continue docs

Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent f0ef05227c
commit 77cd7fdbda

@ -54,8 +54,13 @@
(raise-argument-error 'Array:encode "list or countable" array)))
(define (encode-items ctx)
(for ([item (in-list (countable->list array))])
(send type encode port item ctx)))
(let* ([items (countable->list array)]
[item-count (length items)]
[max-items (if (number? len) len item-count)])
(unless (= item-count max-items)
(raise-argument-error 'Array:encode (format "list or countable with ~a items" max-items) items))
(for ([item (in-list items)])
(send type encode port item ctx))))
[(NumberT? len) (define ctx (mhash 'pointers null
@ -68,7 +73,8 @@
(send (· ptr type) encode port (· ptr val)))]
[else (encode-items parent)])))
(define-values (Array Array? +Array) (values ArrayT ArrayT? +ArrayT))
(define-procedures (Array Array? +Array) (ArrayT ArrayT? +ArrayT))
(define-procedures (array% array? array) (ArrayT ArrayT? +ArrayT))
(check-equal? (decode (+Array uint16be 3) #"ABCDEF") '(16706 17220 17734))

@ -22,6 +22,12 @@
(provide define-procedures)
(define-macro (define-procedures (NEW ...) (OLD ...))
#'(define-values (NEW ...)
(values (if (procedure? OLD)
(procedure-rename OLD 'NEW)
OLD) ...)))
(module reader syntax/module-reader
#:language 'xenomorph/private/racket)

@ -8,17 +8,25 @@
@title{Xenomorph: binary decoding & encoding}
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "")]
@author[(author+email "Matthew Butterick" "") "Devon Govett"]
Hands up: who likes reading and writing binary structures?
Hands up: who likes parsing and writing binary structures?
OK, great. All of you are free to go.
OK, just a few of you, in the back. You're free to go.
Everyone else: keep reading. This library is for you.
Everyone else: Xenomorph eases the pain of working with binary formats. Instead of fiddling with counting bytes:
@italic{Derived principally from Devon Govett's @link[""]{@tt{restructure}} library for Node.}
@itemlist[#:style 'ordered
@item{You build up a declaration of the binary format from its parts — like integers, strings, arrays, and pointers.}
@item{This declaration can then be used as a binary parser, converting a binary file to Racket values.}
@item{This same declaration can @emph{also} be used as a binary compiler, converting Racket values to a binary file.}
Derived principally from Devon Govett's @link[""]{@tt{restructure}} library for Node. Thanks for figuring out the hard parts, dude.
@ -31,7 +39,20 @@ After that, you can update the package from the command line:
Invoke the library in a source file by importing it in the usual way: @code{(require xenomorph)}.
@section{Quick demo}
@section{Quick start}
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(define four-ints (+ArrayT uint8 4))
(decode four-ints #"\1\2\3\4")
(decode four-ints #"\1\2\3")
(decode four-ints #"\1\2\3\4\5\6")
(define op (open-output-string))
(encode four-ints '(1 2 3 4) op)
(get-output-bytes op)
@section{The big idea}
