Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent df952f61ce
commit c04cb9668b

@ -10,6 +10,17 @@
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-syntax (define/typed stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (proc-name arg ... . rest-arg) type-expr body ...)
#'(define/typed proc-name type-expr
(λ(arg ... . rest-arg) body ...))]
[(_ proc-name type-expr body ...)
(: proc-name type-expr)
(define proc-name body ...))]))
(: hashable-list? (Any . -> . Boolean))
(define (hashable-list? x) (and (list? x) (even? (length x))))
@ -121,11 +132,11 @@
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ id)
(with-syntax ([id? (format-id #'id "~a?" #'id)]
[Quads->id (format-id #'id "Quads->~a" #'id)])
[quads->id (format-id #'id "quads->~a" #'id)])
;; quad converter
(: Quads->id ((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad))
(define (Quads->id qs)
(: quads->id ((Listof Quad) . -> . Quad))
(define (quads->id qs)
(apply id (gather-common-attrs qs) qs))
(: id (case->

@ -102,6 +102,44 @@
(cast (flatten (map do-explode (flatten-quad q))) (Listof Quad)))
;; merge chars into words (and boxes), leave the rest
;; if two quads are mergeable types, and have the same attributes,
;; they get merged.
;; input is often large, so macro allows us to avoid allocation
(provide join-quads)
(define/typed (join-quads qs-in)
((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))
(let ([make-matcher (λ ([base-q : Quad])
(λ([q : Quad])
(and (member (quad-name q) world:mergeable-quad-types)
(not (whitespace/nbsp? q))
;; if key doesn't exist, it is compared against the default value.
;; this way, a nonexistent value will test true against a default value.
(andmap (λ([key : Symbol] default) (equal? (quad-attr-ref base-q key default) (quad-attr-ref q key default)))
(list world:font-name-key
(list (world:font-name-default)
(let loop ([qs qs-in][acc null])
(if (null? qs)
(reverse (cast acc (Listof Quad)))
(let* ([base-q (first qs)]
[mergeable-and-matches-base? (make-matcher base-q)]) ; make a new predicate function for this quad
[(mergeable-and-matches-base? base-q)
;; take as many quads that match, using the predicate function
(define-values (matching-qs other-qs) (splitf-at (cdr qs) mergeable-and-matches-base?))
(define new-word (word (quad-attrs base-q) (string-append* (cast ((inst append-map QuadListItem Quad) quad-list (cons base-q matching-qs)) (Listof String)))))
(loop other-qs (cons new-word acc))]
;; otherwise move on to the next in line
[else (loop (cdr qs) (cons base-q acc))]))))))
;; propagate x and y adjustments throughout the tree,
;; using parent x and y to adjust children, and so on.
(provide compute-absolute-positions)

@ -6,17 +6,6 @@
(require/typed racket/list [flatten (All (A) (Rec as (U Any (Listof as))) -> (Listof Any))])
(require "ocm-typed.rkt" "quads-typed.rkt" "utils-typed.rkt" "measure-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "logger-typed.rkt")
(define-syntax (define/typed stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (proc-name arg ... . rest-arg) type-expr body ...)
#'(define/typed proc-name type-expr
(λ(arg ... . rest-arg) body ...))]
[(_ proc-name type-expr body ...)
(: proc-name type-expr)
(define proc-name body ...))]))
;; predicate for the soft hyphen
(define/typed (soft-hyphen? x)
(String . -> . Boolean)
@ -286,3 +275,40 @@
(define/typed (calc-looseness total-width measure)
(Flonum Flonum . -> . Flonum)
(round-float (fl/ (fl- measure total-width) measure)))
;; compose pieces into a finished line.
;; take the contents of the rendered pieces and merge them.
;; compute looseness for line as a whole.
;; also add ascent to each component quad, which can be different depending on font & size.
(define/typed (pieces->line ps measure-quad-proc)
((Listof Quad) (Quad . -> . Flonum) . -> . Quad)
;; handle optical kerns here to avoid resplitting and rejoining later.
(define rendered-pieces (render-pieces ps))
(define split-pieces (map quad-list rendered-pieces))
(define line-quads (cast (append* split-pieces) (Listof Quad)))
(define line-quads-maybe-with-opticals
(if world:use-optical-kerns?
(let ([my-ok (list (optical-kern (quad-attrs (car line-quads))))]) ; take attrs from line, incl measure
(append my-ok line-quads my-ok)))
(define merged-quads (join-quads line-quads-maybe-with-opticals))
(define merged-quad-widths (map measure-quad-proc merged-quads)) ; 10% of function time
(log-quad-debug "making pieces into line = ~v" (apply string-append (map quad->string merged-quads)))
;; if measure key isn't present, allow an error, because that's weird
(when (not (quad-has-attr? (first line-quads) world:measure-key))
(error 'pieces->line "quad has no measure key: ~a" (first line-quads)))
(define measure (cast (quad-attr-ref (first merged-quads) world:measure-key) Flonum))
(define looseness (calc-looseness (fl (apply + merged-quad-widths)) measure))
;; quads->line function hoists common attributes into the line
(let* ([new-line-quads (map embed-width merged-quads merged-quad-widths)] ; 15% of time
[new-line-quads (map record-ascent new-line-quads)] ; 35% of time
[new-line (quads->line new-line-quads)]
[new-line (quad-attr-set new-line world:line-looseness-key looseness)])
