@ -206,7 +206,7 @@
[(not (empty? exploded-line-quads))
;; after exploding, each quad will have a string with one character.
(define shifted-lists (shift exploded-line-quads '(1 -1)))
(define shifted-lists (shifts exploded-line-quads '(1 -1)))
(define lefts (first shifted-lists))
(define rights (second shifted-lists))
(for/list : (Listof Quad) ([q-left (in-list lefts)][q (in-list exploded-line-quads)][q-right (in-list rights)])
@ -415,26 +415,29 @@
;; first-fit and best-fit are variants.
(define-type Find-Breakpoints-Type ((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float -> (Listof Breakpoint)))
(define/typed (adaptive-fit-proc pieces measure [use-first? #t] [use-best? #t])
(((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float) (Boolean Boolean) . ->* . (Listof Nonnegative-Integer))
(((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float) (Boolean Boolean) . ->* . (Listof Breakpoint))
;; this is the winning performance strategy: extract the numbers first, then just wrap on those.
;; todo: how to avoid re-measuring pieces later?
;; todo: how to retain information about words per line and hyphen at end?
(define-values (pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths)
(make-piece-vectors pieces))
(define pieces-with-word-space (vector-map (λ([piece : PieceQuad]) (and (quad-has-attr? piece world:word-break-key) (equal? (quad-attr-ref (assert (quad-attr-ref piece world:word-break-key) quad?) 'nb) " "))) pieces))
(define pieces-with-word-space (vector-map (λ([piece : PieceQuad]) (and (quad-has-attr? piece world:word-break-key) (equal? (quad-attr-ref (assert (quad-attr-ref piece world:word-break-key) quad?) world:no-break-key) " "))) pieces))
(define (make-first-fit-bps-and-widths)
(define-values (reversed-bps reversed-widths)
;; breakpoints get stacked onto bps, so (car bps) is always the next starting point
;; thus use '(0) as a starting value to indicate that the first line starts at bp 0
;; bps will end up with at least two values (if all pieces fit on first line, bps = 0 and last bp)
(for/fold ([bps : (Pairof Breakpoint (Listof Breakpoint)) '(0) ][line-widths : (Listof Float) empty])
([j-1 : Breakpoint (in-range (vector-length pieces))])
(for/fold ([bps : (Pairof Breakpoint (Listof Breakpoint)) '(0) ]
[line-widths : (Listof Value-Type) empty])
;; (in-range (vector-length pieces)) won't work here because it doesn't preserve Index type
([j-1 : Breakpoint (in-list (range (vector-length pieces)))])
(define line-starting-bp (car bps))
(define line-width (get-line-width (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths
line-starting-bp (add1 j-1))))
;; add1 does not preserve Index type, so assert
line-starting-bp (assert (add1 j-1) index?))))
(if (fl> line-width (fl* world:allowed-overfull-ratio measure))
(values (cons j-1 bps) (cons line-width line-widths))
(values bps line-widths))))
@ -497,7 +500,7 @@
(fl world:new-line-penalty)
($penalty->value penalty-up-to-i)
(let ([line-width (get-line-width (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths i j))])
(let ([line-width (get-line-width (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths (assert i index?) (assert j index?)))])
;; overfull line: huge penalty prevents break; multiplier is essential for monotonicity.
;; multiply by -1 because line-width is longer than measure, thus diff is negative