resume in pointer

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent ad99b7f9aa
commit e669cd70f0

@ -1,5 +1,11 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/dict racket/sequence "helper.rkt" "number.rkt" "util.rkt" sugar/unstable/dict)
(require racket/dict
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -7,93 +13,95 @@ approximates
(define/post-decode (xarray-decode xa [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (->input-port port-arg))
(parameterize ([current-input-port port])
(define new-parent (if (xint? (xarray-base-len xa))
(mhasheq 'parent parent
'_startOffset (pos port)
'_currentOffset 0
'_length (xarray-base-len xa))
(define decoded-len (resolve-length (xarray-base-len xa) #:parent parent))
[(or (not decoded-len) (eq? (xarray-length-type xa) 'bytes))
(define end-pos (cond
;; decoded-len is byte length
[decoded-len (+ (pos port) decoded-len)]
;; no decoded-len, but parent has length
[(and parent (not (zero? (dict-ref parent '_length)))) (+ (dict-ref parent '_startOffset) (dict-ref parent '_length))]
;; no decoded-len or parent, so consume whole stream
[else +inf.0]))
(for/list ([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (or (eof-object? (peek-byte)) (= (pos port) end-pos)))
(xdecode (xarray-base-type xa) #:parent new-parent))]
;; we have decoded-len, which is treated as count of items
[else (for/list ([i (in-range decoded-len)])
(xdecode (xarray-base-type xa) #:parent new-parent))])))
(define xarray-base%
(class* xenobase% ()
(init-field type len)
(unless (xenomorphic? type)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "xenomorphic type" type))
(unless (length-resolvable? len)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "length-resolvable?" len))))
(define/pre-encode (xarray-encode xa array [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(unless (sequence? array)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-encode "sequence" array))
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
(parameterize ([current-output-port port])
(define (encode-items parent)
;; todo: should array with fixed length stop encoding after it reaches max?
;; cf. xstring, which rejects input that is too big for fixed length.
(let* (#;[items (sequence->list array)]
#;[item-count (length items)]
#;[max-items (if (number? (xarray-len xa)) (xarray-len xa) item-count)])
(for ([item array])
(encode (xarray-base-type xa) item #:parent parent))))
[(xint? (xarray-base-len xa))
(let ([parent (mhash 'pointers null
'startOffset (pos port)
'parent parent)])
(dict-set! parent 'pointerOffset (+ (pos port) (size xa array #:parent parent)))
(encode (xarray-base-len xa) (length array)) ; encode length at front
(encode-items parent)
(for ([ptr (in-list (dict-ref parent 'pointers))]) ; encode pointer data at end
(encode (dict-ref ptr 'type) (dict-ref ptr 'val))))]
[else (encode-items parent)])
(unless port-arg (get-output-bytes port))))
(define xarray%
(class* xarray-base% ()
(init-field length-type)
(unless (memq length-type '(bytes count))
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "'bytes or 'count" length-type))
(define/finalize-size (xarray-size xa [val #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(when val (unless (sequence? val)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-size "sequence" val)))
[val (define-values (new-parent len-size) (if (xint? (xarray-base-len xa))
(values (mhasheq 'parent parent) (size (xarray-base-len xa)))
(values parent 0)))
(define items-size (for/sum ([item val])
(size (xarray-base-type xa) item #:parent new-parent)))
(+ items-size len-size)]
[else (define item-count (resolve-length (xarray-base-len xa) #f #:parent parent))
(define item-size (size (xarray-base-type xa) #f #:parent parent))
(* item-size item-count)]))
(inherit-field type len)
(struct xarray-base xbase (type len) #:transparent)
(struct xarray xarray-base (length-type) #:transparent
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xarray-decode)
(define xdecode xarray-decode)
(define encode xarray-encode)
(define size xarray-size)])
(define/augment (xxdecode port parent . _)
(define new-parent (if (xint? len)
(mhasheq 'parent parent
'_startOffset (pos port)
'_currentOffset 0
'_length len)
(define decoded-len (resolve-length len #:parent parent))
