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10 years ago
#lang typed/racket/base
(require/typed sugar/list [slice-at ((Listof (U QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue)) Positive-Integer . -> . (Listof (List QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue)))])
10 years ago
(require/typed racket/list [flatten (All (A) (Rec as (U Any (Listof as))) -> (Listof Any))])
(require/typed hyphenate [hyphenate (String #:min-length Nonnegative-Integer #:min-left-length Nonnegative-Integer #:min-right-length Nonnegative-Integer . -> . String)])
(require (for-syntax racket/syntax racket/base) racket/string (except-in racket/list flatten) sugar/debug racket/bool racket/function math/flonum)
10 years ago
(require "quads-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "measure-typed.rkt")
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-map proc q)
((QuadListItem . -> . QuadListItem) Quad . -> . Quad)
(quad (quad-name q) (quad-attrs q) (map proc (quad-list q))))
10 years ago
;; predicate for use below
10 years ago
(: list-of-mergeable-attrs? (Any . -> . Boolean))
10 years ago
(define (list-of-mergeable-attrs? xs)
10 years ago
(and (list? xs) (andmap (λ(x) (or (quad? x) (quad-attrs? x) (HashableList? x))) xs)))
10 years ago
;; faster than (listof pair?)
10 years ago
(: pairs? (Any . -> . Boolean))
10 years ago
(define (pairs? x) (and (list? x) (andmap pair? x)))
;; push together multiple attr sources into one list of pairs.
;; mostly a helper function for the two attr functions below.
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (join-attrs quads-or-attrs-or-lists)
((Listof (U Quad QuadAttrs HashableList)) . -> . (Listof QuadAttrPair))
10 years ago
((inst append-map QuadAttrPair QuadAttrs) (inst hash->list QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue) (map (λ(x)
10 years ago
[(quad? x) (quad-attrs x)]
[(quad-attrs? x) (cast x QuadAttrs)]
10 years ago
[(HashableList? x) (quadattrs (cast x (Listof Any)))]
10 years ago
[else ;; something that will have no effect on result
(cast (hash) QuadAttrs)])) quads-or-attrs-or-lists)))
10 years ago
10 years ago
10 years ago
;; flatten merges attributes, but applies special logic suitable to flattening
;; for instance, resolving x and y coordinates.
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (flatten-attrs . quads-or-attrs-or-falses)
((U Quad QuadAttrs) * . -> . QuadAttrs)
10 years ago
(define all-attrs (join-attrs quads-or-attrs-or-falses))
(define-values (x-attrs y-attrs other-attrs-reversed)
(for/fold ([xas : (Listof QuadAttrPair) null]
[yas : (Listof QuadAttrPair) null]
[oas : (Listof QuadAttrPair) null])
([attr (in-list all-attrs)])
[(equal? (car attr) world:x-position-key) (values (cons attr xas) yas oas)]
[(equal? (car attr) world:y-position-key) (values xas (cons attr yas) oas)]
[else (values xas yas (cons attr oas))])))
(: make-cartesian-attr (QuadAttrKey (Listof QuadAttrPair) . -> . (Listof QuadAttrPair)))
(define (make-cartesian-attr key attrs)
(if (empty? attrs)
(list (cons key (apply + (cast ((inst map QuadAttrValue QuadAttrPair) cdr attrs) (Listof Float)))))))
10 years ago
(define x-attr (make-cartesian-attr world:x-position-key x-attrs))
(define y-attr (make-cartesian-attr world:y-position-key y-attrs))
(for/hash : QuadAttrs ([kv-pair (in-list (append x-attr y-attr (reverse other-attrs-reversed)))])
10 years ago
(values (car kv-pair) (cdr kv-pair))))
10 years ago
;; merge concatenates attributes, with later ones overriding earlier.
;; most of the work is done by join-attrs.
