examples for x:symbol, x:list, x:stream, x:vector

Matthew Butterick 5 years ago
parent 307ac0b792
commit c4851fd19b

@ -1,9 +1,9 @@
#lang scribble/manual
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket/base racket/class racket/file racket/dict racket/stream racket/promise xenomorph))
@(require scribble/eval (for-label racket/base racket/class racket/file racket/dict racket/list racket/stream racket/promise racket/vector xenomorph))
@(define my-eval (make-base-eval))
@(my-eval '(require xenomorph))
@(my-eval '(require xenomorph racket/list racket/stream racket/vector))
@title{Xenomorph: binary encoding & decoding}
@ -695,8 +695,7 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:string%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:string%])
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the maximum length in bytes of the encoded string.
@item{If this argument is an integer, the string is limited to that length. The length is not directly encoded.
@item{If this argument is an integer, the string is limited to that length. The length is not directly encoded.}
@item{If it's a @racket[xenomorphic?] type, the length is variable, but limited to the size that can be represented by that type. For instance, if @racket[len-arg] is @racket[uint8], then the string can be a maximum of 255 bytes. The length is encoded at the beginning of the byte string.}
@ -705,9 +704,6 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:string%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:string%])
@racket[enc-arg] or @racket[enc-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[enc-arg] takes precedence) determines the encoding of the string. Default is @racket['utf8]. See also @racket[supported-encoding?].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define any-ascii (x:string #f 'ascii))
@ -727,6 +723,14 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:string%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:string%])
(encode 256-utf8 "ABCD" #f)
(encode 256-utf8 "ABÜ" #f)
(encode 256-utf8 (make-string 256 #\A) #f)
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define (doubler str) (string-append str str))
(define quad-str (x:string uint32be
#:pre-encode doubler
@ -734,6 +738,7 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:string%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:string%])
(encode quad-str "ABC" #f)
(decode quad-str #"\0\0\0\6ABCABC")
@ -790,15 +795,35 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:symbol%].
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:symbol%)) x:symbol%]
Generate an instance of @racket[x:symbol%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:symbol%]) with certain optional attributes.
Generate an instance of @racket[x:symbol%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:symbol%]) with certain optional attributes, which are the same as @racket[x:string].
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the length of the symbol. If this argument is an integer, the symbol is limited to that length. If it's another value, the symbol has variable length.
@racket[enc-arg] or @racket[enc-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[enc-arg] takes precedence) determines the encoding of the string. Default is @racket['utf8]. See also @racket[supported-encoding?].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define any-ascii (x:symbol #f 'ascii))
(encode any-ascii 'ABC #f)
(decode any-ascii #"ABC\0")
(decode any-ascii #"ABC\0DEF")
(decode any-ascii #"AB")
(define three-ascii (x:symbol 3 'ascii))
(encode three-ascii 'ABC #f)
(encode three-ascii 'ABCD #f)
(encode three-ascii 'ABÜ #f)
(decode three-ascii #"ABC")
(decode three-ascii #"ABCD")
(decode three-ascii (string->bytes/utf-8 "ABÜ"))
(define 256-utf8 (x:symbol uint8 'utf8))
(encode 256-utf8 'ABC #f)
(encode 256-utf8 'ABCD #f)
(encode 256-utf8 'ABÜ #f)
(encode 256-utf8 (make-string 256 #\A) #f)
(define (doubler sym)
(string->symbol (format "~a~a" sym sym)))
(define quad-str (x:symbol uint32be
#:pre-encode doubler
#:post-decode doubler))
(encode quad-str "ABC" #f)
(decode quad-str #"\0\0\0\6ABCABC")
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@ -808,7 +833,7 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:symbol%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:symbol%])
Lists in Xenomorph have a @emph{type} and maybe a @emph{length}. Every element in the list must have the same type. The list can have a specific length, but it doesn't need to (in which case the length is encoded as part of the data).
If you want to store heterogeneous item types in a single Xenomorph list, you can wrap them in @secref{Pointers} so they have a uniform type.
If you want to store items of different types in a single Xenomorph list, wrap them in @secref{Pointers} so they have a uniform type.
@defclass[x:list% x:base% ()]{
Base class for list formats. Use @racket[x:list] to conveniently instantiate new list formats.
@ -865,9 +890,40 @@ Generate an instance of @racket[x:list%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:list%]) wit
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the length of the list. This can be an ordinary integer, but it can also be any value that is @racket[length-resolvable?].
