gentler penalty

Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent 7fda9cc899
commit f2d29257d5

@ -13,6 +13,9 @@
(define (default-finish-wrap-func wrap-qs q0 q idx) (list wrap-qs))
(define (finalize-reversed-wraps wraps)
; append* because `finish-wrap-proc` returns a spliceable list
; reverse because wraps accumulated in reverse
; as a special case, '(()) is returned as just '()
(match (append* (reverse wraps))
[(list (list)) (list)]
[wraps wraps]))
@ -76,9 +79,6 @@
(match qs
[(or (== empty) (list (? hard-break?))) ; ignore single trailing hard break
(define last-wrap (finish-wrap (append next-wrap-tail next-wrap-head) previous-wrap-ender wrap-idx #f))
; append* because `finish-wrap-proc` returns a spliceable list
; reverse because wraps accumulated in reverse
; as a special case, '(()) is returned as just '()
(finalize-reversed-wraps (cons last-wrap wraps))]
[(cons q other-qs)
(debug-report q 'next-q)
@ -87,7 +87,7 @@
[(hard-break? q)
(debug-report 'found-hard-break)
;; put hard break onto next-wrap-tail, and finish the wrap
;; must break. finish the wrap
(loop (cons (finish-wrap would-be-wrap-qs previous-wrap-ender wrap-idx) wraps)
(wrap-count wrap-idx q)
@ -202,7 +202,7 @@
(define underflow (- measure wrap-distance))
(+ last-val ; include penalty so far
(* wrap-idx mega-penalty) ; new line penalty
(* (sub1 wrap-idx) mega-penalty) ; new line penalty
;; overfull line: huge penalty prevents break; multiplier is essential for monotonicity.
[(negative? underflow) (* mega-penalty (- underflow))]
