string tests
@ -0,0 +1,198 @@
#lang restructure/racket
(require "string.rkt" "number.rkt" "buffer.rkt" "stream.rkt" rackunit)
;describe 'String', ->
; describe 'decode', ->
; it 'should decode fixed length', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer 'testing'
; string = new StringT 7
; string.decode(stream).should.equal 'testing'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "testing"))]
[string (+StringT 7)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream) "testing"))
; it 'should decode length from parent key', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer 'testing'
; string = new StringT 'len'
; string.decode(stream, len: 7).should.equal 'testing'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "testing"))]
[string (+StringT 'len)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
; it 'should decode length as number before string', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '\x07testing'
; string = new StringT uint8
; string.decode(stream).should.equal 'testing'
; octal \7 will print as \a
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "\7testing"))]
[string (+StringT uint8)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream (mhash 'len 7)) "testing"))
; it 'should decode utf8', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT 4, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT 4 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream) "🍻"))
; it 'should decode encoding computed from function', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT 4, -> 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT 4 (λ _ 'utf8))])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream) "🍻"))
; it 'should decode null-terminated string and read past terminator', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻\x00'
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
; stream.pos.should.equal 5
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻\0"))]
[string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream) "🍻")
(check-equal? (send stream pos) 5))
; it 'should decode remainder of buffer when null-byte missing', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '🍻'
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.decode(stream).should.equal '🍻'
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer "🍻"))]
[string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string decode stream) "🍻"))
; describe 'size', ->
; it 'should use string length', ->
; string = new StringT 7
; string.size('testing').should.equal 7
(let ([string (+StringT 7)])
(check-equal? (send string size "testing") 7))
; it 'should use correct encoding', ->
; string = new StringT 10, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
(let ([string (+StringT 10 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string size "🍻") 4))
; it 'should use encoding from function', ->
; string = new StringT 10, -> 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
(let ([string (+StringT 10 (λ _ 'utf8))])
(check-equal? (send string size "🍻") 4))
; it 'should add size of length field before string', ->
; string = new StringT uint8, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 5
(let ([string (+StringT uint8 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string size "🍻") 5))
; todo
; it 'should work with utf16be encoding', ->
; string = new StringT 10, 'utf16be'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 4
; it 'should take null-byte into account', ->
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.size('🍻').should.equal 5
(let ([string (+StringT #f 'utf8)])
(check-equal? (send string size "🍻") 5))
; it 'should use defined length if no value given', ->
; array = new StringT 10
; array.size().should.equal 10
(let ([string (+StringT 10)])
(check-equal? (send string size) 10))
; describe 'encode', ->
; it 'should encode using string length', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer 'testing'
; done()
; string = new StringT 7
; string.encode(stream, 'testing')
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode length as number before string', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x07testing'
; done()
; string = new StringT uint8
; string.encode(stream, 'testing')
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode length as number before string utf8', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x0ctesting 😜', 'utf8'
; done()
; string = new StringT uint8, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, 'testing 😜')
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode utf8', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻'
; done()
; string = new StringT 4, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode encoding computed from function', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻'
; done()
; string = new StringT 4, -> 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode null-terminated string', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '🍻\x00'
; done()
; string = new StringT null, 'utf8'
; string.encode(stream, '🍻')
; stream.end()
@ -0,0 +1,196 @@
#lang restructure/racket
(require racket/dict "stream.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass Streamcoder (Struct [fields (dictify)])
(inherit-field res)
(unless ((disjoin assocs? VersionedStruct?) fields)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct "assocs or Versioned Struct" fields))
(define/augride (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0])
(set! res (_setup stream parent length))
(_parseFields stream res fields)
(send this process res stream)
(define/augride (encode stream input-hash [parent #f])
(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(send this preEncode input-hash stream) ; preEncode goes first, because it might bring input hash into compliance
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (hash-keys input-hash))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys input-hash)))
[(dict? fields)
(for* ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (hash-ref input-hash key)))]
[else (send fields encode stream input-hash parent)]))
(define/public-final (_setup stream parent length)
(define res (mhasheq))
(hash-set*! res 'parent parent
'_startOffset (· stream pos)
'_currentOffset 0
'_length length)
(define/public-final (_parseFields stream res fields)
(unless (assocs? fields)