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define three-uint8s (x:list uint8 3))
(encode three-uint8s '(1 2 3) #f)
(encode three-uint8s (string->bytes/utf-8 "ABC") #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1 2 3 4) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1000 2000 3000) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(A B C) #f)
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3\4")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2")
(define <256-uint8s (x:list #:type uint8 #:length uint8))
(encode <256-uint8s '(1 2 3) #f)
(encode <256-uint8s (make-list 500 1) #f)
(decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3")
(decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3\4")
(decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2")
(define nested (x:list #:type <256-uint8s #:length uint8))
(encode nested '((65) (66 66) (67 67 67)) #f)
(decode nested #"\3\1A\2BB\3CCC")
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define (doubler xs) (append xs xs))
(define quad-list (x:list uint16be
#:pre-encode doubler
#:post-decode doubler))
(encode quad-list '(1 2 3) #f)
(decode quad-list #"\0\1\0\2\0\3\0\1\0\2\0\3")
@ -928,15 +984,32 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:stream%].
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:stream%)) x:stream%]
Generate an instance of @racket[x:stream%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:stream%]) with certain optional attributes.
Generate an instance of @racket[x:stream%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:stream%]) with certain optional attributes, which are the same as @racket[x:list].
@racket[type-arg] or @racket[type-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[type-arg] takes precedence) determines the type of the elements in the list.
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the length of the list. This can be an ordinary integer, but it can also be any value that is @racket[length-resolvable?].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define three-uint8s (x:stream uint8 3))
(encode three-uint8s '(1 2 3) #f)
(encode three-uint8s (string->bytes/utf-8 "ABC") #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1 2 3 4) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1000 2000 3000) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(A B C) #f)
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3\4")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2")
(define <256-uint8s (x:stream #:type uint8 #:length uint8))
(encode <256-uint8s '(1 2 3) #f)
(encode <256-uint8s (make-list 500 1) #f)
(stream->list (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3"))
(for/list ([val (in-stream (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3\4"))])
(stream->list (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2"))
(define (doubler xs) (append (stream->list xs) (stream->list xs)))
(define quad-stream (x:stream uint16be
#:pre-encode doubler
#:post-decode doubler))
(encode quad-stream '(1 2 3) #f)
(decode quad-stream #"\0\1\0\2\0\3\0\1\0\2\0\3")
@ -995,15 +1068,32 @@ Whether @racket[x] is an object of type @racket[x:vector%].
[#:base-class base-class (λ (c) (subclass? c x:vector%)) x:vector%]
Generate an instance of @racket[x:vector%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:vector%]) with certain optional attributes.
@racket[type-arg] or @racket[type-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[type-arg] takes precedence) determines the type of the elements in the list.
@racket[len-arg] or @racket[len-kw] (whichever is provided, though @racket[len-arg] takes precedence) determines the length of the list. This can be an ordinary integer, but it can also be any value that is @racket[length-resolvable?].
Generate an instance of @racket[x:vector%] (or a subclass of @racket[x:vector%]) with certain optional attributes, which are the same as @racket[x:list].
@racket[pre-encode-proc] and @racket[post-decode-proc] control the pre-encoding and post-decoding procedures, respectively. Each takes as input the value to be processed and returns a new value.
@racket[base-class] controls the class used for instantiation of the new object.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define three-uint8s (x:vector uint8 3))
(encode three-uint8s '#(1 2 3) #f)
(encode three-uint8s (string->bytes/utf-8 "ABC") #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1 2 3 4) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(1000 2000 3000) #f)
(encode three-uint8s '(A B C) #f)
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2\3\4")
(decode three-uint8s #"\1\2")
(define <256-uint8s (x:vector #:type uint8 #:length uint8))
(encode <256-uint8s '(1 2 3) #f)
(encode <256-uint8s (make-list 500 1) #f)
(vector->list (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3"))
(for/list ([val (in-vector (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2\3\4"))])
(vector->list (decode <256-uint8s #"\3\1\2"))
(define (doubler vec) (vector-append vec vec))
(define quad-vec (x:vector uint16be
#:pre-encode doubler
#:post-decode doubler))
(encode quad-vec '#(1 2 3) #f)
(decode quad-vec #"\0\1\0\2\0\3\0\1\0\2\0\3")
