add support for scrbl files

Matthew Butterick 10 years ago
parent 67daf2ec65
commit 30fc39db0e

@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
;; get file extension as a string, or return #f
;; (consistent with filename-extension behavior)
(define+provide/contract (get-ext x)
(coerce/path? . -> . (or/c string? #f))
(coerce/path? . -> . (or/c #f string?))
(let ([fe-result (filename-extension x)])
(and fe-result (bytes->string/utf-8 fe-result))))
@ -113,53 +113,61 @@
(define-syntax (make-source-utility-functions stx)
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ stem file-ext)
(with-syntax ([stem-source? (format-id stx "~a-source?" #'stem)]
[has-stem-source? (format-id stx "has-~a-source?" #'stem)]
[has/is-stem-source? (format-id stx "has/is-~a-source?" #'stem)]
[->stem-source-path (format-id stx "->~a-source-path" #'stem)]
[->stem-source+output-paths (format-id stx "->~a-source+output-paths" #'stem)])
;; does file have particular extension
(define+provide/contract (stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (has-ext? (->path x) file-ext))))
;; does the source-ified version of the file exist
(define+provide/contract (has-stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (file-exists? (->stem-source-path (->path x))))))
;; it's a file-ext source file, or a file that's the result of a file-ext source
(define+provide/contract (has/is-stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (ormap (λ(proc) (proc (->path x))) (list stem-source? has-stem-source?)))))
;; add the file extension if it's not there
(define+provide/contract (->stem-source-path x)
(pathish? . -> . path?)
(->path (if (stem-source? x) x (add-ext x file-ext))))
;; coerce either a source or output file to both
(define+provide/contract (->stem-source+output-paths path)
(pathish? . -> . (values path? path?))
(values (->complete-path (->stem-source-path path))
(->complete-path (->output-path path))))))]))
(make-source-utility-functions preproc world:preproc-source-ext)
(make-source-utility-functions null world:null-source-ext)
(make-source-utility-functions ptree world:ptree-source-ext)
(make-source-utility-functions markup world:markup-source-ext)
(make-source-utility-functions template world:template-source-ext)
[(_ stem)
(let ([stem-datum (syntax->datum #'stem)])
(with-syntax ([file-ext (format-id stx "world:~a-source-ext" #'stem)]
[stem-source? (format-id stx "~a-source?" #'stem)]
[has-stem-source? (format-id stx "has-~a-source?" #'stem)]
[has/is-stem-source? (format-id stx "has/is-~a-source?" #'stem)]
[->stem-source-path (format-id stx "->~a-source-path" #'stem)]
[->stem-source+output-paths (format-id stx "->~a-source+output-paths" #'stem)])
;; does file have particular extension
(define+provide/contract (stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (has-ext? (->path x) file-ext))))
;; does the source-ified version of the file exist
(define+provide/contract (has-stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (file-exists? (->stem-source-path (->path x))))))
;; it's a file-ext source file, or a file that's the result of a file-ext source
(define+provide/contract (has/is-stem-source? x)
(any/c . -> . boolean?)
(->boolean (and (pathish? x) (ormap (λ(proc) (proc (->path x))) (list stem-source? has-stem-source?)))))
;; add the file extension if it's not there
(define+provide/contract (->stem-source-path x)
(pathish? . -> . path?)
(->path (if (stem-source? x)
#,(if (equal? stem-datum 'scribble)
#'(add-ext (remove-all-ext x) file-ext) ; different logic for scribble sources
#'(add-ext x file-ext)))))
;; coerce either a source or output file to both
(define+provide/contract (->stem-source+output-paths path)
(pathish? . -> . (values path? path?))
(values (->complete-path (->stem-source-path path))
(->complete-path (->output-path path)))))))]))
(make-source-utility-functions preproc)
(make-source-utility-functions null)
(make-source-utility-functions ptree)
(make-source-utility-functions markup)
(make-source-utility-functions template)
(make-source-utility-functions scribble)
;; todo: move this into source-specific definitions
(define+provide/contract (->output-path x)
(coerce/path? . -> . coerce/path?)
(if (or (markup-source? x) (preproc-source? x) (null-source? x))
(remove-ext x)
[(or (markup-source? x) (preproc-source? x) (null-source? x)) (remove-ext x)]
[(scribble-source? x) (add-ext (remove-ext x) 'html)]
[else x]))
(define+provide/contract (project-files-with-ext ext)

