Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent d952611293
commit 10c399bfd7

@ -32,31 +32,30 @@
(define-lex-abbrev id (:& (complement (:+ digit)) (:+ id-char)))
(define-lex-abbrev id-separator (:or ":" "::="))
(define-lex-abbrev esc-chars (char-set "\\a\\b\\t\\n\\v\\f\\r\\e"))
(define-lex-abbrev esc-chars (union "\\a" "\\b" "\\t" "\\n" "\\v" "\\f" "\\r" "\\e"))
(define (escape-lexeme lexeme quote-char)
(define (unescape-lexeme lexeme quote-char)
;; convert the literal string representation back into an escape char with lookup table
;; maybe use `read` instead?
(define escapes (hash "a" 7 "b" 8 "t" 9 "n" 10 "v" 11 "f" 12 "r" 13 "e" 27 "\"" 34 "'" 39))
(define unescapes (hash "a" 7 "b" 8 "t" 9 "n" 10 "v" 11 "f" 12 "r" 13 "e" 27 "\"" 34 "'" 39))
(define pat (regexp (format "(?<=^~a\\\\).(?=~a$)" quote-char quote-char)))
[(regexp-match pat lexeme)
=> (λ (m) (string quote-char (integer->char (hash-ref escapes (car m))) quote-char))]
=> (λ (m) (string quote-char (integer->char (hash-ref unescapes (car m))) quote-char))]
[else lexeme]))
(define lex/1
;; handle whitespace chars within quotes as literal tokens: "\n" "\t" '\n' '\t'
;; by matching the escaped version, and then unescaping them before they become token-LITs
;; handle whitespace & escape chars within quotes as literal tokens: "\n" "\t" '\n' '\t'
;; match the escaped version, and then unescape them before they become token-LITs
[(:: "'"
(:* (:or "\\'" esc-chars (:~ "'" "\\")))
(token-LIT (escape-lexeme lexeme #\'))]
(token-LIT (unescape-lexeme lexeme #\'))]
[(:: "\""
(:* (:or "\\\"" esc-chars (:~ "\"" "\\")))
(token-LIT (escape-lexeme lexeme #\"))]
(token-LIT (unescape-lexeme lexeme #\"))]
(token-LPAREN lexeme)]
@ -81,7 +80,6 @@
[(:: (:or "#" ";")
(complement (:: (:* any-char) NL (:* any-char)))
(:or NL ""))
;; Skip comments up to end of line.
(return-without-pos (lex/1 input-port))]
(token-EOF lexeme)]
@ -119,7 +117,7 @@
;; position->pos: position -> pos
;; Coerses position structures from br-parser-tools/lex to our own pos structures.
;; Converts position structures from br-parser-tools/lex to our own pos structures.
(define (position->pos a-pos)
(pos (position-offset a-pos)
(position-line a-pos)
@ -128,8 +126,6 @@
;; tokenize: input-port -> (-> token)
(define (tokenize ip
#:source [source (object-name ip)])
(lambda ()
(parameterize ([file-path source])
(lex/1 ip))))
(define (tokenize ip #:source [source (object-name ip)])
(λ () (parameterize ([file-path source])
(lex/1 ip))))