[(or (not decoded-len) (eq? length-type 'bytes))
(define end-pos (cond
;; decoded-len is byte length
[decoded-len (+ (pos port) decoded-len)]
;; no decoded-len, but parent has length
[(and parent (not (zero? (dict-ref parent '_length))))
(+ (dict-ref parent '_startOffset) (dict-ref parent '_length))]
;; no decoded-len or parent, so consume whole stream
[else +inf.0]))
(for/list ([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (or (eof-object? (peek-byte)) (= (pos port) end-pos)))
(send type xxdecode port new-parent))]
;; we have decoded-len, which is treated as count of items
[else (for/list ([i (in-range decoded-len)])
(send type xxdecode port new-parent))]))
(define (+xarray [type-arg #f] [len-arg #f] [length-type-arg 'count]
#:type [type-kwarg #f] #:length [len-kwarg #f] #:count-bytes [count-bytes? #f])
(define type (or type-arg type-kwarg))
(define len (or len-arg len-kwarg))
(define length-type (if count-bytes? 'bytes length-type-arg))
(unless (xenomorphic? type)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "xenomorphic type" type))
(unless (length-resolvable? len)
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "length-resolvable?" len))
(unless (memq length-type '(bytes count))
(raise-argument-error '+xarray "'bytes or 'count" length-type))
(xarray type len length-type))
(define/augment (xxencode array port [parent #f])
(unless (sequence? array)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-encode "sequence" array))
(define (encode-items parent)
;; todo: should array with fixed length stop encoding after it reaches max?
;; cf. xstring, which rejects input that is too big for fixed length.
(let* (#;[items (sequence->list array)]
#;[item-count (length items)]
#;[max-items (if (number? (xarray-len xa)) (xarray-len xa) item-count)])
(for ([item array])
(send type xxencode item port parent))))
[(xint? len)
(let ([parent (mhash 'pointers null
'startOffset (pos port)
'parent parent)])
(dict-set! parent 'pointerOffset (+ (pos port) (xxsize array parent)))
(send len xxencode (length array) port) ; encode length at front
(encode-items parent)
(for ([ptr (in-list (dict-ref parent 'pointers))]) ; encode pointer data at end
(send (dict-ref ptr 'type) xxencode (dict-ref ptr 'val) port)))]
[else (encode-items parent)]))
(define/augment (xxsize [val #f] [parent #f])
(when val (unless (sequence? val)
(raise-argument-error 'xarray-size "sequence" val)))
[val (define-values (new-parent len-size)
(if (xint? len)
(values (mhasheq 'parent parent) (send len xxsize))
(values parent 0)))
(define items-size (for/sum ([item val])
(send type xxsize item new-parent)))
(+ items-size len-size)]
[else (define item-count (resolve-length len #f #:parent parent))
(define item-size (send type xxsize #f parent))
(* item-size item-count)]))))
(define (+xarray [type-arg #f] [len-arg #f] [length-type-arg 'count]
#:type [type-kwarg #f]
#:length [len-kwarg #f]
#:count-bytes [count-bytes? #f]
#:subclass [class xarray%])
(new class [type (or type-arg type-kwarg)]
[len (or len-arg len-kwarg)]
[length-type (if count-bytes? 'bytes length-type-arg)]))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)

@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
(require "helper.rkt"
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -16,7 +17,7 @@
[(dict-ref parent 'parent #f) => find-top-parent]
[else parent]))
(define/post-decode (xpointer-decode xp [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
#;(define/post-decode (xpointer-decode xp [port-arg (current-input-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (->input-port port-arg))
(parameterize ([current-input-port port])
(define offset (xdecode (xpointer-offset-type xp) #:parent parent))
@ -53,7 +54,7 @@
[(xvoid-pointer? val) (values (xvoid-pointer-type val) (xvoid-pointer-value val))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'Pointer:size "VoidPointer" val)]))
(define/pre-encode (xpointer-encode xp val [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
#;(define/pre-encode (xpointer-encode xp val [port-arg (current-output-port)] #:parent [parent #f])
(define port (if (output-port? port-arg) port-arg (open-output-bytes)))
(unless parent ; todo: furnish default pointer context? adapt from Struct?
