string tests pass

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 53161dc964
commit 6f997f8b7e

@ -32,12 +32,13 @@
[else (for/list ([i (in-range decoded-len)])
(decode (xarray-type xa) port #:parent ctx))]))
(define (xarray-encode xa array [port-arg #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(define (xarray-encode xa array [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (sequence? array)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-encode "sequence" array))
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
(define (encode-items ctx)
;; todo: should array with fixed length stop encoding after it reaches max?
;; cf. xstring, which rejects input that is too big for fixed length.
(let* (#;[items (sequence->list array)]
#;[item-count (length items)]
#;[max-items (if (number? (xarray-len xa)) (xarray-len xa) item-count)])
@ -89,6 +90,6 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-equal? (decode (+xarray uint16be 3) #"ABCDEF") '(16706 17220 17734))
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint16be 3) '(16706 17220 17734)) #"ABCDEF")
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint16be 3) '(16706 17220 17734) #f) #"ABCDEF")
(check-equal? (size (+xarray uint16be) '(1 2 3)) 6)
(check-equal? (size (+xarray doublebe) '(1 2 3 4 5)) 40))

@ -12,7 +12,7 @@
(define system-endian (if (system-big-endian?) 'be 'le))
(define (xint-encode i val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(define (xint-encode i val [port (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xint? i)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xint instance" i))
(define-values (bound-min bound-max) (bounds i))
@ -102,15 +102,15 @@
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+xint 'not-a-valid-type)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode uint8 256)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode uint8 255)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 256)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 255)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode int8 127)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode int8 -128)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 -129)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode uint16 (add1 #xffff))))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode uint16 #xffff)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode uint8 256 #f)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode uint8 255 #f)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 256 #f)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 255 #f)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode int8 127 #f)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode int8 -128 #f)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode int8 -129 #f)))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode uint16 (add1 #xffff) #f)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (encode uint16 #xffff #f)))
(let ([i (+xint 2 #:signed #f #:endian 'le)]
[ip (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4))]
@ -139,8 +139,8 @@
(check-equal? (decode int8 (bytes 127)) 127)
(check-equal? (decode int8 (bytes 255)) -1)
(check-equal? (encode int8 -1) (bytes 255))
(check-equal? (encode int8 127) (bytes 127)))
(check-equal? (encode int8 -1 #f) (bytes 255))
(check-equal? (encode int8 127 #f) (bytes 127)))
(define (xfloat-decode xf [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfloat? xf)
@ -148,7 +148,7 @@
(define bs (read-bytes (xfloat-size xf) (->input-port port-arg)))
(floating-point-bytes->real bs (eq? (xfloat-endian xf) 'be)))
(define (xfloat-encode xf val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(define (xfloat-encode xf val [port (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfloat? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xfloat instance" xf))
(unless (or (not port) (output-port? port))
@ -183,7 +183,7 @@
(define int (xint-decode xf port-arg))
(exact-if-possible (/ int (fixed-shift xf) 1.0)))
(define (xfixed-encode xf val [port #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(define (xfixed-encode xf val [port (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xfixed? xf)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xfixed instance" xf))
(define int (exact-if-possible (floor (* val (fixed-shift xf)))))
@ -215,6 +215,6 @@
(define fixed32le (+xfixed 4 #:endian 'le))
(module+ test
(define bs (encode fixed16be 123.45))
(define bs (encode fixed16be 123.45 #f))
(check-equal? bs #"{s")
(check-equal? (ceiling (* (decode fixed16be bs) 100)) 12345.0))

