struct tests pass

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 6f997f8b7e
commit 143cf1e138

@ -20,16 +20,13 @@
(bitwise-and sint (arithmetic-shift 1 bits)))
(define (dump x)
(define (dump-dict x)
(for/list ([(k v) (in-dict x)])
(cons (dump k) (dump v))))
(let loop ([x x])
[(input-port? x) (port->bytes x)]
[(output-port? x) (get-output-bytes x)]
[(dict? x) (dump-dict x)]
[(list? x) (map loop x)]
[else x])))
[(dict? x) (for/list ([(k v) (in-dict x)])
(cons (dump k) (dump v)))]
[(list? x) (map dump x)]
[else x]))
(define (pos p [new-pos #f])
(when new-pos
@ -40,3 +37,5 @@
(encode xenomorphic val [port] #:parent [parent])
(decode xenomorphic [port] #:parent [parent])
(size xenomorphic [item] [parent]))
(struct lazy-thunk (proc) #:transparent)

@ -0,0 +1,130 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require (prefix-in d: racket/dict) racket/list "base.rkt" "util.rkt" "number.rkt" sugar/unstable/dict)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define private-keys '(parent _startOffset _currentOffset _length))
(define (choose-dict d k)
(if (memq k private-keys)
(struct-dict-res-_pvt d)
(struct-dict-res-_kv d)))
(struct struct-dict-res (_kv _pvt) #:transparent
#:methods d:gen:dict
[(define (dict-set! d k v) (d:dict-set! (choose-dict d k) k v))
(define (dict-ref d k [thunk #f])
(define res (d:dict-ref (choose-dict d k) k thunk))
(if (lazy-thunk? res) ((lazy-thunk-proc res)) res))
(define (dict-remove! d k) (d:dict-remove! (choose-dict d k) k))
;; public keys only
(define (dict-keys d) (d:dict-keys (struct-dict-res-_kv d)))
(define (dict-iterate-first d) (and (pair? (dict-keys d)) 0))
(define (dict-iterate-next d i) (and (< (add1 i) (length (dict-keys d))) (add1 i)))
(define (dict-iterate-key d i) (list-ref (dict-keys d) i))
(define (dict-iterate-value d i) (dict-ref d (dict-iterate-key d i)))])
(define (+struct-dict-res [_kv (mhasheq)] [_pvt (mhasheq)])
(struct-dict-res _kv _pvt))
(define (_setup port parent len)
(define sdr (+struct-dict-res)) ; not mere hash
(d:dict-set*! sdr 'parent parent
'_startOffset (pos port)
'_currentOffset 0
'_length len)
(define (_parse-fields port sdr fields)
(unless (assocs? fields)
(raise-argument-error '_parse-fields "assocs" fields))
(for/fold ([sdr sdr])
([(key type) (d:in-dict fields)])
(define val (if (procedure? type)
(type sdr)
(decode type port #:parent sdr)))
(unless (void? val)
(d:dict-set! sdr key val))
(d:dict-set! sdr '_currentOffset (- (pos port) (d:dict-ref sdr '_startOffset)))
(define (xstruct-decode xs [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f] [len 0])
(define port (->input-port port-arg))
;; _setup and _parse-fields are separate to cooperate with VersionedStruct
(define res
(let* ([sdr (_setup port parent len)] ; returns StructDictRes
[sdr (_parse-fields port sdr (xstruct-fields xs))])
(let* ([res ((xstruct-post-decode xs) res port parent)]
#;[res (inner res post-decode res . args)])
(unless (d:dict? res) (raise-result-error 'xstruct-decode "dict" res))
(define (xstruct-size xs [val #f] [parent #f] [include-pointers #t])
(define ctx (mhasheq 'parent parent
'val val
'pointerSize 0))
(+ (for/sum ([(key type) (d:in-dict (xstruct-fields xs))]
#:when (xenomorphic? type))
(size type (and val (d:dict-ref val key)) ctx))
(if include-pointers (d:dict-ref ctx 'pointerSize) 0)))
(define (xstruct-encode xs val-arg [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (d:dict? val-arg)
(raise-argument-error 'xstruct-encode "dict" val-arg))
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
;; check keys first, since `size` also relies on keys being valid
(define val (let* ([val ((xstruct-pre-encode xs) val-arg port)]
#;[val (inner res pre-encode val . args)])
(unless (d:dict? val) (raise-result-error 'xstruct-encode "dict" val))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (memq key (d:dict-keys val))) (d:dict-keys (xstruct-fields xs)))
(raise-argument-error 'xstruct-encode
(format "dict that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (d:dict-keys (xstruct-fields xs))) (d:dict-keys val)))
(define ctx (mhash 'pointers empty
'startOffset (pos port)
'parent parent
'val val
'pointerSize 0))
(d:dict-set! ctx 'pointerOffset (+ (pos port) (if (xenomorphic? val) (size val #f ctx) 0)))
(for ([(key type) (d:in-dict (xstruct-fields xs))])
(encode type (d:dict-ref val key) port #:parent ctx))
(for ([ptr (in-list (d:dict-ref ctx 'pointers))])
(encode (d:dict-ref ptr 'type) (d:dict-ref ptr 'val) port #:parent (d:dict-ref ptr 'parent)))
(unless port-arg (get-output-bytes port)))
(struct xstruct (fields post-decode pre-encode) #:transparent #:mutable
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xstruct-decode)
(define encode xstruct-encode)
(define size xstruct-size)])
(define (+xstruct [fields null] [post-decode (λ (val port ctx) val)] [pre-encode (λ (val port) val)])
(unless (d:dict? fields)
(raise-argument-error '+xstruct "dict" fields))
(xstruct fields post-decode pre-encode))
(module+ test
(require rackunit "number.rkt")
(define (random-pick xs) (list-ref xs (random (length xs))))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+xstruct 42)))
(for ([i (in-range 20)])
;; make random structs and make sure we can round trip
(define field-types
(for/list ([i (in-range 40)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define size-num-types
(for/sum ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(size num-type)))
(define xs (+xstruct (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type))))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range size-num-types)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (encode xs (decode xs bs) #f) bs)))