(raise-argument-error '_parseFields "assocs" fields))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(report key)
(define val
(if (procedure? type)
(type res)
(send type decode stream this)))
(hash-set! res key val)
(hash-set! res '_currentOffset (- (· stream pos) (· res _startOffset)))))
(define/override (size [input-hash (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(define val (hash-ref input-hash key #f))
(define args (if val (list val) empty))
(send type size . args))))
(require "number.rkt")
(define (random-pick xs) (list-ref xs (random (length xs))))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+Struct 42)))
;; make random structs and make sure we can round trip
(for ([i (in-range 10)])
(define field-types (for/list ([i (in-range 20)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define size-num-types (for/sum ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(send num-type size)))
(define s (+Struct (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type))))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range size-num-types)])
(random 256))))
(define es (+EncodeStream))
(send s encode es (send s decode bs))
(check-equal? (send es dump) bs)))
(define-subclass Struct (VersionedStruct type [versions (dictify)])
(inherit-field res)
(unless ((disjoin integer? procedure? RestructureBase? symbol?) type)
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct "integer, function, symbol, or Restructure object" type))
(unless (and (dict? versions) (andmap (λ (val) (or (dict? val) (Struct? val))) (map cdr versions)))
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct "dict of dicts or Structs" versions))
(inherit-field fields)
(field [forced-version #f])
(define/public-final (force-version! version)
(set! forced-version version))
(define/public (resolve-version [stream #f] [parent #f])
[forced-version] ; for testing purposes: pass an explicit version
[(integer? type) type]
[(symbol? type)
;; find the first Struct in the chain of ancestors
;; with the target key
(let loop ([x parent])
[(and x (Struct? x) (dict-ref (· x res) type #f))]
[(· x parent) => loop]
[else #f]))]
[(and (procedure? type) (positive? (procedure-arity type))) (type parent)]
[(RestructureBase? type) (send type decode stream)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:resolve-version "way of finding version" type)]))
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0])
(set! res (send this _setup stream parent length))
(report res 'versioned-struct-res)
(define version (resolve-version stream parent))
(hash-set! res 'version version)
(define fields (dict-ref versions version (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:decode "valid version key" (cons version (· this versions))))))
[(VersionedStruct? fields) (send fields decode stream parent)]
(report res 'whatigot)
(send this _parseFields stream res fields)
(send this process res stream)
(define/override (encode stream input-hash [parent #f])
(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(send this preEncode input-hash stream) ; preEncode goes first, because it might bring input hash into compliance
(define fields (dict-ref versions (· input-hash version) (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version))))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (hash-keys input-hash))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys input-hash)))
[(dict? fields)
(for* ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (hash-ref input-hash key)))]
[else (send fields encode stream input-hash parent)]))
(define/override (size [input-hash (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(when (and (not input-hash) (not forced-version))
(error 'VersionedStruct-cannot-compute-size))
(define version (resolve-version #f parent))
(define fields (dict-ref versions version (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:size "valid version key" version))))
[(dict? fields)
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(define val (hash-ref input-hash key #f))
(define args (if val (list val) empty))
(send type size . args))]
[else (send fields size input-hash parent includePointers)])))
(require "number.rkt")
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+VersionedStruct 42 42)))
;; make random versioned structs and make sure we can round trip
(for ([i (in-range 20)])
(define field-types (for/list ([i (in-range 200)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define num-versions 20)
(define which-struct (random num-versions))
(define struct-versions (for/list ([v (in-range num-versions)])
(cons v (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type)))))
(define vs (+VersionedStruct which-struct struct-versions))
(define struct-size (for/sum ([num-type (in-list (map cdr (dict-ref struct-versions which-struct)))])
(send num-type size)))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range struct-size)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (send vs encode #f (send vs decode bs)) bs))
(define s (+Struct (dictify 'a uint8 'b uint8 'c uint8)))
(check-equal? (send s size) 3)
(define vs (+VersionedStruct (λ (p) 2) (dictify 1 (dictify 'd s) 2 (dictify 'e s 'f s))))
(check-equal? (send vs size) 6)
(define s2 (+Struct (dictify 'a vs)))
(check-equal? (send s2 size) 6)
(define vs2 (+VersionedStruct (λ (p) 2) (dictify 1 vs 2 vs)))
(check-equal? (send vs2 size) 6)
@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
#lang restructure/racket
(require "struct.rkt" "string.rkt" "number.rkt" "buffer.rkt" "stream.rkt" rackunit)
;describe 'Struct', ->
; describe 'decode', ->
; it 'should decode into an object', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '\x05devon\x15'
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; struct.decode(stream).should.deep.equal
; name: 'devon'
; age: 21
(let ([stream (+DecodeStream (+Buffer (bytes->list (bytes-append (bytes #x05) #"devon" (bytes #x15)))))]
[struct (+Struct (dictify 'name (+StringT uint8)
'age uint8))])
(check-equal? (send struct decode stream) (dictify 'name "devon"
'age 21)))
; it 'should support process hook', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '\x05devon\x20'
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; struct.process = ->
; @canDrink = @age >= 21
; struct.decode(stream).should.deep.equal
; name: 'devon'
; age: 32
; canDrink: true
; it 'should support function keys', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer '\x05devon\x20'