@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/dict "base.rkt" "util.rkt" "number.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define (read-encoded-string port len [encoding 'ascii])
(define proc (case encoding
[(utf16le) (error 'bah)]
[(ucs2) (error 'bleh)]
[(utf8) bytes->string/utf-8]
[(ascii) bytes->string/latin-1]
[else values]))
(proc (read-bytes len port)))
(define (write-encoded-string port string [encoding 'ascii])
;; todo: handle encodings correctly.
;; right now just utf8 and ascii are correct
(define proc (case encoding
[(ucs2 utf8 ascii) string->bytes/utf-8]
[(utf16le) (error 'swap-bytes-unimplemented)]
[else (error 'unsupported-string-encoding)]))
(write-bytes (proc string) port))
(define (count-nonzero-chars port)
;; helper function for String
;; counts nonzero chars from current position
(bytes-length (car (regexp-match-peek "[^\u0]*" port))))
(define (bytes-left-in-port? port)
(not (eof-object? (peek-byte port))))
(define (byte-length val encoding)
(define encoder
(case encoding
[(ascii utf8) string->bytes/utf-8]))
(bytes-length (encoder (format "~a" val))))
(define (xstring-decode xs [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (->input-port port-arg))
(let ([len (or (resolve-length (xstring-len xs) port parent) (count-nonzero-chars port))]
[encoding (if (procedure? (xstring-encoding xs))
(or ((xstring-encoding xs) parent) 'ascii)
(xstring-encoding xs))]
[adjustment (if (and (not (xstring-len xs)) (bytes-left-in-port? port)) 1 0)])
(define string (read-encoded-string port len encoding))
(pos port (+ (pos port) adjustment))
(define (xstring-encode xs val [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
(let* ([val (format "~a" val)]
[encoding (if (procedure? (xstring-encoding xs))
(or ((xstring-encoding xs) (and parent (dict-ref parent val)) 'ascii))
(xstring-encoding xs))])
(define encoded-length (byte-length val encoding))
(when (and (exact-nonnegative-integer? (xstring-len xs)) (> encoded-length (xstring-len xs)))
(raise-argument-error 'xstring-encode (format "string no longer than ~a" (xstring-len xs)) val))
(when (xint? (xstring-len xs))
(encode (xstring-len xs) encoded-length port))
(write-encoded-string port val encoding)
(when (not (xstring-len xs)) (write-byte #x00 port)) ; null terminated when no len
(unless port-arg (get-output-bytes port))))
(define (xstring-size xs [val #f] [parent #f])
(if (not val)
(resolve-length (xstring-len xs) #f parent)
(let* ([encoding (if (procedure? (xstring-encoding xs))
(or ((xstring-encoding xs) (and parent (dict-ref parent val)) 'ascii))
(xstring-encoding xs))]
[encoding (if (eq? encoding 'utf16be) 'utf16le encoding)])
(+ (byte-length val encoding) (cond
[(not (xstring-len xs)) 1]
[(xint? (xstring-len xs)) (size (xstring-len xs))]
[else 0])))))
(struct xstring (len encoding) #:transparent
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xstring-decode)
(define encode xstring-encode)
(define size xstring-size)])
(define supported-encodings '(ascii utf8))
(define (+xstring [len #f] [encoding 'ascii])
(unless (length-resolvable? len)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "length-resolvable?" len))
(unless (or (procedure? encoding) (memq encoding supported-encodings))
(raise-argument-error '+xarray (format "procedure or member of ~v" supported-encodings) encoding))
(xstring len encoding))
(define (xsymbol-decode xs [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(string->symbol (xstring-decode xs port-arg #:parent parent)))
(define (xsymbol-encode xs val [port (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (xsymbol? xs)
(raise-argument-error 'encode "xsymbol instance" xs))
(unless (or (string? val) (symbol? val))
(raise-argument-error 'xsymbol-encode "symbol or string" val))
(xstring-encode xs (if (symbol? val) val (string->symbol val)) port #:parent parent))
(struct xsymbol xstring () #:transparent
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xsymbol-decode)
(define encode xsymbol-encode)
(define size xstring-size)])
(define (+xsymbol [len #f] [encoding 'ascii])
(xsymbol len encoding))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define S-fixed (+xstring 4 'utf8))
(check-equal? (encode S-fixed "Mike" #f) #"Mike")
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (encode S-fixed "Mikes" #f))) ; too long for fixed string
(define S (+xstring uint8 'utf8))
(check-equal? (decode S #"\2BCDEF") "BC")
(check-equal? (encode S "Mike" #f) #"\4Mike")
(check-equal? (size (+xstring) "foobar") 7) ; null terminated when no len
(check-equal? (decode (+xsymbol 4) #"Mike") 'Mike)
(check-equal? (encode (+xsymbol 4) 'Mike #f) #"Mike")
(check-equal? (encode (+xsymbol 4) "Mike" #f) #"Mike")
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (encode (+xsymbol 4) 42 #f))))

@ -79,11 +79,11 @@
"encode using array length"
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 10) '(1 2 3 4)) (bytes 1 2 3 4)))
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 10) '(1 2 3 4) #f) (bytes 1 2 3 4)))
"encode length as number before array"
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 uint8) '(1 2 3 4)) (bytes 4 1 2 3 4)))
(check-equal? (encode (+xarray uint8 uint8) '(1 2 3 4) #f) (bytes 4 1 2 3 4)))
;; todo: reinstate pointer test

@ -0,0 +1,109 @@
#lang racket/base
(require rackunit
"decode fixed length"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring 7)) "testing")))
"decode length from parent key"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring 'len) #:parent (mhash 'len 7)) "testing")))
"decode length as number before string"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes #"\x07testing")])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring uint8) #:parent (mhash 'len 7)) "testing")))
"decode utf8"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring 4 'utf8)) "🍻")))
"decode encoding computed from function"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring 4 (λ _ 'utf8))) "🍻")))
"decode null-terminated string and read past terminator"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻\x00"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring #f 'utf8)) "🍻")
(check-equal? (pos (current-input-port)) 5)))
"decode remainder of buffer when null-byte missing"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))])
(check-equal? (decode (+xstring #f 'utf8)) "🍻")))
"size should use string length"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring 7) "testing") 7))
"size should use correct encoding"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring 10 'utf8) "🍻") 4))
"size should use encoding from function"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring 10 (λ _ 'utf8)) "🍻") 4))
"should add size of length field before string"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring uint8 'utf8) "🍻") 5))
; todo: it 'should work with utf16be encoding', ->
"size should take null-byte into account"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring #f 'utf8) "🍻") 5))
"size should use defined length if no value given"
(check-equal? (size (+xstring 10)) 10))
"encode using string length"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring 7) "testing")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"testing")))
"encode length as number before string"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring uint8) "testing")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) #"\x07testing")))
"encode length as number before string utf8"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring uint8 'utf8) "testing 😜")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "\x0ctesting 😜"))))
"encode utf8"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring 4 'utf8) "🍻" )
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))))
"encode encoding computed from function"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring 4 (λ _ 'utf8)) "🍻")
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻"))))
"encode null-terminated string"
(parameterize ([current-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(encode (+xstring #f 'utf8) "🍻" )
(check-equal? (dump (current-output-port)) (string->bytes/utf-8 "🍻\x00"))))