@ -0,0 +1,90 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require rackunit racket/dict
"decode into an object"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x15")])
(dump (decode (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8))))
'((name . "roxyb") (age . 21)))))
"decode with process hook"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x20")])
(define struct (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8)))
(set-xstruct-post-decode! struct (λ (o . _) (dict-set! o 'canDrink (>= (dict-ref o 'age) 21)) o))
(check-equal? (dump (decode struct))
'((name . "roxyb") (canDrink . #t) (age . 32)))))
"decode supports function keys"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x20")])
(define struct (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8
'canDrink (λ (o) (>= (dict-ref o 'age) 21)))))
(check-equal? (dump (decode struct))
'((name . "roxyb") (canDrink . #t) (age . 32)))))
"compute the correct size"
(check-equal? (size (+xstruct (dictify
'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8))
(hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 32)) 7))
;; todo: reinstate pointer test
"compute the correct size with pointers"
(check-equal? (size (+xstruct (dictify
'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8
'ptr (+Pointer uint8 (+xstring uint8))))
(mhash 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'ptr "hello")) 14))
"get the correct size when no value is given"
(check-equal? (size (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring 4) 'age uint8))) 5))
"throw when getting non-fixed length size and no value is given"
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (size (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8))))))
"encode objects to buffers"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x05roxyb\x15")])
(check-equal? (dump (decode (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8))))
'((name . "roxyb") (age . 21)))))
"support pre-encode hook"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(define struct (+xstruct (dictify 'nameLength uint8
'name (+xstring 'nameLength)
'age uint8)))
(set-xstruct-pre-encode! struct (λ (val port) (dict-set! val 'nameLength (string-length (dict-ref val 'name))) val))
(encode struct (mhasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21))
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"\x05roxyb\x15")))
;; todo: reinstate pointer test
"encode pointer data after structure"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(define struct (+xstruct (dictify 'name (+xstring uint8)
'age uint8
'ptr (+Pointer uint8 (+xstring uint8)))))
(encode struct (hasheq 'name "roxyb" 'age 21 'ptr "hello"))
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"\x05roxyb\x15\x08\x05hello")))