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#lang racket/base
(require racket/generic
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (->input-port arg)
[(bytes? arg) (open-input-bytes arg)]
[(input-port? arg) arg]
[else (raise-argument-error '->port "byte string or input port" arg)]))
(define (reverse-bytes bstr) (apply bytes (reverse (bytes->list bstr))))
(define (unsigned->signed uint bits)
(define most-significant-bit-mask (arithmetic-shift 1 (sub1 bits)))
(- (bitwise-xor uint most-significant-bit-mask) most-significant-bit-mask))
(define (signed->unsigned sint bits)
(bitwise-and sint (arithmetic-shift 1 bits)))
(define (dump x)
(define (dump-dict x)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-dict x)])
(cons (dump k) (dump v))))
(let loop ([x x])
[(input-port? x) (port->bytes x)]
[(output-port? x) (get-output-bytes x)]
[(dict? x) (dump-dict x)]
[(list? x) (map loop x)]
[else x])))
(define (pos p [new-pos #f])
(when new-pos
(file-position p new-pos))
(file-position p))
(define-generics xenomorphic
(encode xenomorphic val [port] #:parent [parent])
(decode xenomorphic [port] #:parent [parent])
(size xenomorphic [item] [parent]))