file-position p))
(define-generics xenomorphic
(encode xenomorphic val [port])
(decode xenomorphic [port])
(size xenomorphic))
(encode xenomorphic val [port] #:parent [parent])
(decode xenomorphic [port] #:parent [parent])
(size xenomorphic [item] [parent]))

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(define system-endian (if (system-big-endian?) 'be 'le))
(define (xint-encode i val [port #f])
(define (xint-encode i val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xint? i)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xint instance" i))
(define-values (bound-min bound-max) (bounds i))
@ -28,7 +28,7 @@
(define res (apply bytes ((if (eq? (xint-endian i) 'be) values reverse) bs)))
(if port (write-bytes res port) res))
(define (xint-decode i [port-arg (current-input-port)])
(define (xint-decode i [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xint? i)
(raise-argument-error 'decode "xint instance" i))
(define bstr (read-bytes (xint-size i) (->input-port port-arg)))
@ -46,7 +46,7 @@
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xint-decode)
(define encode xint-encode)
(define size (λ (i) (xint-size i)))])
(define size (λ (i [item #f] [parent #f]) (xint-size i)))])
(define (+xint [size 2] #:signed [signed #true] #:endian [endian system-endian])
(unless (exact-positive-integer? size)
@ -142,13 +142,13 @@
(check-equal? (encode int8 -1) (bytes 255))
(check-equal? (encode int8 127) (bytes 127)))
(define (xfloat-decode xf [port-arg (current-input-port)])
(define (xfloat-decode xf [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfloat? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'decode "xfloat instance" xf))
(define bs (read-bytes (xfloat-size xf) (->input-port port-arg)))
(floating-point-bytes->real bs (eq? (xfloat-endian xf) 'be)))
(define (xfloat-encode xf val [port #f])
(define (xfloat-encode xf val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfloat? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xfloat instance" xf))
(unless (or (not port) (output-port? port))
@ -160,7 +160,7 @@
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xfloat-decode)
(define encode xfloat-encode)
(define size (λ (i) (xfloat-size i)))])
(define size (λ (i [item #f] [parent #f]) (xfloat-size i)))])
(define (+xfloat [size 4] #:endian [endian system-endian])
(unless (exact-positive-integer? size)
@ -177,13 +177,13 @@
(define doublebe (+xfloat 8 #:endian 'be))
(define doublele (+xfloat 8 #:endian 'le))
(define (xfixed-decode xf [port-arg (current-input-port)])
(define (xfixed-decode xf [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfixed? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'decode "xfixed instance" xf))
(define int (xint-decode xf port-arg))
(exact-if-possible (/ int (fixed-shift xf) 1.0)))
(define (xfixed-encode xf val [port #f])
(define (xfixed-encode xf val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfixed? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xfixed instance" xf))
(define int (exact-if-possible (floor (* val (fixed-shift xf)))))
@ -193,7 +193,7 @@
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xfixed-decode)
(define encode xfixed-encode)
(define size (λ (i) (xint-size i)))])
(define size (λ (i [item #f] [parent #f]) (xint-size i)))])
(define (+xfixed [size 2] #:signed [signed #true] #:endian [endian system-endian] [fracbits (/ (* size 8) 2)])
(unless (exact-positive-integer? size)

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
#lang racket/base
(require rackunit
"decode fixed length"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8 4)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode fixed number of bytes"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be 4 'bytes)) '(258 772))))
"decode length from parent key"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8 'len) #:parent (mhash 'len 4)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode byte count from parent key"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be 'len 'bytes) #:parent (mhash 'len 4)) '(258 772))))
"decode length as number before array"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 4 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8 uint8)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode byte count as number before array"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 4 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be uint8 'bytes)) '(258 772))))
"decode length from function"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8 (λ _ 4))) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode byte count from function"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be (λ _ 4) 'bytes)) '(258 772))))
"decode to the end of parent if no length given"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8) #:parent (mhash '_length 4 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode to the end of the stream if parent exists, but its length is 0"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8) #:parent (mhash '_length 0 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4 5))))
"decode to the end of the stream if no parent and length is given"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint8)) '(1 2 3 4 ))))
"use array length"
(check-equal? (size (+xarray uint8 10) '(1 2 3 4)) 4))
"add size of length field before string"
(check-equal? (size (+xarray uint8 uint8) '(1 2 3 4)) 5))
"use defined length if no value given"
(check-equal? (size (+xarray uint8 10)) 10))
"encode using array length"
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 10) '(1 2 3 4)) (bytes 1 2 3 4)))
"encode length as number before array"
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 uint8) '(1 2 3 4)) (bytes 4 1 2 3 4)))
;; todo: reinstate pointer test
"add pointers after array if length is encoded at start"
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray (+Pointer uint8 uint8) uint8) '(1 2 3 4)) (bytes 4 5 6 7 8 1 2 3 4)))

@ -1,330 +1,195 @@
#lang racket/base
(require rackunit "../number.rkt" "../base.rkt")
;describe 'Number', ->
; describe 'uint8', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
"uint8: decode, size, encode"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))])
(check-equal? (decode uint8) #xab)
(check-equal? (decode uint8) #xff))
(check-equal? (size uint8) 1)
(let ([port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode uint8 #xab port)
(encode uint8 #xff port)
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xab #xff)))
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xab #xff))))
; describe 'uint16', ->
; it 'is an alias for uint16be', ->
