@ -1,11 +1,25 @@
#lang debug racket/gui
#lang debug racket/gui
(require words)
(require words)
(define the-fam
(for*/first ([preferred
'("Triplicate T4" "Menlo" "Consolas" "Andale Mono" "Courier")]
[mono-fam (in-list (get-face-list 'mono))]
#:when (equal? preferred mono-fam))
(define mono-font (make-font #:face the-fam #:size 16))
(define window (new frame% [label "Words"]
(define window (new frame% [label "Words"]
[width 600]
[width 700]
[height 500]
[height 800]
[x 100]
[x 100]
[y 100]))
[y 100]
[alignment '(left top)]
[spacing 12]
[border 6]))
(define current-optional (make-parameter "etaoinshrdluw"))
(define current-optional (make-parameter "etaoinshrdluw"))
(define current-omit (make-parameter #f))
(define current-omit (make-parameter #f))
@ -16,20 +30,46 @@
(set! refresh-thread (let ()
(set! refresh-thread (let ()
(kill-thread refresh-thread)
(kill-thread refresh-thread)
(thread (λ () (sleep 0.2) (refresh-wordbox))))))
(thread (λ () (sleep 0.2) (refresh-wordbox))))))
(for ([param (list current-optional current-omit current-mandatory current-combo)]
[str '("optional letters" "omitted letters" "mandatory letters" "mandatory combo")])
(define (update-text-field! tf param)
(param (match (send tf get-value)
[(? non-empty-string? str) str]
[_ #false]))
;; put delay on refresh so that rapid typing
;; doesn't trigger too many refreshes
(define (make-text-field param str [parent-panel #f])
(new text-field%
(new text-field%
[parent window]
[parent (or parent-panel window)]
[label str]
[label str]
[font mono-font]
[horiz-margin (if parent-panel 0 12)]
[init-value (or (param) "")]
[init-value (or (param) "")]
[stretchable-width #f]
[stretchable-width #f]
[callback (λ (tf evt)
[callback (λ (tf evt) (update-text-field! tf param))]))
(param (match (send tf get-value)
[(? non-empty-string? str) str]
(let ([optional-letter-panel (new horizontal-panel%
[_ #false]))
[parent window]
;; put delay on refresh so that rapid typing
[horiz-margin 6]
;; doesn't trigger too many refreshes
[alignment '(left top)]
[stretchable-height #false])])
(define tf-optional
(make-text-field current-optional "optional letters" optional-letter-panel))
(define ((tf-optional-button-callback str) button evt)
(send tf-optional set-value str)
(update-text-field! tf-optional current-optional))
(for ([label-str '("clear" "a-z" "etaoinshrdluw")]
[str '("" "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz" "etaoinshrdluw")])
(new button%
[label label-str]
[parent optional-letter-panel]
[font mono-font]
[callback (tf-optional-button-callback str)])))
(for ([param (list current-omit current-mandatory current-combo)]
[str '("omitted letters" "mandatory letters" "mandatory combo")])
(make-text-field param str))
(define current-min-size (make-parameter 3))
(define current-min-size (make-parameter 3))
(define current-max-size (make-parameter 20))
(define current-max-size (make-parameter 20))
@ -39,44 +79,51 @@
[end-size (list (+ (current-min-size) 10) (current-max-size))]
[end-size (list (+ (current-min-size) 10) (current-max-size))]
[label-str '("min length" "max length")]
[label-str '("min length" "max length")]
[selected-item (list 0 10)])
[selected-item (list 0 10)])
(new radio-box%
(new radio-box%
[parent window]
[parent window]
[label label-str]
[label label-str]
[style '(horizontal)]
[font mono-font]
[selection selected-item]
[horiz-margin 12]
[choices (map number->string (range start-size (add1 end-size)))]
[style '(horizontal)]
[callback (λ (rb evt)
[selection selected-item]
(param (string->number (send rb get-item-label (send rb get-selection))))
[choices (map number->string (range start-size (add1 end-size)))]
[callback (λ (rb evt)
(param (string->number (send rb get-item-label (send rb get-selection))))
