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#lang racket/base
7 years ago
(require racket/file
6 years ago
5 years ago
7 years ago
7 years ago
6 years ago
11 years ago
;; used to track renders according to modification dates of component files
5 years ago
(define mod-date-hash #false)
11 years ago
;; when you want to generate everything fresh.
;; render functions will always go when no mod-date is found.
7 years ago
(define (reset-mod-date-hash!) (set! mod-date-hash (make-hash)))
5 years ago
11 years ago
(require racket/runtime-path)
(define-runtime-path sample-dir "test/data/samples")
(define samples (parameterize ([current-directory sample-dir])
7 years ago
(map path->complete-path (filter (λ (name) (regexp-match "sample-" name)) (directory-list ".")))))
(define-values (sample-01 sample-02 sample-03) (apply values samples)))
;; each key for mod-date-hash is a list of file / mod-date pairs (using pollen/cache keymaking function)
;; when a file is rendered, a new key is stored in the hash (with trivial value #t)
;; after that, the hash-key-comparision routine intrinsic to hash lookup
;; can be used to test whether a render is obsolete.
;; create a new key with current files. If the key is in the hash, the render has happened.
;; if not, a new render is needed.
7 years ago
(define (update-mod-date-hash! source-path template-path)
6 years ago
(hash-set! mod-date-hash (paths->key source-path template-path) #true))
11 years ago
(define (mod-date-missing-or-changed? source-path template-path)
(not (hash-has-key? mod-date-hash (paths->key source-path template-path))))
(define (parallel-render source-paths-in job-count-arg)
;; if jobs are already in the cache, pull them out before assigning workers
;; using worker to fetch from cache is slower
(define-values (uncached-source-paths previously-cached-jobs)
(for/fold ([usps null]
[pcjs null])
([path (in-list source-paths-in)])
(match (with-handlers ([(λ (x) (eq? x 'cache-miss)) values])
(render-to-file-if-needed path #f #f (λ () (raise 'cache-miss))))
['cache-miss (values (cons path usps) pcjs)]
[_ (values usps (cons (cons path #true) pcjs))])))
5 years ago
(define job-count
(length uncached-source-paths)
5 years ago
(match job-count-arg
[#true (processor-count)]
[(? exact-positive-integer? count) count]
5 years ago
[_ (raise-user-error 'render-batch "~a is not an exact positive integer or #true" job-count-arg)])))
5 years ago
;; initialize the workers
(define worker-evts
(for/list ([wpidx (in-range job-count)])
(define wp (place ch
(let loop ()
(match-define (cons path poly-target)
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-job)))
(parameterize ([current-poly-target poly-target])
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-lock (->output-path path)))
;; trap any exceptions and pass them back as crashed jobs.
;; otherwise, a crashed rendering place can't recover, and the parallel job will be stuck.
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (place-channel-put ch (list 'crashed-job path #f)))])
(match-define-values (_ _ ms _)
;; we don't use `render-to-file-if-needed` because we've already checked the render cache
;; if we reached this point, we know we need a render
(time-apply render-to-file (list path)))
(place-channel-put ch (list 'finished-job path ms))))
(handle-evt wp (λ (val) (list* wpidx wp val)))))
5 years ago
(define poly-target (current-poly-target))
;; `locks` and `blocks` are (listof (cons/c evt? path?))
(let loop ([source-paths (reverse uncached-source-paths)]
5 years ago
[locks-in null]
[blocks-in null]
;; `completed-jobs` is (listof (cons/c path? boolean?))
[completed-jobs previously-cached-jobs]
[completed-job-count (length previously-cached-jobs)])
5 years ago
;; try to unblock blocked workers
(define-values (locks blocks)
(for/fold ([locks locks-in]
[blocks null])
([block (in-list blocks-in)])
(match-define (cons wp path) block)
[(member path (dict-values locks))
(values locks (cons block blocks))]
(place-channel-put wp 'lock-approved)
(values (cons block locks) blocks)])))
5 years ago
[(eq? completed-job-count (length source-paths-in))
5 years ago
;; second bite at the apple for crashed jobs.
;; 1) many crashes that arise in parallel rendering are
;; a result of concurrency issues (e.g. shared files not being readable at the right moment).
;; That is, they do not appear under serial rendering.
;; 2) even if a crash is legit (that is, there is a real flaw in the source)
;; and should be raised, we don't want to do it inside a parallel-rendering `place`
;; because then the place will never return, and the whole parallel job will never finish.
;; so we take the list of crashed jobs and try rendering them again serially.