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (merge-attrs . quads-or-attrs-or-lists)
((U Quad QuadAttrs HashableList) * . -> . QuadAttrs)
10 years ago
(for/hash : QuadAttrs ([kv-pair (in-list (join-attrs quads-or-attrs-or-lists))])
10 years ago
(values (car kv-pair) (cdr kv-pair))))
10 years ago
;; pushes attributes down from parent quads to children,
;; resulting in a flat list of quads.
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (flatten-quad q)
(Quad . -> . (Listof Quad))
10 years ago
(cast (flatten
10 years ago
(let loop : (Treeof Quad)
([x : QuadListItem q][parent : Quad (box)])
[(quad? x)
(let ([x-with-parent-attrs (quad (quad-name x)
(flatten-attrs parent x) ; child positioned last so it overrides parent attributes
(quad-list x))])
(if (empty? (quad-list x))
x-with-parent-attrs ; no subelements, so stop here
((inst map (Treeof Quad) QuadListItem) (λ(xi) (loop xi x-with-parent-attrs)) (quad-list x))))] ; replace quad with its elements
[else ;; it's a string
(quad (quad-name parent) (quad-attrs parent) (list x))]))) (Listof Quad)))
;; flatten quad as above,
;; then dissolve it into individual character quads while copying attributes
;; input is often large, so macro allows us to avoid allocation
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (split-quad q)
(Quad . -> . (Listof Quad))
10 years ago
(: do-explode ((QuadListItem) (Quad) . ->* . (Treeof Quad)))
(define (do-explode x [parent (box)])
[(quad? x)
(if (empty? (quad-list x))
x ; no subelements, so stop here
((inst map (Treeof Quad) QuadListItem) (λ(xi) (do-explode xi x)) (quad-list x)))] ; replace quad with its elements, exploded
[else ;; it's a string
((inst map (Treeof Quad) QuadListItem) (λ(xc) (quad world:split-quad-key (quad-attrs parent) (list xc))) (regexp-match* #px"." x))]))
10 years ago
(cast (flatten (map do-explode (flatten-quad q))) (Listof Quad)))
10 years ago
10 years ago
;; merge chars into words (and boxes), leave the rest
;; if two quads are mergeable types, and have the same attributes,
;; they get merged.
;; input is often large, so macro allows us to avoid allocation
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (join-quads qs-in)
10 years ago
((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))
(let ([make-matcher (λ ([base-q : Quad])
(λ([q : Quad])
(and (member (quad-name q) world:mergeable-quad-types)
(not (whitespace/nbsp? q))
;; if key doesn't exist, it is compared against the default value.
;; this way, a nonexistent value will test true against a default value.
(andmap (λ([key : Symbol] default) (equal? (quad-attr-ref base-q key default) (quad-attr-ref q key default)))
(list world:font-name-key
(list (world:font-name-default)
(let loop ([qs qs-in][acc null])
(if (null? qs)
(reverse (cast acc (Listof Quad)))
(let* ([base-q (first qs)]
[mergeable-and-matches-base? (make-matcher base-q)]) ; make a new predicate function for this quad
[(mergeable-and-matches-base? base-q)
;; take as many quads that match, using the predicate function
(define-values (matching-qs other-qs) (splitf-at (cdr qs) mergeable-and-matches-base?))
(define new-word (word (quad-attrs base-q) (string-append* (cast ((inst append-map QuadListItem Quad) quad-list (cons base-q matching-qs)) (Listof String)))))
(loop other-qs (cons new-word acc))]
;; otherwise move on to the next in line
[else (loop (cdr qs) (cons base-q acc))]))))))
;; propagate x and y adjustments throughout the tree,
;; using parent x and y to adjust children, and so on.
