@ -1,31 +1,28 @@
#lang typed/racket/base
(require (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax))
(require/typed sugar/list [slicef-after ((Listof Quad) (Quad . -> . Boolean) . -> . (Listof (Listof Quad)))]
;; shift: need False in type because shift fills with #f
[shift ((Listof Quad) (Listof Integer) . -> . (List (Listof (U False Quad)) (Listof (U False Quad))))]
[break-at ((Listof PieceQuad) (Listof Breakpoint) . -> . (Listof (Listof PieceQuad)))])
(require typed/sugar/list typed/sugar/define)
(require math/flonum (except-in racket/list flatten) racket/vector math/statistics racket/bool)
(require/typed racket/list [flatten (All (A) (Rec as (U Any (Listof as))) -> (Listof Any))])
(require "ocm-typed.rkt" "quads-typed.rkt" "utils-typed.rkt" "measure-typed.rkt" "world-typed.rkt" "logger-typed.rkt" "core-types.rkt" "utils-typed.rkt")
;; predicate for the soft hyphen
(define/typed (soft-hyphen? x)
(String . -> . Boolean)
(String -> Boolean)
(equal? (format "~a" world:soft-hyphen) x))
;; visible characters that also mark possible breakpoints
(define/typed (visible-breakable? x)
(String . -> . Boolean)
(String -> Boolean)
(and (member x world:hyphens-and-dashes) #t))
;; invisible characters that denote possible breakpoints
(define/typed (invisible-breakable? x)
(String . -> . Boolean)
(String -> Boolean)
(and (member x (cons world:empty-string world:spaces)) #t))
;; union of visible & invisible
(define/typed (breakable? x)
(Any . -> . Boolean)
(Any -> Boolean)
[(string? x) (or (visible-breakable? x) (invisible-breakable? x))]
;; word? should have a filter that returns a Quad type, then the Quad? check will be unnecessary
@ -35,20 +32,20 @@
;; used by insert-spacers to determine which characters
;; can be surrounded by stretchy spacers
(define/typed (takes-justification-space? x)
(Any . -> . Boolean)
(Any -> Boolean)
(whitespace/nbsp? x))
;; test if a quad can be a word break:
;; either it's an explicit word break,
;; or it's breakable (and can be converted to a word break)
(define/typed (possible-word-break-quad? q)
(Quad . -> . Boolean)
(Quad -> Boolean)
(or (word-break? q) (breakable? q)))
;; convert a possible word break into an actual one
(define/typed (convert-to-word-break q)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(Quad -> Quad)
(when (not (possible-word-break-quad? q))
(error 'convert-to-word-break "input is not a possible word break:" q))
(define result (cond
@ -69,7 +66,7 @@
(or result (error 'convert-to-word-break "result was a not word break for input:" q)))
(define/typed (make-unbreakable q)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(Quad -> Quad)
(quad-attr-set q world:unbreakable-key #t))
@ -78,7 +75,7 @@
;; meaning, a line can wrap at a piece boundary, but not elsewhere.
;; hyphenation produces more, smaller pieces, which means more linebreak opportunities
;; but this also makes wrapping slower.
(define-type Make-Pieces-Type ((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof PieceQuad)))
(define-type Make-Pieces-Type ((Listof Quad) -> (Listof PieceQuad)))
(define/typed (make-pieces qs)
(define-values (breakable-items items-to-make-unbreakable) (split-at-right qs (min world:minimum-last-line-chars (length qs))))
@ -86,7 +83,7 @@
(define lists-of-quads (slicef-after unbreak-qs (λ([q : Quad]) (and (possible-word-break-quad? q) (not (quad-attr-ref q world:unbreakable-key #f))))))
(define-values (first-lists-of-quads last-list-of-quads) (split-last lists-of-quads))
(define/typed (make-first-pieces qs)
((Listof Quad) . -> . PieceQuad)
((Listof Quad) -> PieceQuad)
(let-values ([(first-qs last-q) ((inst split-last Quad) qs)])
(apply piece (list world:word-break-key (convert-to-word-break last-q)) first-qs)))
(append (map make-first-pieces first-lists-of-quads)
@ -95,7 +92,7 @@
;; extract font attributes from quad, or get default values
(define/typed (font-attributes-with-defaults q)
(Quad . -> . (List Font-Size Font-Name Font-Weight Font-Style))
(Quad -> (List Font-Size Font-Name Font-Weight Font-Style))
(assert (let ([size (quad-attr-ref/parameter q world:font-size-key)])
(if (exact-integer? size) (fl size) size)) Font-Size?)
@ -108,12 +105,12 @@
;; Try the attr first, and if it's not available, compute the width.
;; comes in fast or slow versions.