@ -54,7 +54,7 @@
(let ([so-path (->complete-path pathish)]) ; so-path = source or output path (could be either)
[(ormap (λ(test) (and (test so-path) (render-to-file-if-needed so-path #:force force)))
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source?))]
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source? has/is-scribble-source?))]
[(ptree-source? so-path) (let ([ptree (cached-require so-path world:main-pollen-export)])
(for-each (λ(pnode) (render-for-dev-server pnode #:force force)) (ptree->list ptree)))]))
@ -64,8 +64,8 @@
(complete-path? . -> . (values complete-path? complete-path?))
;; file-proc returns two values, but ormap only wants one
(define file-proc (ormap (λ(test file-proc) (and (test source-or-output-path) file-proc))
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source?)
(list ->null-source+output-paths ->preproc-source+output-paths ->markup-source+output-paths)))
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source? has/is-scribble-source?)
(list ->null-source+output-paths ->preproc-source+output-paths ->markup-source+output-paths ->scribble-source+output-paths)))
(file-proc source-or-output-path))
@ -107,8 +107,8 @@
(define render-proc
[(ormap (λ(test render-proc) (and (test source-path) render-proc))
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source?)
(list render-null-source render-preproc-source render-markup-source))]
(list has/is-null-source? has/is-preproc-source? has/is-markup-source? has/is-scribble-source?)
(list render-null-source render-preproc-source render-markup-source render-scribble-source))]
[else (error (format "render: no rendering function found for ~a" source-path))]))
(message (format "render: ~a" (file-name-from-path source-path)))
@ -123,6 +123,23 @@
(file->bytes source-path))
(define (render-through-scribble-eval expr-to-eval)
(parameterize ([current-namespace (make-base-namespace)]
[current-output-port (current-error-port)])
(eval expr-to-eval (current-namespace))))
(define/contract (render-scribble-source source-path)
(complete-path? . -> . bytes?)
(match-define-values (source-dir _ _) (split-path source-path))
(time (parameterize ([current-directory (->complete-path source-dir)])
(render-through-scribble-eval `(begin
(require scribble/render)
(require (file ,(->string source-path)))
(render (list doc) '(,source-path))))))
(file->bytes (->output-path source-path)))
(define/contract (render-preproc-source source-path)
(complete-path? . -> . bytes?)
(match-define-values (source-dir _ _) (split-path source-path))
@ -154,7 +171,7 @@
(define/contract (templated-source? path)
(complete-path? . -> . boolean?)
(not (or (null-source? path) (preproc-source? path))))
(and (markup-source? path)))
(define/contract (get-template-for source-path)

@ -163,13 +163,15 @@
(define possible-sources
(if (directory-exists? fn)
empty ;; folders don't have source files
(filter file-in-dir? (list (->preproc-source-path filename) (->markup-source-path filename) (->null-source-path filename)))))
(filter file-in-dir? (list (->preproc-source-path filename) (->markup-source-path filename) (->null-source-path filename) (->scribble-source-path filename)))))
(define source (and (not (empty? possible-sources)) (->string (car possible-sources))))
`(tr ,@(map make-link-cell
(append (list
(cond ; main cell
[(directory-exists? (build-path dir filename)) ; links subdir to its dashboard
(cons (format "~a/~a" filename world:dashboard-name) (format "~a/" filename))]
[(and source (equal? (get-ext source) "scrbl"))
(cons #f `(a ((href ,filename)) ,filename (span ((class "file-ext")) " (from " ,source ")")))]
[source (cons #f `(a ((href ,filename)) ,filename (span ((class "file-ext")) "." ,(get-ext source))))]
[else (cons filename filename)])

@ -10,6 +10,8 @@
(define null-source-ext 'p)
(define ptree-source-ext 'ptree)
(define template-source-ext 'pt)
(define scribble-source-ext 'scrbl)
(define reader-mode-auto 'auto)
(define reader-mode-preproc 'pre)
