Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent c3dfa21d7d
commit 778677e967

@ -8,6 +8,11 @@
(define variable? symbol?)
(define removal? (cons/c variable? any/c))
(define (update-assignment assignment var val)
(define h (hash-copy assignment))
(hash-set! h var val)
(struct $constraint (names proc) #:transparent)
(struct $vd (name vals) #:transparent)
@ -48,13 +53,15 @@
(define nassigns $csp-nassigns)
(define nchecks $csp-nchecks)
(define/contract (check-constraint csp . varvals)
(($csp?) #:rest (listof any/c) . ->* . any/c)
(define varval-hash (apply hasheq varvals))
(define/contract (check-constraint csp varval-hash [limit #f])
(($csp? hash?) ((or/c #f variable?)) . ->* . any/c)
(define relevant-constraints
(for/list ([constraint (in-list ($csp-constraints csp))]
#:when (for/and ([cname (in-list ($constraint-names constraint))])
(memq cname (hash-keys varval-hash))))
#:when (let ([cnames ($constraint-names constraint)])
(if limit (memq limit cnames) #true)
(for/and ([cname (in-list cnames)])
(memq cname (hash-keys varval-hash))))))
(for/and ([constraint (in-list relevant-constraints)])
@ -85,18 +92,17 @@
($csp? assignment? . -> . boolean?)
(= (length (hash-keys assignment)) (length ($csp-variables csp))))
(define asses (make-parameter #f))
(define/contract (nconflicts csp var val assignment)
($csp? variable? any/c assignment? . -> . number?)
;; Return the number of conflicts var=val has with other variables."""
;; Subclasses may implement this more efficiently
(define ass (update-assignment assignment var val))
(for/sum ([v (in-list (neighbors csp var))]
#:when (assignment . assigns? . v))
#;(define this (apply check-constraint csp (append (list var val) (flatten (for/list ([(k v) (in-hash assignment)]
#:unless (eq? var k))
(list k v))))))
(define that (check-constraint csp var val v (hash-ref assignment v)))
(if that
(if (check-constraint csp (if asses
(hasheq var val v (hash-ref assignment v))))
@ -242,7 +248,7 @@
(for/or ([y (in-list (curr_domain csp Xj))])
(check-constraint csp Xi x Xj y)))
(check-constraint csp (hasheq Xi x Xj y))))
(prune csp Xi x removals)
[else revised])))
@ -305,10 +311,11 @@
($csp? variable? any/c assignment? (box/c (listof removal?)) . -> . boolean?)
;; Prune neighbor values inconsistent with var=value.
(support_pruning csp) ;; necessary to set up curr_domains
(define ass (update-assignment assignment var value))
(for/and ([B (in-list (neighbors csp var))]
#:unless (assignment . assigns? . B))
(for ([b (in-list (curr_domain csp B))]
#:unless (check-constraint csp var value B b))
#:unless (check-constraint csp (if asses ass (hasheq var value B b))))
(prune csp B b removals))
(not (empty? (curr_domain csp B)))))
@ -394,13 +401,11 @@
[else #false]))
(require rackunit)
(define vs '(wa nsw t q nt v sa))
(define vds (for/list ([k vs])
(define vs '(wa nsw t q nt v sa))
(define vds (for/list ([k vs])
($vd k '(red green blue))))
(define (neq? a b) (not (eq? a b)))
(define cs (list
(define (neq? a b) (not (eq? a b)))
(define cs (list
($constraint '(wa nt) neq?)
($constraint '(wa sa) neq?)
($constraint '(nt sa) neq?)
@ -410,7 +415,30 @@
($constraint '(nsw sa) neq?)
($constraint '(nsw v) neq?)
($constraint '(v sa) neq?)))
(define csp (make-csp vds cs))
(define csp (make-csp vds cs))
(define (one)
(parameterize ([current-select-variable mrv]
[current-order-values lcv]
[current-inference mac]
[current-reset #f]
[current-shuffle #f])
(set-$csp-curr_domains! csp #f)
(check-equal? (solve csp)
'((nsw . green)
(nt . green)
(q . red)
(sa . blue)
(t . red)
(v . red)
(wa . red))))
(check-equal? (begin0 (list ($csp-nassigns csp) ($csp-nchecks csp)) (reset-counters! csp)) '(7 97))))
(define (test)
(set-$csp-curr_domains! csp #f)
(check-true ($csp? csp))
(define a (make-hasheq))
(assign csp 'key 42 a)
@ -504,7 +532,7 @@
(solve csp)
(make-hasheq '((nsw . red) (nt . red) (q . green) (sa . blue) (t . red) (v . green) (wa . green))))
(check-equal? (begin0 (list ($csp-nassigns csp) ($csp-nchecks csp)) (reset-counters! csp)) '(9 220))))
(check-equal? (begin0 (list ($csp-nassigns csp) ($csp-nchecks csp)) (reset-counters! csp)) '(9 220)))))
(solve (make-csp (list ($vd 'a '(1 2 3))
($vd 'b '(4 5 6))
