improve error messages (closes #207)

Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent 70b975b2ce
commit c16979325e

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -59,20 +59,20 @@
;; initialize the workers
(define worker-evts
(for/list ([wpidx (in-range job-count)])
(define wp (place ch
(let loop ()
(match-define (cons path poly-target)
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-job)))
(parameterize ([current-poly-target poly-target])
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-lock (->output-path path)))
;; trap any exceptions and pass them back as crashed jobs.
;; otherwise, a crashed rendering place can't recover, and the parallel job will be stuck.
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (place-channel-put ch (list 'crashed-job path #f)))])
(match-define-values (_ _ ms _)
(time-apply render-to-file-if-needed (list path)))
(place-channel-put ch (list 'finished-job path ms))))
(handle-evt wp (λ (val) (list* wpidx wp val)))))
(define wp (place ch
(let loop ()
(match-define (cons path poly-target)
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-job)))
(parameterize ([current-poly-target poly-target])
(place-channel-put/get ch (list 'wants-lock (->output-path path)))
;; trap any exceptions and pass them back as crashed jobs.
;; otherwise, a crashed rendering place can't recover, and the parallel job will be stuck.
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ (e) (place-channel-put ch (list 'crashed-job path #f)))])
(match-define-values (_ _ ms _)
(time-apply render-to-file-if-needed (list path)))
(place-channel-put ch (list 'finished-job path ms))))
(handle-evt wp (λ (val) (list* wpidx wp val)))))
(define poly-target (current-poly-target))
@ -110,7 +110,7 @@
;; crashed jobs are completed jobs that weren't finished
(for/list ([(path finished?) (in-dict completed-jobs)]
#:unless finished?)
(match (apply sync worker-evts)
[(list wpidx wp 'wants-job)
@ -152,11 +152,18 @@
(define expanded-source-paths
(let loop ([paths paths-in] [acc null])
(match (and (pair? paths) (->complete-path (car paths)))
[#false (sort (remove-duplicates acc) string<? #:key path->string)]
[(? pagetree-source? pt) (loop (append (pagetree->paths pt) (cdr paths)) acc)]
[(app ->source-path (and (not #false) (? file-exists?) sp)) (loop (cdr paths) (cons sp acc))]
[_ (loop (cdr paths) acc)])))
(match paths
[(? null?) (sort (remove-duplicates acc) string<? #:key path->string)]
[(cons path rest)
(match (->complete-path path)
[(? pagetree-source? pt)
(loop (append (pagetree->paths pt) rest) acc)]
[(app ->source-path (and (not #false) (? file-exists?) sp))
(loop rest (cons sp acc))]
[(or (? file-exists?) (? directory-exists?)) (loop rest acc)]
[unknown (raise-user-error 'render-batch
"~a is not a source path, directory, or output path"
[(null? expanded-source-paths) (message "[no paths to render]")]
[wants-dry-run? (for-each message expanded-source-paths)]
@ -196,7 +203,7 @@
(define output-path (cond
[(->output-path source-path)]
[else (raise-argument-error caller "valid output path" output-path)]))
[else (raise-argument-error caller "valid output path" maybe-output-path)]))
(define template-path (cond
[(get-template-for source-path output-path)]
@ -320,17 +327,16 @@
[(->output-path source-path)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source "valid output path" output-path)]))
[else (raise-argument-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source "valid output path" maybe-output-path)]))
(define template-path
[(get-template-for source-path output-path)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source
(format "valid template path~a"
(if (has-inner-poly-ext? source-path)
(format " for target ~a" (current-poly-target))
[else (raise-user-error 'render-markup-or-markdown-source
"couldn't find template~a"
(if (has-inner-poly-ext? source-path)
(format " for target .~a" (current-poly-target))
;; use a temp file so that multiple (possibly parallel) renders
;; do not compete for write access to the same template
@ -359,7 +365,7 @@
(define (file-exists-or-has-source? path) ; path could be #f
(and path (for/first ([proc (in-list (list values ->preproc-source-path ->null-source-path))]
#:when (file-exists? (proc path)))
(define (get-template-from-metas source-path output-path-ext)
(with-handlers ([exn:fail:contract? (λ (e) #f)]) ; in case source-path doesn't work with cached-require
@ -396,7 +402,7 @@
[else #false]))
(for/or ([proc (list get-template-from-metas get-default-template get-fallback-template)])
(file-exists-or-has-source? (proc source-path output-path-ext)))]
(file-exists-or-has-source? (proc source-path output-path-ext)))]
[_ #false]))