(define current-proper-names-choice (make-parameter #f))
(define current-proper-names-choice (make-parameter #f))
(define current-hide-plurals (make-parameter #f))
(define current-hide-plurals (make-parameter #f))
(let ([checkbox-panel (new horizontal-panel%
(let ([checkbox-panel (new horizontal-panel%
[parent window]
[parent window]
[alignment '(center center)]
[alignment '(left top)]
[stretchable-height #false])])
[stretchable-height #false])])
(for ([param (list current-proper-names-choice current-hide-plurals)]
(for ([param (list current-proper-names-choice current-hide-plurals)]
[msg '("show proper names" "hide plurals")])
[msg '("show proper names" "hide plurals")])
(new check-box%
(new check-box%
[parent checkbox-panel]
[parent checkbox-panel]
[label msg]
[label msg]
[callback (λ (cb evt)
[font mono-font]
(param (send cb get-value))
[horiz-margin 6]
[callback (λ (cb evt)
(param (send cb get-value))
(define current-case-choice (make-parameter #f))
(define current-case-choice (make-parameter #f))
(new radio-box%
(define rb-casing
[parent window]
(new radio-box%
[label #f]
[parent window]
[style '(horizontal)]
[label #f]
[choices '("default" "Title Case" "lowercase" "UPPERCASE")]
[font mono-font]
[callback (λ (rb evt)
[horiz-margin 12]
(current-case-choice (match (send rb get-selection)
[style '(horizontal)]
[1 'title]
[choices '("default" "Title Case" "lowercase" "UPPERCASE")]
[2 'lower]
[callback (λ (rb evt)
[3 'upper]
(current-case-choice (match (send rb get-selection)
[_ #false]))
[1 'title]
[2 'lower]
[3 'upper]
[_ #false]))
(define (refresh-wordbox)
(define (refresh-wordbox)
(define ed (send wordbox get-editor))
(define ed (send wordbox get-editor))
@ -99,21 +146,62 @@
(define current-word-count (make-parameter 50))
(define current-word-count (make-parameter 50))
(let ([button-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent window]
(let ([button-panel (new horizontal-panel% [parent window]
[alignment '(center center)]
[alignment '(left top)]
[stretchable-height #false])])
[stretchable-height #false])])
(for ([count (in-list '(50 100 500 1000 all))])
(for ([count (in-list '(50 100 500 1000 all))])
(define count-str (format "~a" count))
(define count-str (format "~a" count))
(new button% [parent button-panel]
(new button% [parent button-panel]
[label count-str]
[label count-str]
[callback (λ (button evt)
[font mono-font]
(current-word-count (string->number count-str))
[callback (λ (button evt)
(current-word-count (string->number count-str))
(define wordbox (new text-field%
(define wordbox (new text-field%
[label #f]
[label #f]
[style '(multiple)]
[style '(multiple)]
[parent window]
[parent window]
[font (make-font #:face "Fira Mono OT" #:size 14)]))
[font mono-font]))
(define (words-to-clipboard item evt)
(send the-clipboard set-clipboard-string (send wordbox get-value) (send evt get-time-stamp)))
(define button-copy
(new button% [parent window]
[label "copy words"]
[font mono-font]
[stretchable-width #true]
[callback words-to-clipboard]))
(define menubar (new menu-bar%
[parent window]))
(define menu-edit (new menu%
[parent menubar]
[label "Actions"]))
(define (make-menu-item str char proc)
(new menu-item%
[parent menu-edit]
[label str]
[shortcut char]
[callback proc]))
(define menu-item-copy (make-menu-item "Copy" #\C words-to-clipboard))
(define menu-item-refresh
(make-menu-item "Regenerate" #\R (λ (thing evt) (refresh-wordbox))))
(define menu-item-more-words
(make-menu-item "More" #\= (λ (thing evt)
(current-word-count (+ (current-word-count) 25))
(define menu-item-fewer-words
(make-menu-item "Fewer" #\- (λ (thing evt)
(current-word-count (max (- (current-word-count) 25) 0))
(send window show #t)
(send window show #t)