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; canDrink: -> @age >= 21
; struct.decode(stream).should.deep.equal
; name: 'devon'
; age: 32
; canDrink: true
; describe 'size', ->
; it 'should compute the correct size', ->
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; struct.size(name: 'devon', age: 21).should.equal 7
; it 'should compute the correct size with pointers', ->
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; ptr: new Pointer uint8, new StringT uint8
; size = struct.size
; name: 'devon'
; age: 21
; ptr: 'hello'
; size.should.equal 14
; it 'should get the correct size when no value is given', ->
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT 4
; age: uint8
; struct.size().should.equal 5
; it 'should throw when getting non-fixed length size and no value is given', ->
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; should.throw ->
; struct.size()
; , /not a fixed size/i
; describe 'encode', ->
; it 'should encode objects to buffers', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x05devon\x15'
; done()
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; struct.encode stream,
; name: 'devon'
; age: 21
; stream.end()
; it 'should support preEncode hook', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x05devon\x15'
; done()
; struct = new Struct
; nameLength: uint8
; name: new StringT 'nameLength'
; age: uint8
; struct.preEncode = ->
; @nameLength = @name.length
; struct.encode stream,
; name: 'devon'
; age: 21
; stream.end()
; it 'should encode pointer data after structure', (done) ->
; stream = new EncodeStream
; stream.pipe concat (buf) ->
; buf.should.deep.equal new Buffer '\x05devon\x15\x08\x05hello'
; done()
; struct = new Struct
; name: new StringT uint8
; age: uint8
; ptr: new Pointer uint8, new StringT uint8
; struct.encode stream,
; name: 'devon'
; age: 21
; ptr: 'hello'
; stream.end()
@ -1,3 +1,117 @@
#lang restructure/racket
(require racket/dict "struct.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass Struct (VersionedStruct type [versions (dictify)])
(inherit-field res)
(unless ((disjoin integer? procedure? RestructureBase? symbol?) type)
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct "integer, function, symbol, or Restructure object" type))
(unless (and (dict? versions) (andmap (λ (val) (or (dict? val) (Struct? val))) (map cdr versions)))
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct "dict of dicts or Structs" versions))
(inherit-field fields)
(field [forced-version #f])
(define/public-final (force-version! version)
(set! forced-version version))
(define/public (resolve-version [stream #f] [parent #f])
[forced-version] ; for testing purposes: pass an explicit version
[(integer? type) type]
[(symbol? type)
;; find the first Struct in the chain of ancestors
;; with the target key
(let loop ([x parent])
[(and x (Struct? x) (dict-ref (· x res) type #f))]
[(· x parent) => loop]
[else #f]))]
[(and (procedure? type) (positive? (procedure-arity type))) (type parent)]
[(RestructureBase? type) (send type decode stream)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:resolve-version "way of finding version" type)]))
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0])
(set! res (send this _setup stream parent length))
(report res 'versioned-struct-res)
(define version (resolve-version stream parent))
(hash-set! res 'version version)
(define fields (dict-ref versions version (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:decode "valid version key" (cons version (· this versions))))))
[(VersionedStruct? fields) (send fields decode stream parent)]
(report res 'whatigot)
(send this _parseFields stream res fields)
(send this process res stream)
(define/override (encode stream input-hash [parent #f])
(unless (hash? input-hash)
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode "hash" input-hash))
(send this preEncode input-hash stream) ; preEncode goes first, because it might bring input hash into compliance
(define fields (dict-ref versions (· input-hash version) (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version))))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (hash-keys input-hash))) (dict-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'Struct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys input-hash)))
[(dict? fields)
(for* ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (hash-ref input-hash key)))]
[else (send fields encode stream input-hash parent)]))
(define/override (size [input-hash (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
(when (and (not input-hash) (not forced-version))
(error 'VersionedStruct-cannot-compute-size))
(define version (resolve-version #f parent))
(define fields (dict-ref versions version (λ () (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:size "valid version key" version))))
[(dict? fields)
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(define val (hash-ref input-hash key #f))
(define args (if val (list val) empty))
(send type size . args))]
[else (send fields size input-hash parent includePointers)])))
(require "number.rkt")
(define (random-pick xs) (list-ref xs (random (length xs))))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (+VersionedStruct 42 42)))
;; make random versioned structs and make sure we can round trip
(for ([i (in-range 20)])
(define field-types (for/list ([i (in-range 200)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define num-versions 20)
(define which-struct (random num-versions))
(define struct-versions (for/list ([v (in-range num-versions)])
(cons v (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type)))))
(define vs (+VersionedStruct which-struct struct-versions))
(define struct-size (for/sum ([num-type (in-list (map cdr (dict-ref struct-versions which-struct)))])
(send num-type size)))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range struct-size)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (send vs encode #f (send vs decode bs)) bs))
(define s (+Struct (dictify 'a uint8 'b uint8 'c uint8)))
(check-equal? (send s size) 3)
(define vs (+VersionedStruct (λ (p) 2) (dictify 1 (dictify 'd s) 2 (dictify 'e s 'f s))))
(check-equal? (send vs size) 6)
(define s2 (+Struct (dictify 'a vs)))
(check-equal? (send s2 size) 6)
(define vs2 (+VersionedStruct (λ (p) 2) (dictify 1 vs 2 vs)))
(check-equal? (send vs2 size) 6)
Reference in New Issue