; modified test: `uint16` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode uint16 (bytes 0 1)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
uint16le) (bytes 0 1)))
; describe 'uint16be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
"uint16 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode uint16 (bytes 0 1))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) uint16be uint16le) (bytes 0 1))))
"uint16be: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint16be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))) #xabff)
(check-equal? (size uint16be) 2)
(check-equal? (encode uint16be #xabff #f) (bytes #xab #xff))
; describe 'uint16le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint16be #xabff #f) (bytes #xab #xff)))
"uint16le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab))) #xabff)
(check-equal? (size uint16le) 2)
(check-equal? (encode uint16le #xabff #f) (bytes #xff #xab))
; describe 'uint24', ->
; it 'is an alias for uint24be', ->
;; modified test: `uint24` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode uint24 (bytes 0 1 2)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
uint24le) (bytes 0 1 2)))
; describe 'uint24be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint16le #xabff #f) (bytes #xff #xab)))
"uint24 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode uint24 (bytes 0 1 2))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) uint24be uint24le) (bytes 0 1 2))))
"uint24be: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint24be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24))) #xffab24)
(check-equal? (size uint24be) 3)
(check-equal? (encode uint24be #xffab24 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24))
; describe 'uint24le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint24be #xffab24 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24)))
"uint24le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint24le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))) #xffab24)
(check-equal? (size uint24le) 3)
(check-equal? (encode uint24le #xffab24 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))
; describe 'uint32', ->
; it 'is an alias for uint32be', ->
;; modified test: `uint32` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode uint32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
uint32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3)))
; describe 'uint32be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint24le #xffab24 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff)))
"uint32 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode uint32 (bytes 0 1 2 3))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) uint32be uint32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3))))
"uint32be: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))) #xffab24bf)
(check-equal? (size uint32be) 4)
(check-equal? (encode uint32be #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))
; describe 'uint32le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint32be #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf)))
"uint32le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode uint32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))) #xffab24bf)
(check-equal? (size uint32le) 4)
(check-equal? (encode uint32le #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))
; describe 'int8', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode uint32le #xffab24bf #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff)))
"int8: decode, size, encode"
(let ([port (open-input-bytes (bytes #x7f #xff))])
(check-equal? (decode int8 port) 127)
(check-equal? (decode int8 port) -1))
(check-equal? (size int8) 1)
(let ([port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode int8 127 port)
(encode int8 -1 port)
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #x7f #xff)))
; describe 'int16', ->
; it 'is an alias for int16be', ->
; int16.should.equal int16be
;; modified test: `int16` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode int16 (bytes 0 1)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
int16le) (bytes 0 1)))
; describe 'int16be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #x7f #xff))))
"int32 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode int16 (bytes 0 1))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) int16be int16le) (bytes 0 1))))
"int16be: decode, size, encode"
(let ([port (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab))])
(check-equal? (decode int16be port) -85))
(check-equal? (size int16be) 2)
(let ([port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode int16be -85 port)
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xff #xab)))
; describe 'int16le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (dump port) (bytes #xff #xab))))
"int16le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode int16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xab #xff))) -85)
(check-equal? (size int16le) 2)
(check-equal? (encode int16le -85 #f) (bytes #xab #xff))
; describe 'int24', ->
; it 'is an alias for int24be', ->
; int24.should.equal int24be
;; modified test: `int24` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode int24 (bytes 0 1 2)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
int24le) (bytes 0 1 2)))
; describe 'int24be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode int16le -85 #f) (bytes #xab #xff)))
"int24 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode int24 (bytes 0 1 2))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) int24be int24le) (bytes 0 1 2))))
"int24be: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode int24be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24))) -21724)
(check-equal? (size int24be) 3)
(check-equal? (encode int24be -21724 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24))
; describe 'int24le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode int24be -21724 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24)))
"int24le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode int24le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))) -21724)
(check-equal? (size int24le) 3)
(check-equal? (encode int24le -21724 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff))
; describe 'int32', ->
; it 'is an alias for int32be', ->
; modified test: `int32` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode int32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
int32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3)))
