@ -16,12 +16,21 @@
;; push together multiple attr sources into one list of pairs.
;; mostly a helper function for the two attr functions below.
(: join-attrs ((Listof (U Quad QuadAttrs HashableList)) . -> . QuadAttrs))
(: join-attrs ((Listof (U Quad QuadAttrs HashableList)) . -> . Any)) ;; temp: end with QuadAttrs
(define (join-attrs quads-or-attrs-or-lists)
(append-map hash->list (filter-not false? (map (λ(x)
(append-map (inst hash->list QuadAttrs HashableList) (filter-not false? (map (λ(x)
[(quad? x) (quad-attrs x)]
[(quad-attrs? x) x]
[(hashable-list? x) (quadattrs x)]
[(hashable-list? x) (quadattrs (cast x (Listof Any)))]
[else #f])) quads-or-attrs-or-lists))))
(append-map hash->list (filter-not false? (map (λ(x)
[(quad? x) (quad-attrs x)]
[(quad-attrs? x) x]
[(hashable-list? x) (quadattrs x)]
[else #f])) quads-or-attrs-or-lists)))