;; if it was a concurrency-related error, it will disappear.
;; if it was a legit error, the render will stop and print a trace.
;; crashed jobs are completed jobs that weren't finished
(for/list ([(path finished?) (in-dict completed-jobs)]
#:unless finished?)
5 years ago
(match (apply sync worker-evts)
[(list wpidx wp 'wants-job)
(match source-paths
[(? null?) (loop null locks blocks completed-jobs completed-job-count)]
[(cons path rest)
(place-channel-put wp (cons path poly-target))
(loop rest locks blocks completed-jobs completed-job-count)])]
[(list wpidx wp (and (or 'finished-job 'crashed-job) tag) path ms)
(match tag
(format "rendered parallel @ job ~a /~a ~a"
(add1 wpidx)
(find-relative-path (current-project-root) (->output-path path))
(if (< ms 1000) (format "(~a ms)" ms) (format "(~a s)" (/ ms 1000.0)))))]
(format "render crash @ job ~a /~a (retry pending)"
(add1 wpidx)
(find-relative-path (current-project-root) (->output-path path))))])
(loop source-paths
(match (assoc wp locks)
[#false locks]
[lock (remove lock locks)])
(cons (cons path (eq? tag 'finished-job)) completed-jobs)
(add1 completed-job-count))]
[(list wpidx wp 'wants-lock path)
(loop source-paths locks (append blocks (list (cons wp path))) completed-jobs completed-job-count)])])))
(define current-null-output? (make-parameter #f))
(define+provide/contract (render-batch #:parallel [wants-parallel-render? #false]
#:special [special-output #false] . paths-in)
((#:parallel any/c) (#:special (or/c boolean? symbol?)) #:rest (listof pathish?) . ->* . void?)
;; Why not just (for-each render ...)?
;; Because certain files will pass through multiple times (e.g., templates)
10 years ago
;; And with render, they would be rendered repeatedly.
;; Using reset-modification-dates is sort of like session control.
(define expanded-source-paths
(let loop ([paths paths-in] [acc null])
(match paths
[(? null?) (sort (remove-duplicates acc) string<? #:key path->string)]
[(cons path rest)
(match (->complete-path path)
[(? pagetree-source? pt)
(loop (append (pagetree->paths pt) rest) acc)]
[(app ->source-path (and (not #false) (? file-exists?) sp))
(loop rest (cons sp acc))]
[_ (loop rest acc)])])))
5 years ago
[(null? expanded-source-paths) (message "[no paths to render]")]
[(eq? special-output 'dry-run) (for-each message expanded-source-paths)]
[else (parameterize ([current-null-output? (eq? special-output 'null)])
(for-each render-to-file-if-needed
(match wants-parallel-render?
;; returns crashed jobs for serial rendering
[#false expanded-source-paths]
[jobs-arg (parallel-render expanded-source-paths jobs-arg)])))]))
5 years ago
(define (pagetree->paths pagetree-or-path)
(parameterize ([current-directory (current-project-root)])
5 years ago
(map ->complete-path (pagetree->list (match pagetree-or-path
[(? pagetree? pt) pt]
[_ (cached-doc pagetree-or-path)])))))
(define+provide/contract (render-pagenodes pagetree-or-path)
((or/c pagetree? pathish?) . -> . void?)
(apply render-batch (pagetree->paths pagetree-or-path)))
10 years ago
(define+provide/contract (render-from-source-or-output-path so-pathish)
(pathish? . -> . void?)
(define so-path (->complete-path so-pathish))
(define-values (sp op) (->source+output-paths so-path))
[(and sp op) (render-to-file-if-needed sp #false op)]
[(pagetree-source? so-path) (render-pagenodes so-path)]))
(define render-ram-cache (make-hash))
7 years ago
;; note that output and template order is reversed from typical
(define (render-to-file-base caller
(unless (file-exists? source-path)
5 years ago
(raise-user-error caller "~a is not an existing source path" source-path))
5 years ago
(define output-path (cond
[(->output-path source-path)]
5 years ago
[else (raise-user-error caller "~a is not a valid output path" maybe-output-path)]))
5 years ago
(define template-path (cond
[(get-template-for source-path output-path)]
[else #false]))
(define render-cache-activated? (setup:render-cache-active source-path))
(define render-needed?
7 years ago
[(not (file-exists? output-path)) 'file-missing]
[(mod-date-missing-or-changed? source-path template-path) 'mod-key-missing-or-changed]
[(not render-cache-activated?) 'render-cache-deactivated]
6 years ago
[else #false]))
(when render-needed?