;; not designed to update the source quad.
(define-type Measure-Quad-Type (Quad . -> . Float))
(define-type Measure-Quad-Type (Quad -> Float))
(define/typed (quad-width q)
[(quad-has-attr? q world:width-key) (fl (assert (quad-attr-ref q world:width-key) flonum?))]
[(ormap (λ([pred : (Any . -> . Boolean)]) (pred q)) (list char? run? word? word-break?))
[(ormap (λ([pred : (Any -> Boolean)]) (pred q)) (list char? run? word? word-break?))
(apply measure-text (word-string q)
(font-attributes-with-defaults q))]
[(LineQuad? q) (foldl fl+ 0.0 (map quad-width (quad-list q)))]
@ -124,12 +121,12 @@
;; consult the attrs, and if not available, compute it.
;; not designed to update the source quad.
(define/typed (ascent q)
(Quad . -> . Float)
(Quad -> Float)
(define ascent-value-or-false (quad-attr-ref q world:ascent-key #f))
(if (and ascent-value-or-false (flonum? ascent-value-or-false))
[(ormap (λ([pred : (Any . -> . Boolean)]) (pred q)) (list char? run? word? word-break?))
[(ormap (λ([pred : (Any -> Boolean)]) (pred q)) (list char? run? word? word-break?))
(apply measure-ascent (word-string q) (font-attributes-with-defaults q))]
[else 0.0])))
@ -161,31 +158,31 @@
;; shorthand
(define/typed (render-piece-before-break p)
(PieceQuad . -> . PieceQuad)
(PieceQuad -> PieceQuad)
(render-piece p #t))
;; helper macro to convert quad into word-break.
;; look up the break character and convert the quad based on what is found.
(define/typed (render-word-break wb key)
(Word-BreakQuad Symbol . -> . Quad)
(Word-BreakQuad Symbol -> Quad)
(let ([break-char (quad-attr-ref wb key)])
(quad (if (whitespace? break-char) 'word-break 'word)
(quad-attrs (quad-attr-remove* wb world:no-break-key world:before-break-key)) (list (assert (quad-attr-ref wb key) string?)))))
;; uses macro above in no-break mode.
(define/typed (word-break->no-break wb)
(Word-BreakQuad . -> . Quad)
(Word-BreakQuad -> Quad)
(render-word-break wb world:no-break-key))
;; uses macro above in before-break mode.
(define/typed (word-break->before-break wb)
(Word-BreakQuad . -> . Quad)
(Word-BreakQuad -> Quad)
(render-word-break wb world:before-break-key))
;; is this the last line? compare current line-idx to total lines
(define/typed (last-line? line)
(Quad . -> . Boolean)
(Quad -> Boolean)
(define line-idx (assert (quad-attr-ref line world:line-index-key #f) Index?))
(define lines (assert (quad-attr-ref line world:total-lines-key #f) Index?))
(and line-idx lines (= (add1 line-idx) lines)))
@ -200,9 +197,9 @@
;; it just looks at quads on both sides and kerns them if appropriate.
;; in practice, only one will likely be used.
(define/typed (render-optical-kerns exploded-line-quads)
((Listof Quad) . -> . (Listof Quad))
((Listof Quad) -> (Listof Quad))
(define/typed (overhang-width q)
((U Quad False) . -> . Float)
((U Quad False) -> Float)
(if (and (word? q) (member (word-string q) world:hanging-chars))
(* -1.0 (world:optical-overhang) (apply measure-text (word-string q) (font-attributes-with-defaults q)))
@ -243,7 +240,7 @@
[else (values #f #f #f)]))
(define/typed (copy-with-attrs q attr-source)
(Quad Quad . -> . Quad)
(Quad Quad -> Quad)
(define keys-to-ignore '(width)) ; width will be determined during fill routine
(define filtered-attrs (and (quad-attrs attr-source)
(quad-attrs (apply quad-attr-remove* attr-source keys-to-ignore))))
@ -264,23 +261,23 @@
;; installs the width in the quad.
;; this becomes the value reported by quad-width.
(define/typed (embed-width q w)
(Quad Float . -> . Quad)
(Quad Float -> Quad)
(quad-attr-set q world:width-key w))
;; installs the ascent in the quad.
(define/typed (record-ascent q)
(Quad . -> . Quad)
(Quad -> Quad)
(quad-attr-set q world:ascent-key (ascent q)))
;; helper function: doesn't need contract because it's already covered by the callers
(define/typed (render-pieces ps)
((Listof PieceQuad) . -> . (Listof PieceQuad))
((Listof PieceQuad) -> (Listof PieceQuad))
(define-values (initial-ps last-p) ((inst split-last PieceQuad) ps))
(snoc (map render-piece initial-ps) (render-piece-before-break last-p)))
(define/typed (calc-looseness total-width measure)
(Float Float . -> . Float)
(Float Float -> Float)
(round-float (fl/ (fl- measure total-width) measure)))
@ -288,7 +285,7 @@
;; take the contents of the rendered pieces and merge them.