; describe 'int32be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode int24le -21724 #f) (bytes #x24 #xab #xff)))
"int32 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode int32 (bytes 0 1 2 3))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) int32be int32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3))))
"int32be: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode int32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))) -5561153)
(check-equal? (size int32be) 4)
(check-equal? (encode int32be -5561153 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf))
; describe 'int32le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode int32be -5561153 #f) (bytes #xff #xab #x24 #xbf)))
"int32le: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode int32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))) -5561153)
(check-equal? (size int32le) 4)
(check-equal? (encode int32le -5561153 #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff))
; describe 'float', ->
; it 'is an alias for floatbe', ->
; modified test: `float` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode float (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
floatle) (bytes 0 1 2 3)))
; describe 'floatbe', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode int32le -5561153 #f) (bytes #xbf #x24 #xab #xff)))
"float is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode float (bytes 0 1 2 3))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) floatbe floatle) (bytes 0 1 2 3))))
"floatbe: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode floatbe (open-input-bytes (bytes #x43 #x7a #x8c #xcd))) 250.55 0.01)
(check-equal? (size floatbe) 4)
(check-equal? (encode floatbe 250.55 #f) (bytes #x43 #x7a #x8c #xcd))
; describe 'floatle', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode floatbe 250.55 #f) (bytes #x43 #x7a #x8c #xcd)))
"floatle: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode floatle (open-input-bytes (bytes #xcd #x8c #x7a #x43))) 250.55 0.01)
(check-equal? (size floatle) 4)
(check-equal? (encode floatle 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcd #x8c #x7a #x43))
; describe 'double', ->
; it 'is an alias for doublebe', ->
; modified test: `double` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode double (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
doublele) (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7)))
; describe 'doublebe', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode floatle 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcd #x8c #x7a #x43)))
"double is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode double (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) doublebe doublele) (bytes 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7))))
"doublebe: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode doublebe (open-input-bytes (bytes #x40 #x93 #x4a #x3d #x70 #xa3 #xd7 #x0a))) 1234.56)
(check-equal? (size doublebe) 8)
(check-equal? (encode doublebe 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x40 #x93 #x4a #x3d #x70 #xa3 #xd7 #x0a))
; describe 'doublele', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode doublebe 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x40 #x93 #x4a #x3d #x70 #xa3 #xd7 #x0a)))
"doublele: decode, size, encode"
(check-equal? (decode doublele (open-input-bytes (bytes #x0a #xd7 #xa3 #x70 #x3d #x4a #x93 #x40))) 1234.56)
(check-equal? (size doublele) 8)
(check-equal? (encode doublele 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x0a #xd7 #xa3 #x70 #x3d #x4a #x93 #x40))
; describe 'fixed16', ->
; it 'is an alias for fixed16be', ->
; modified test: `fixed16` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (decode fixed16 (bytes 0 1)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
fixed16le) (bytes 0 1)))
(check-equal? (encode doublele 1234.56 #f) (bytes #x0a #xd7 #xa3 #x70 #x3d #x4a #x93 #x40)))
; describe 'fixed16be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
"fixed16 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode fixed16 (bytes 0 1))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) fixed16be fixed16le) (bytes 0 1))))
"fixed16be: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode fixed16be (open-input-bytes (bytes #x19 #x57))) 25.34 0.01)
(check-equal? (size fixed16be) 2)
(check-equal? (encode fixed16be 25.34 #f) (bytes #x19 #x57))
; describe 'fixed16le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode fixed16be 25.34 #f) (bytes #x19 #x57)))
"fixed16le: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode fixed16le (open-input-bytes (bytes #x57 #x19))) 25.34 0.01)
(check-equal? (size fixed16le) 2)
(check-equal? (encode fixed16le 25.34 #f) (bytes #x57 #x19))
; describe 'fixed32', ->
; it 'is an alias for fixed32be', ->
; modified test: `fixed32` is the same endianness as the platform
(check-equal? (encode fixed16le 25.34 #f) (bytes #x57 #x19)))
(check-equal? (decode fixed32 (bytes 0 1 2 3)) (decode (if (system-big-endian?)
fixed32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3)))
"fixed32 is the same endianness as the platform"
(check-equal? (decode fixed32 (bytes 0 1 2 3))
(decode (if (system-big-endian?) fixed32be fixed32le) (bytes 0 1 2 3))))
; describe 'fixed32be', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
"fixed32be: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode fixed32be (open-input-bytes (bytes #x00 #xfa #x8c #xcc))) 250.55 0.01)
(check-equal? (size fixed32be) 4)
(check-equal? (encode fixed32be 250.55 #f) (bytes #x00 #xfa #x8c #xcc))
; describe 'fixed32le', ->
; it 'should decode', ->
; it 'should have a size', ->
; it 'should encode', (done) ->
(check-equal? (encode fixed32be 250.55 #f) (bytes #x00 #xfa #x8c #xcc)))
"fixed32le: decode, size, encode"
(check-= (decode fixed32le (open-input-bytes (bytes #xcc #x8c #xfa #x00))) 250.55 0.01)
(check-equal? (size fixed32le) 4)
(check-equal? (encode fixed32le 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcc #x8c #xfa #x00))
(check-equal? (encode fixed32le 250.55 #f) (bytes #xcc #x8c #xfa #x00)))

@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/dict "number.rkt" "base.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (length-resolvable? x)
(or (not x) (symbol? x) (xenomorphic? x) (procedure? x) (exact-nonnegative-integer? x)))
(define (resolve-length x [port #f] [parent #f])
[(not x) #f]
[(exact-nonnegative-integer? x) x]
[(procedure? x) (x parent)]
[(and parent (symbol? x)) (dict-ref parent x)]
[(and port (xint? x)) (decode x port)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'resolve-length "fixed-size argument" x)]))