@ -6,6 +6,8 @@
(define key? symbol?)
(define (keys? x) (and (pair? x) (andmap key? x)))
(define-subclass Struct (VersionedStruct type [versions (dictify)])
@ -20,17 +22,22 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/VersionedStruct.coffee
[versionGetter void]
[versionSetter void])
(when (symbol? type) ; instead of string
(set-field! versionGetter this (λ (parent) (ref parent type)))
(set-field! versionSetter this (λ (parent version) (ref-set! parent type version))))
(when (or (key? type) (procedure? type))
(set-field! versionGetter this (if (procedure? type)
(λ (parent) (ref parent type))))
(set-field! versionSetter this (if (procedure? type)
(λ (parent version) (ref-set! parent type version)))))
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f] [length 0])
(define res (_setup stream parent length))
(ref-set! res 'version
[forced-version] ; for testing purposes: pass an explicit version
[(symbol? type) (unless parent
[(or (key? type) (procedure? type))
(unless parent
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:decode "valid parent" parent))
(versionGetter parent)]
[else (send type decode stream)]))
@ -40,6 +47,7 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/VersionedStruct.coffee
(define fields (or (ref versions (ref res 'version)) (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:decode "valid version key" (cons version (· this versions)))))
[(VersionedStruct? fields) (send fields decode stream parent)]
@ -64,23 +72,23 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/VersionedStruct.coffee
(ref-set! ctx 'pointerOffset (+ (· stream pos) (size val ctx #f)))
(when (not (symbol? type))
(send type encode stream (· val version)))
(when (not (or (key? type) (procedure? type)))
(send type encode stream (or forced-version (· val version))))
(when (ref versions 'header)
(for ([(key type) (in-dict (ref versions 'header))])
(send type encode stream (ref val key) ctx)))
(send type encode stream (ref val key) ctx)))
(define fields (or (ref versions (· val version)) (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version)))
(define fields (or (ref versions (or forced-version (· val version))) (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version)))
(unless (andmap (λ (key) (member key (ref-keys val))) (ref-keys fields))
(raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode (format "hash that contains superset of Struct keys: ~a" (dict-keys fields)) (hash-keys val)))
(for ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type encode stream (ref val key) ctx))
(send type encode stream (ref val key) ctx))
(for ([ptr (in-list (ref ctx 'pointers))])
(send (ref ptr 'type) encode stream (ref ptr 'val) (ref ptr 'parent))))
(send (ref ptr 'type) encode stream (ref ptr 'val) (ref ptr 'parent))))
(define/override (size [val (mhash)] [parent #f] [includePointers #t])
@ -92,19 +100,19 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/VersionedStruct.coffee
'pointerSize 0))
(define size 0)
(when (not (symbol? type))
(increment! size (send type size (ref val 'version) ctx)))
(when (not (or (key? type) (procedure? type)))
(increment! size (send type size (or forced-version (ref val 'version)) ctx)))
(when (ref versions 'header)
(increment! size
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict (ref versions 'header))])
(send type size (ref val key) ctx))))
(send type size (ref val key) ctx))))
(define fields (or (ref versions (ref val 'version)) (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version)))
(define fields (or (ref versions (or forced-version (ref val 'version))) (raise-argument-error 'VersionedStruct:encode "valid version key" version)))
(increment! size
(for/sum ([(key type) (in-dict fields)])
(send type size (ref val key) ctx)))
(send type size (ref val key) ctx)))
(when includePointers
(increment! size (ref ctx 'pointerSize)))
@ -118,21 +126,19 @@ https://github.com/mbutterick/restructure/blob/master/src/VersionedStruct.coffee
;; make random versioned structs and make sure we can round trip
#;(for ([i (in-range 1)])
(define field-types (for/list ([i (in-range 1)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define num-versions 20)
(define which-struct (random num-versions))
(define struct-versions (for/list ([v (in-range num-versions)])
(cons v (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type)))))
(define vs (+VersionedStruct which-struct struct-versions))
(report* vs (send vs size))
(error 'stop)
(define struct-size (for/sum ([num-type (in-list (map cdr (ref struct-versions which-struct)))])
(send num-type size)))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range struct-size)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (send vs encode #f (send vs decode bs)) bs))
(define field-types (for/list ([i (in-range 1)])
(random-pick (list uint8 uint16be uint16le uint32be uint32le double))))
(define num-versions 20)
(define which-struct (random num-versions))
(define struct-versions (for/list ([v (in-range num-versions)])
(cons v (for/list ([num-type (in-list field-types)])
(cons (gensym) num-type)))))
(define vs (+VersionedStruct which-struct struct-versions))
(define struct-size (for/sum ([num-type (in-list (map cdr (ref struct-versions which-struct)))])
(send num-type size)))
(define bs (apply bytes (for/list ([i (in-range struct-size)])
(random 256))))
(check-equal? (send vs encode #f (send vs decode bs)) bs))
(define s (+Struct (dictify 'a uint8 'b uint8 'c uint8)))
(check-equal? (send s size) 3)