(define render-thunk (or maybe-render-thunk (λ () (render source-path template-path output-path)))) ; returns either string or bytes
(define render-result
5 years ago
(define key (paths->key source-path template-path output-path))
(hash-ref! render-ram-cache
;; within a session, this will prevent repeat players like "template.html.p"
;; from hitting the file cache repeatedly
(cache-ref! key
#:dest-path 'output
(λ (str)
(message (format "from cache /~a"
(find-relative-path (current-project-root) output-path))))))]
[else (render-thunk)]))
(unless (current-null-output?)
(display-to-file render-result
#:exists 'replace
#:mode (if (string? render-result) 'text 'binary)))))
7 years ago
(define+provide/contract (render-to-file-if-needed source-path [maybe-template-path #f] [maybe-output-path #f] [maybe-render-thunk #f])
((complete-path?) ((or/c #f complete-path?) (or/c #f complete-path?) (or/c #f procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
(render-to-file-base 'render-to-file-if-needed #f source-path maybe-output-path maybe-template-path maybe-render-thunk))
(define+provide/contract (render-to-file source-path [maybe-template-path #f] [maybe-output-path #f] [maybe-render-thunk #f])
((complete-path?) ((or/c #f complete-path?) (or/c #f complete-path?) (or/c #f procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
(render-to-file-base 'render-to-file #t source-path maybe-output-path maybe-template-path maybe-render-thunk))
(define+provide/contract (render source-path [maybe-template-path #f] [maybe-output-path #f])
((complete-path?) ((or/c #f complete-path?) (or/c #f complete-path?)) . ->* . (or/c string? bytes?))
(unless (file-exists? source-path)
5 years ago
(raise-user-error 'render "~a is not an existing source path" source-path))
5 years ago
(define output-path (cond
[(->output-path source-path)]
5 years ago
[else (raise-user-error 'render "~a is not a valid output path" maybe-output-path)]))
5 years ago
(define render-proc
(match source-path
[(? has/is-null-source?) render-null-source]
[(? has/is-preproc-source?) render-preproc-source]
[(? has/is-markup-source?) render-markup-or-markdown-source]
[(? has/is-scribble-source?) render-scribble-source]
[(? has/is-markdown-source?) render-markup-or-markdown-source]
5 years ago
[_ (raise-user-error 'render "valid rendering function for ~a" source-path)]))
7 years ago
5 years ago
(define template-path (cond
[(get-template-for source-path output-path)]
[else #false]))
6 years ago
;; output-path and template-path may not have an extension, so check them in order with fallback
5 years ago
(match-define-values ((cons render-result _) _ ms _)
(parameterize ([current-directory (->complete-path (dirname source-path))]
[current-poly-target (->symbol (or (get-ext output-path)
6 years ago
(and template-path (get-ext template-path))
[current-render-source source-path])
(message (format "rendering /~a~a"
(find-relative-path (current-project-root) source-path)
(if (has-inner-poly-ext? source-path) (format " as ~a" (current-poly-target)) "")))
6 years ago
(time-apply render-proc (list source-path template-path output-path))))
;; wait till last possible moment to store mod dates, because render-proc may also trigger its own subrenders
6 years ago
;; e.g., of a template.
5 years ago
(message (apply format "rendered /~a (~a ~a)"
(find-relative-path (current-project-root) output-path)
(if (< ms 1000) (list ms "ms") (list (/ ms 1000.0) "s"))))
7 years ago
(update-mod-date-hash! source-path template-path)
(define (render-null-source source-path . ignored-paths)
;((complete-path?) #:rest any/c . ->* . bytes?)
;; All this does is copy the source. Hence, "null".
;; todo: add test to avoid copying if unnecessary (good idea in case the file is large)
(file->bytes source-path))
(define-namespace-anchor render-module-ns)
7 years ago
(define (render-scribble-source source-path . _)
;((complete-path?) #:rest any/c . ->* . string?)
(local-require scribble/core scribble/manual (prefix-in scribble- scribble/render))
(define source-dir (dirname source-path))
;; make fresh namespace for scribble rendering (avoids dep/zo caching)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
6 years ago
(define outer-ns (namespace-anchor->namespace render-module-ns))
(namespace-attach-module outer-ns 'scribble/core)
(namespace-attach-module outer-ns 'scribble/manual)
;; scribble/lp files have their doc export in a 'doc submodule, so check both locations
(match (cond
[(dynamic-require source-path 'doc (λ () #false))]
[(dynamic-require `(submod ,source-path doc) 'doc (λ () #false))]
[else #false])
;; BTW this next action has side effects: scribble will copy in its core files if they don't exist.
