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# module-deps
walk the dependency graph to generate json output that can be fed into
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# example
``` js
var mdeps = require('module-deps');
var JSONStream = require('JSONStream');
var stringify = JSONStream.stringify();
var file = __dirname + '/files/main.js';
$ node example/deps.js
{"id":"/home/substack/projects/module-deps/example/files/main.js","source":"var foo = require('./foo');\nconsole.log('main: ' + foo(5));\n","entry":true,"deps":{"./foo":"/home/substack/projects/module-deps/example/files/foo.js"}}
{"id":"/home/substack/projects/module-deps/example/files/foo.js","source":"var bar = require('./bar');\n\nmodule.exports = function (n) {\n return n * 111 + bar(n);\n};\n","deps":{"./bar":"/home/substack/projects/module-deps/example/files/bar.js"}}
{"id":"/home/substack/projects/module-deps/example/files/bar.js","source":"module.exports = function (n) {\n return n * 100;\n};\n","deps":{}}
and you can feed this json data into
$ node example/deps.js | browser-pack | node
main: 1055
# usage
usage: module-deps [files]
generate json output from each entry file
# methods
``` js
var mdeps = require('module-deps')
## var d = mdeps(files, opts={})
Return a readable stream `d` of javascript objects from an array of filenames
Each file in `files` can be a string filename or a stream.
Optionally pass in some `opts`:
* opts.transform - a string or array of string transforms (see below)
* opts.transformKey - an array path of strings showing where to look in the
package.json for source transformations. If falsy, don't look at the
package.json at all.
* opts.resolve - custom resolve function using the
`opts.resolve(id, parent, cb)` signature that
[browser-resolve]( has
* opts.filter - a function (id) to skip resolution of some module `id` strings.
If defined, `opts.filter(id)` should return truthy for all the ids to include
and falsey for all the ids to skip.
* opts.packageFilter - transform the parsed package.json contents before using
the values. `opts.packageFilter(pkg, dir)` should return the new `pkg` object to
* opts.noParse - an array of absolute paths to not parse for dependencies. Use
this for large dependencies like jquery or threejs which take forever to parse.
* opts.cache - an object mapping filenames to file objects to skip costly io
* opts.packageCache - an object mapping filenames to their parent package.json
contents for browser fields, main entries, and transforms
* opts.paths - array of global paths to search. Defaults to splitting on `':'`
in `process.env.NODE_PATH`
# events
## d.on('transform', function (tr, file) {})
Every time a transform is applied to a `file`, a `'transform'` event fires with
the instantiated transform stream `tr`.
## d.on('file', function (file) {})
Every time a file is read, this event fires with the file path.
# transforms
module-deps can be configured to run source transformations on files before
parsing them for `require()` calls. These transforms are useful if you want to
compile a language like [coffeescript]( on the fly or
if you want to load static assets into your bundle by parsing the AST for
`fs.readFileSync()` calls.
If the transform is a function, it should take the `file` name as an argument
and return a through stream that will be written file contents and should output
the new transformed file contents.
If the transform is a string, it is treated as a module name that will resolve
to a module that is expected to follow this format:
``` js
var through = require('through');
module.exports = function (file) { return through() };
You don't necessarily need to use the
[through]( module to create a
readable/writable filter stream for transforming file contents, but this is an
easy way to do it.
When you call `mdeps()` with an `opts.transform`, the transformations you
specify will not be run for any files in node_modules/. This is because modules
you include should be self-contained and not need to worry about guarding
themselves against transformations that may happen upstream.
Modules can apply their own transformations by setting a transformation pipeline
in their package.json at the `opts.transformKey` path. These transformations
only apply to the files directly in the module itself, not to the module's
dependants nor to its dependencies.
## package.json transformKey
Transform keys live at a configurable location in the package.json denoted by
the `opts.transformKey` array.
For a transformKey of `['foo','bar']`, the transformKey can be a single string
``` json
"foo": {
"bar": "fff"
or an array of strings (`["fff","ggg"]`):
``` json
"foo": {
"bar": ["fff","ggg"]
If you want to pass options to the transforms, you can use a 2-element array
inside of the primary array. Here `fff` gets an options object with `{"x":3}`
and `ggg` gets `{"y":4}`:
``` json
"foo": {
"bar": [["fff",{"x":3}],["ggg",{"y":4}]]
# install
With [npm](, to get the module do:
npm install module-deps
and to get the `module-deps` command do:
npm install -g module-deps
# license