;; compute looseness for line as a whole.
;; also add ascent to each component quad, which can be different depending on font & size.
(define-type Compose-Line-Type ((Listof PieceQuad) (Quad . -> . Float) . -> . LineQuad))
(define-type Compose-Line-Type ((Listof PieceQuad) (Quad -> Float) -> LineQuad))
(define/typed (pieces->line ps measure-quad-proc)
(define rendered-pieces (render-pieces ps))
@ -328,12 +325,12 @@
;; a faster line-measuring function used by the wrapping function to test lines.
(define/typed (measure-potential-line ps)
((Listof PieceQuad) . -> . Float)
((Listof PieceQuad) -> Float)
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (append-map (λ([rp : PieceQuad]) (map quad-width (quad-list rp))) (render-pieces ps))))
(define/typed (vector-break-at vec bps)
((Vectorof Any) (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) . -> . (Listof (Vectorof Any)))
((Vectorof Any) (Listof Nonnegative-Integer) -> (Listof (Vectorof Any)))
(define-values (vecs _) ;; loop backward
(for/fold ([vecs : (Listof (Vectorof Any)) empty][end : Nonnegative-Integer (vector-length vec)])([start (in-list (reverse (cons 0 bps)))])
(if (= start end)
@ -368,7 +365,7 @@
(define (breakpoints? x) (and (list? x) (andmap integer? x)))
(define/typed (install-measurement-keys p)
(GroupQuad . -> . Quad)
(GroupQuad -> Quad)
(define basic-width (round-float
(foldl fl+ 0.0 (map quad-width (quad-list p)))))
(define p-word-break (assert (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) quad?))
@ -382,7 +379,7 @@
(require sugar/debug)
(define/typed (make-piece-vectors pieces)
((Vectorof PieceQuad) . -> . (values (Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float)))
((Vectorof PieceQuad) -> (values (Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float)))
(define pieces-measured
(for/list : (Listof (Vector Float Float Float)) ([p (in-vector pieces)])
(define wb (assert (quad-attr-ref p world:word-break-key #f) (λ(wb) (or (false? wb) (quad? wb)))))
@ -403,20 +400,20 @@
(define/typed (make-trial-line pieces-rendered-widths pieces-rendered-before-break-widths i j)
((Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float) Breakpoint Breakpoint . -> . (Vectorof Float))
((Vectorof Float) (Vectorof Float) Breakpoint Breakpoint -> (Vectorof Float))
(let ([vec (vector-copy pieces-rendered-widths i j)])
(vector-set! vec (sub1 (vector-length vec)) (vector-ref pieces-rendered-before-break-widths (sub1 j)))
(define/typed (get-line-width line)
((Vectorof Float) . -> . Float)
((Vectorof Float) -> Float)
(round-float (foldl + 0.0 (vector->list line))))
(struct $penalty ([hyphens : Nonnegative-Integer][width : Value-Type]) #:transparent)
;; top-level adaptive wrap proc.
;; first-fit and best-fit are variants.
(define-type Find-Breakpoints-Type ((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float . -> . (Listof Breakpoint)))
(define-type Find-Breakpoints-Type ((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float -> (Listof Breakpoint)))
(define/typed (adaptive-fit-proc pieces measure [use-first? #t] [use-best? #t])
(((Vectorof PieceQuad) Float) (Boolean Boolean) . ->* . (Listof Nonnegative-Integer))
@ -469,7 +466,7 @@
(define/typed ($penalty->value x)
($penalty . -> . Value-Type)
($penalty -> Value-Type)
($penalty-width x))
(define initial-value ($penalty 0 0.0))
@ -559,7 +556,7 @@
(define/typed (fixed-width? q)
(Quad . -> . Boolean)
(Quad -> Boolean)
(quad-has-attr? q world:width-key))
@ -590,7 +587,7 @@
;; add x positions to a list of fixed-width quads
;; todo: adjust this to work recursively, so that positioning operation cascades down
(define/typed+provide (add-horiz-positions starting-quad)
(GroupQuad . -> . GroupQuad)
(GroupQuad -> GroupQuad)
(define-values (new-quads final-width)
(for/fold ([new-quads : (Listof Quad) empty][width-so-far : Float 0.0])([q (in-list (quad-list starting-quad))])
(values (cons (quad-attr-set q world:x-position-key width-so-far) new-quads) (round-float (fl+ (quad-width q) width-so-far)))))