[(? part? doc) (scribble-render (list doc) (list source-path))]
[_ (void)]))
5 years ago
(define op (->output-path source-path))
6 years ago
(begin0 ; because render promises the data, not the side effect
5 years ago
(file->string op)
(delete-file op)))
7 years ago
(define (render-preproc-source source-path . _)
5 years ago
(cached-doc source-path))
7 years ago
(define (render-markup-or-markdown-source source-path [maybe-template-path #f] [maybe-output-path #f])
5 years ago
(define output-path
[(->output-path source-path)]
5 years ago
[else (raise-user-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source "~a is not a valid output path" maybe-output-path)]))
5 years ago
(define template-path
[(get-template-for source-path output-path)]
[else (raise-user-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source
5 years ago
"couldn't find template for target .~a"
;; use a temp file so that multiple (possibly parallel) renders
;; do not compete for write access to the same template
5 years ago
(define temp-template (make-temporary-file "pollentmp~a" (cond
[(->source-path template-path)]
[else #false])))
(render-from-source-or-output-path temp-template) ; because template might have its own preprocessor source
(parameterize ([current-output-port (current-error-port)]
[current-namespace (make-base-namespace)])
(define outer-ns (namespace-anchor->namespace render-module-ns))
(namespace-attach-module outer-ns 'pollen/setup)
(eval (with-syntax ([MODNAME (gensym)]
[SOURCE-PATH-STRING (->string source-path)]
[TEMPLATE-PATH-STRING (->string temp-template)])
(module MODNAME pollen/private/render-helper
#:result-id result)
(require 'MODNAME)
(delete-file temp-template))))
6 years ago
(define (file-exists-or-has-source? path) ; path could be #f
(and path (for/first ([proc (in-list (list values ->preproc-source-path ->null-source-path))]
#:when (file-exists? (proc path)))
6 years ago
(define (get-template-from-metas source-path output-path-ext)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? (λ (e) #f)]) ; in case source-path doesn't work with cached-require
(parameterize ([current-directory (current-project-root)])
(define source-metas (cached-metas source-path))
(define template-name-or-names ; #f or atom or list
(select-from-metas (setup:template-meta-key source-path) source-metas))
(define template-name (if (list? template-name-or-names)
(findf (λ (tn) (eq? (get-ext tn) output-path-ext)) template-name-or-names)
(and template-name (simplify-path (cleanse-path (build-path (dirname source-path) template-name)))))))
6 years ago
(define (get-default-template source-path output-path-ext)
(and output-path-ext
(let ([default-template-filename (add-ext (setup:template-prefix source-path) output-path-ext)])
(find-upward-from source-path default-template-filename file-exists-or-has-source?))))
(define (get-fallback-template source-path output-path-ext)
(and output-path-ext
(build-path (current-server-extras-path)
(add-ext (setup:fallback-template-prefix source-path) output-path-ext))))
(define+provide/contract (get-template-for source-path [maybe-output-path #f])
((complete-path?)((or/c #f complete-path?)) . ->* . (or/c #f complete-path?))
5 years ago
(match source-path
[(or (? markup-source?) (? markdown-source?))
(define output-path (cond
[(->output-path source-path)]
[else #false]))
;; output-path may not have an extension
(define output-path-ext (cond
[(get-ext output-path)]
[else #false]))
(for/or ([proc (list get-template-from-metas get-default-template get-fallback-template)])
(file-exists-or-has-source? (proc source-path output-path-ext)))]
5 years ago
[_ #false]))
(require pollen/setup sugar/file sugar/coerce)
(define fallback.html (build-path (current-server-extras-path)
(add-ext (setup:fallback-template-prefix) 'html)))
(check-equal? (get-template-for (->complete-path "")) fallback.html)
(check-equal? (get-template-for (->complete-path "")) fallback.html)
(define fallback.svg (build-path (current-server-extras-path)
(add-ext (setup:fallback-template-prefix) 'svg)))
(parameterize ([current-poly-target 'svg])
(check-equal? (get-template-for (->complete-path "")) fallback.svg)
(check-equal? (get-template-for (->complete-path "")) fallback.html))
(define fallback.missing (build-path (current-server-extras-path)
(add-ext (setup:fallback-template-prefix) 'missing)))
(parameterize ([current-poly-target 'missing])
(check-false (get-template-for (->complete-path "")))
(check-equal? (get-template-for (->complete-path "")) fallback.html)))