(raise-argument-error 'xpointer-encode "valid pointer context" parent))
@ -78,7 +79,7 @@
(dict-set! new-parent 'pointerOffset (+ (dict-ref new-parent 'pointerOffset) (size type val #:parent parent)))))))
(unless port-arg (get-output-bytes port)))
(define (xpointer-size xp [val #f] #:parent [parent #f])
#;(define (xpointer-size xp [val #f] #:parent [parent #f])
(let*-values ([(parent) (case (pointer-relative-to xp)
[(local immediate) parent]
[(parent) (dict-ref parent 'parent)]
@ -90,7 +91,20 @@
(+ (dict-ref parent 'pointerSize) (size type val #:parent parent)))))
(size (xpointer-offset-type xp))))
(struct xpointer xbase (offset-type type options) #:transparent
(define xpointer%
(class* xenobase% ()
(init-field offset-type type options)
(define pointer-relative-to (dict-ref options 'relative-to))
(define allow-null (dict-ref options 'allowNull))
(define null-value (dict-ref options 'nullValue))
(define pointer-lazy? (dict-ref options 'lazy))
#;(struct xpointer xbase (offset-type type options) #:transparent
#:methods gen:xenomorphic
[(define decode xpointer-decode)
(define xdecode xpointer-decode)
@ -111,14 +125,12 @@
'lazy lazy?
'allowNull allow-null?
'nullValue null-value))
(define offset-type (or offset-arg offset-kwarg uint8))
(define type-in (or type-arg type-kwarg uint8))
(xpointer offset-type (case type-in [(void) #f][else type-in]) options))
(new xpointer%
[offset-type (or offset-arg offset-kwarg uint8)]
[type (case type-in [(void) #f][else type-in])]
[options options]))
(define (pointer-relative-to xp) (dict-ref (xpointer-options xp) 'relative-to))
(define (allow-null xp) (dict-ref (xpointer-options xp) 'allowNull))
(define (null-value xp) (dict-ref (xpointer-options xp) 'nullValue))
(define (pointer-lazy? xp) (dict-ref (xpointer-options xp) 'lazy))
;; A pointer whose type is determined at decode time
(struct xvoid-pointer (type value) #:transparent)

@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
#lang racket/base
(require rackunit
@ -19,8 +20,10 @@
"decode with post-decode"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(define xa (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 4))
(set-post-decode! xa (λ (val . _) (map (λ (x) (* 2 x)) val)))
(define myarray% (class xarray%
(define/override (post-decode val) (map (λ (x) (* 2 x)) val))))
(define xa (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 4 #:subclass myarray%))
(check-equal? (decode xa) '(2 4 6 8))))
@ -31,12 +34,12 @@
"decode length from parent key"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (xdecode (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 'len) #:parent (mhash 'len 4)) '(1 2 3 4))))
(check-equal? (send (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 'len) xxdecode (current-input-port) (mhash 'len 4)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode byte count from parent key"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (xdecode (+xarray #:type uint16be #:length 'len #:count-bytes #t) #:parent (mhash 'len 4)) '(258 772))))
(check-equal? (send (+xarray #:type uint16be #:length 'len #:count-bytes #t) xxdecode (current-input-port) (mhash 'len 4)) '(258 772))))
"decode length as number before array"
@ -61,12 +64,12 @@
"decode to the end of parent if no length given"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (xdecode (+xarray #:type uint8) #:parent (mhash '_length 4 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4))))
(check-equal? (send (+xarray #:type uint8) xxdecode (current-input-port) (mhash '_length 4 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4))))
"decode to the end of the stream if parent exists, but its length is 0"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(check-equal? (xdecode (+xarray #:type uint8) #:parent (mhash '_length 0 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4 5))))
(check-equal? (send (+xarray #:type uint8) xxdecode (current-input-port) (mhash '_length 0 '_startOffset 0)) '(1 2 3 4 5))))
"decode to the end of the stream if no parent and length is given"
@ -92,8 +95,10 @@
"encode with pre-encode"
(parameterize ([current-input-port (open-input-bytes (bytes 1 2 3 4 5))])
(define xa (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 4))
(set-pre-encode! xa (λ (val . _) (map (λ (x) (* 2 x)) val)))
(define myarray% (class xarray%
(define/override (pre-encode val) (map (λ (x) (* 2 x)) val))))
(define xa (+xarray #:type uint8 #:length 4 #:subclass myarray%))
(check-equal? (encode xa '(1 2 3 4) #f) (bytes 2 4 6 8))))