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (compute-absolute-positions qli)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(define result
(let loop : QuadListItem ([qli : QuadListItem qli][parent-x : Float 0.0][parent-y : Float 0.0])
[(quad? qli)
(define adjusted-x (round-float (+ (cast (quad-attr-ref qli world:x-position-key 0.0) Float) parent-x)))
(define adjusted-y (round-float (+ (cast (quad-attr-ref qli world:y-position-key 0.0) Float) parent-y)))
(quad (quad-name qli) (merge-attrs qli (list world:x-position-key adjusted-x world:y-position-key adjusted-y)) ((inst map QuadListItem QuadListItem) (λ(qlii) (loop qlii adjusted-x adjusted-y)) (quad-list qli)))]
[else ;; it's a string
(if (string? result)
(error 'compute-absolute-positions "got string as result: ~v" result)
;; functionally update a quad attr. Similar to hash-set
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-attr-set q k v)
(Quad QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue . -> . Quad)
(quad (quad-name q) (merge-attrs (quad-attrs q) (list k v)) (quad-list q)))
;; functionally update multiple quad attrs. Similar to hash-set*
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-attr-set* q . kvs)
(Quad (U QuadAttrKey QuadAttrValue) * . -> . Quad)
(for/fold ([current-q q])([kv-list (in-list (slice-at kvs 2))])
(apply quad-attr-set current-q kv-list)))
;; functionally remove a quad attr. Similar to hash-remove
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-attr-remove q k)
(Quad QuadAttrKey . -> . Quad)
(if (quad-attrs q)
(quad (quad-name q) (hash-remove (quad-attrs q) k) (quad-list q))
;; functionally remove multiple quad attrs. Similar to hash-remove*
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-attr-remove* q . ks)
(Quad QuadAttrKey * . -> . Quad)
(for/fold ([current-q q])([k (in-list ks)])
(quad-attr-remove current-q k)))
;; the last char of a quad
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-last-char q)
(Quad . -> . (Option String))
(define split-qs (split-quad q)) ; split makes it simple, but is it too expensive?
(if (or (empty? split-qs) (empty? (quad-list (last split-qs))))
(let ([result((inst car QuadListItem QuadListItem) (quad-list (last split-qs)))])
(if (quad? result)
(error 'quad-last-char "last element is not a string: ~v" result)
;; the first char of a quad
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (quad-first-char q)
(Quad . -> . (Option String))
(define split-qs (split-quad q)) ; explosion makes it simple, but is it too expensive?
(if (or (empty? split-qs) (empty? (quad-list (first split-qs))))
(let ([result((inst car QuadListItem QuadListItem) (quad-list (first split-qs)))])
(if (quad? result)
(error 'quad-first-char "first element is not a string: ~v" result)
10 years ago
10 years ago
;; todo: how to guarantee line has leading key?
(define/typed+provide (compute-line-height line)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(quad-attr-set line world:height-key (quad-attr-ref/parameter line world:leading-key)))
(define/typed (fixed-height? q)
(Quad . -> . Boolean)
(quad-has-attr? q world:height-key))
(define/typed+provide (quad-height q)
(Quad . -> . Float)
(cast (quad-attr-ref q world:height-key 0.0) Float))
10 years ago
;; use heights to compute vertical positions
(define/typed+provide (add-vert-positions starting-quad)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(define-values (new-quads final-height)
(for/fold ([new-quads : (Listof Quad) empty][height-so-far : Float 0.0])([q (in-list (cast (quad-list starting-quad) (Listof Quad)))])
10 years ago
(values (cons (quad-attr-set q world:y-position-key height-so-far) new-quads)
(round-float (+ height-so-far (quad-height q))))))
(quad (quad-name starting-quad) (quad-attrs starting-quad) (reverse new-quads)))
;; recursively hyphenate strings in a quad
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (hyphenate-quad x)
(QuadListItem . -> . QuadListItem)
[(quad? x) (quad-map hyphenate-quad x)]
[(string? x) (hyphenate x
#:min-length 6
#:min-left-length 3
#:min-right-length 3)]
[else x]))
;; just because it comes up a lot
10 years ago
(define/typed+provide (split-last xs)
(All (A) ((Listof A) -> (values (Listof A) A)))
(let-values ([(first-list last-list) ((inst split-at-right A) xs 1)])
10 years ago
(values first-list (car last-list))))
10 years ago
;; like cons, but joins a list to an atom
(provide snoc)
(define-syntax-rule (snoc xs x)
(append xs (list x)))