@ -168,60 +168,62 @@
[(list all min range? max) (let* ([min (if min (string->number min) 0)]
[(list all min range? max) (let* ([min (if min (string->number min) 0)]
[max (cond
[max (cond
[(and range? max) (string->number max)]
[(and range? max) (string->number max)]
[(and (not range?) (not max)) min] ; {3} -> {3,3}
[(and (not range?) (not max)) (if (zero? min)
[else #f])])
#f ; {} -> {0,}
(cons min max))]))]
min))] ; {3} -> {3,3}
[else (raise-argument-error 'grammar-parse "unknown repetition operator" $2)]))
[else #f])])
(pattern-repeat (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(cons min max))]))]
(position->pos $2-end-pos)
[else (raise-argument-error 'grammar-parse "unknown repetition operator" $2)]))
min-repeat max-repeat $1
(pattern-repeat (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $2-end-pos)
min-repeat max-repeat $1
(pattern-lit (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(substring $1 1 (sub1 (string-length $1)))
(pattern-lit (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(substring $1 1 (sub1 (string-length $1)))
(if (token-id? $1)
(pattern-token (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(if (token-id? $1)
(pattern-token (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(pattern-id (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(pattern-id (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $1-end-pos)
(pattern-repeat (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $3-end-pos)
0 1 $2
(pattern-repeat (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $3-end-pos)
0 1 $2
[(LPAREN pattern RPAREN)
(relocate-pattern $2 (position->pos $1-start-pos) (position->pos $3-end-pos))]
[(LPAREN pattern RPAREN)
[(HIDE atomic-pattern)
(relocate-pattern $2 (position->pos $1-start-pos) (position->pos $3-end-pos))]
(relocate-pattern $2 (position->pos $1-start-pos) (position->pos $2-end-pos) 'hide)]
[(HIDE atomic-pattern)
(relocate-pattern $2 (position->pos $1-start-pos) (position->pos $2-end-pos) 'hide)]
;; only works for nonterminals on the right side
;; (meaningless with terminals)
(if (token-id? $2)
;; only works for nonterminals on the right side
(error 'brag "Can't use splice operator with terminal")
;; (meaningless with terminals)
(pattern-id (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(if (token-id? $2)
(position->pos $2-end-pos)
(error 'brag "Can't use splice operator with terminal")
(pattern-id (position->pos $1-start-pos)
(position->pos $2-end-pos)
(error (lambda (tok-ok? tok-name tok-value start-pos end-pos)
((current-parser-error-handler) tok-ok? tok-name tok-value (position->pos start-pos) (position->pos end-pos))))))
(error (lambda (tok-ok? tok-name tok-value start-pos end-pos)
((current-parser-error-handler) tok-ok? tok-name tok-value (position->pos start-pos) (position->pos end-pos))))))
;; relocate-pattern: pattern -> pattern
;; relocate-pattern: pattern -> pattern
;; Rewrites the pattern's start and end pos accordingly.
;; Rewrites the pattern's start and end pos accordingly.