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7 years ago
#lang restructure/racket
7 years ago
(require "number.rkt" (prefix-in utils- "utils.rkt") "stream.rkt")
7 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define (byteLength val encoding)
(define encoder
(caseq encoding
[(ascii utf8) string->bytes/utf-8]))
(bytes-length (encoder (format "~a" val))))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define-subclass Streamcoder (StringT [length_ #f] [encoding_ 'ascii])
7 years ago
(define/augment (decode stream [parent #f])
7 years ago
(define length__
[length_ (utils-resolveLength length_ stream parent)]
[else (send stream count-nonzero-chars)]))
(define encoding__
[(procedure? encoding_) (or (encoding_ parent) 'ascii)]
[else encoding_]))
(define string (send stream readString length__ encoding__))
(when (and (not length_) (< (send stream pos) (send stream length)))
(send stream pos (add1 (send stream pos))))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define/augment (encode stream val-in [parent #f])
(define val (format "~a" val-in))
(define encoding__
[(procedure? encoding_) (or (encoding_ (and parent (· parent val)) 'ascii))]
[else encoding_]))
(when (NumberT? length_)
(send length_ encode stream (byteLength val encoding__)))
(send stream writeString val encoding__)
(when (not length_)
(send stream writeUInt8 #x00)))
7 years ago
(define/override (size [val #f] [parent #f])
;; Use the defined value if no value was given
[(not val) (utils-resolveLength length_ #f parent)]
(define encoding__
[(procedure? encoding_) (or (encoding_ (and parent (· parent val)) 'ascii))]
[else encoding_]))
(when (eq? encoding__ 'utf16be)
(set! encoding__ 'utf16le))
(define size (byteLength val encoding__))
(when (NumberT? length_)
(increment! size (send length_ size)))
(when (not length_)
(increment! size))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define-values (String? +String) (values StringT? +StringT))
(require "stream.rkt")
(define stream (+DecodeStream #"\2BCDEF"))
(define S (+String uint8 'utf8))
(check-equal? (send S decode stream) "BC")
(define os (+EncodeStream))
(send S encode os "Mike")
(check-equal? (send os dump) #"\4Mike")
(check-equal? (send (+String) size "foobar") 6))