Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 8ae32ee305
commit 6af07a581a

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
#lang fontkit/racket
(require br/cond)
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define-subclass object%
(GlyphIterator glyphs [flags (mhasheq)])
(field [index #f])
(reset flags)
(define/public (reset flags)
(set-field! flags this flags)
(set-field! index this 0))
(define/public (cur)
(and (< (· this index) (length (· this glyphs)))
(list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index))))
(define/public (shouldIgnore glyph flags)
(or (and (· flags ignoreMarks) (· glyph isMark))
(and (· flags ignoreBaseGlyphs) (not (· glyph isMark)))
(and (· flags ignoreLigatures) (· glyph isLigature))))
(define/public (move dir)
(increment-field! index this dir)
(while (and (<= 0 (· this index))
(< (· this index) (length (· this glyphs)))
(send this shouldIgnore (list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index)) (· this flags)))
(increment-field! index this dir))
(if (or (> 0 (· this index))
(>= (· this index) (length (· this glyphs))))
(list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index))))
(define/public (next) (move 1))
(define/public (prev) (move -1))
(define/public (peek [count 1])
(define idx (· this index))
(define res (send this increment count))
(set-field! index this idx)
(define/public (peekIndex [count 1])
(define idx (· this index))
(send this increment count)
(define res (· this index))
(set-field! index this idx)
(define/public (increment [count 1])
(for ([i (in-range (abs count))])
(send this move (if (negative? count) -1 1)))
(list-ref (· this glyphs) (· this index))))

@ -8,8 +8,81 @@
(define-subclass OTProcessor (GPOSProcessor)
(define/override (applyLookup lookupType table)
(report/file 'starting-applyLookup)
(case lookupType
[(1) ;; Single positioning value
(report/file 'single-positioning-value)
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
(report/file index)
[(= index -1) #f]
[else (case (· table version)
[(1) (send this applyPositionValue 0 (· table value))]
[(2) (send this applyPositionValue 0 (send (· table values) get index))])
[(2) ;; Pair Adjustment Positioning
(report/file 'pair-adjustment)
(define nextGlyph (· this glyphIterator peek))
(report/file nextGlyph)
[(not nextGlyph) #f]
(define index (send this coverageIndex (· table coverage)))
(report/file index)
[(= index -1) #f]
(case (· table version)
[(1) ;; Adjustments for glyph pairs
(report/file 'glyph-pair)
(define set (send (· table pairSets) get index))
(for/first ([pair (in-list set)]
#:when (= (· pair secondGlyph) (· nextGlyph id)))
(send this applyPositionValue 0 (· pair value1))
(send this applyPositionValue 0 (· pair value2)))]
[(2) ;; Class pair adjustment
(report/file 'class-pair)
(define class1 (send this getClassId (· this glyphIterator cur id) (· table classDef1)))
(define class2 (send this getClassId (· nextGlyph id) (· table classDef2)))
[(or (= class1 -1) (= class2 -1)) #f]
[else (define pair (send (send (· table classRecords) get class1) get class2))
(send this applyPositionValue 0 (· pair value1))
(send this applyPositionValue 0 (· pair value2))
[(3) ;; Cursive Attachment Positioning
(report/file 'cursive-attachment-positioning-unimplemented)
[(4) ;; Mark to base positioning
(report/file 'mark-to-base-positioning-unimplemented)
[(5) ;; Mark to ligature positioning
(report/file 'mark-to-ligature-positioning-unimplemented)
[(6) ;; Mark to mark positioning
(report/file 'mark-to-mark-positioning-unimplemented)
[(7) ;; Contextual positioning
(report/file 'contextual-positioning-unimplemented)
[(8) ;; Chaining contextual positioning
(report/file 'chaining-contextual-positioning-unimplemented)
[(9) ;; Extension positioning
(report/file 'extension-contextual-positioning-unimplemented)
(raise-argument-error 'GPOSProcessor:applyLookup "supported GPOS table" lookupType)]))
(define/override (applyFeatures userFeatures glyphs advances)
(error 'gpos-processor-applyFeatures-not-implemented)
(super applyFeatures userFeatures glyphs advances))
(super applyFeatures userFeatures glyphs advances)
(for ([i (in-range (length (· this glyphs)))])
(send this fixCursiveAttachment i))
(send this fixMarkAttachment))

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang fontkit/racket
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt"))
(require (prefix-in Script- "script.rkt") br/cond "glyph-iterator.rkt")
(provide (all-defined-out))
@ -16,7 +16,8 @@
[languageTag #f]
[features (mhash)]
[lookups (mhash)]
[direction #f]) ; appears below
[direction #f]
[glyphIterator #f]) ; appears below
;; initialize to default script + language
@ -72,6 +73,58 @@
(dict-set! (· this features) (· record tag) (· record feature)))))))
(define/public (lookupsForFeatures [userFeatures empty] [exclude #f])
(report*/file 'ot-proc:lookupsForFeatures)
(sort (for*/list ([tag (in-list userFeatures)]
[feature (in-value (dict-ref (report/file (· this features)) tag #f))]
#:when feature
[lookupIndex (in-list (· feature lookupListIndexes))]
#:unless (and exclude (index-of exclude lookupIndex)))
(report*/file tag lookupIndex)
(mhasheq 'feature tag
'index lookupIndex
'lookup (send (· this table lookupList) get lookupIndex)))
< #:key (λ (i) (report*/file (· i index)))))
(define/public (applyFeatures userFeatures glyphs advances)
(error 'ot-processor-applyFeatures-not-implemented)))
(report/file 'ot-proc:applyFeatures-part1)
(define lookups (send this lookupsForFeatures userFeatures))
(report/file 'ot-proc:applyFeatures-part2)
(send this applyLookups lookups glyphs advances))
(define/public (applyLookups lookups glyphs positions)
(set-field! glyphs this glyphs)
(set-field! positions this positions)
(report/file 'ot-proc:applyLookups)
(set-field! glyphIterator this (+GlyphIterator glyphs))
(for* ([lookup-entry (in-list lookups)])
(define feature (dict-ref lookup-entry 'feature))
(define lookup (dict-ref lookup-entry 'lookup))
(send (· this glyphIterator) reset (· lookup flags))
(while (< (· this glyphIterator index) (length glyphs))
(when (dict-has-key? (· this glyphIterator cur features) feature)
(for/first ([table (in-list (· lookup subTables))])
(send this applyLookup (· lookup lookupType) table)))
(send (· this glyphIterator) next))))
(abstract applyLookup)
(define/public (applyLookupList lookupRecords)
(report/file 'applyLookupList-not-implemented)
(define/public (coverageIndex coverage [glyph #f])
(unless glyph
(set! glyph (· this glyphIterator cur id)))
(or (case (· coverage version)
[(1) (index-of (· coverage glyphs) glyph)]
[(2) (for/first ([range (in-list (· coverage rangeRecords))]
#:when (<= (· range start) glyph (· range end)))
(+ (· range startCoverageIndex) glyph (- (· range start))))]
[else #f]) -1))