Matthew Butterick 7 years ago
parent 35c872b185
commit 6ae7b64775

@ -74,7 +74,7 @@
;; we don't know what tables we might get
;; so we represent as generic Buffer type,
;; and convert the tables to bytes manually in preEncode
(define EncodableDirectory (+RDirectory (append directory-common-dict (list (cons 'data (+Array (+Buffer)))))))
(define EncodableDirectory (+RDirectory (append directory-common-dict (list (cons 'data (+Array (+RBuffer)))))))
(define (directory-decode ip [options (mhash)])
(send Directory decode (+DecodeStream (port->bytes ip))))

@ -8,7 +8,7 @@
(define-subclass Struct (Rglyf))
(define glyf (+Array (+Buffer)))
(define glyf (+Array (+RBuffer)))
(define ip (open-input-file charter-path))

@ -9,10 +9,18 @@
A Buffer is a container object for any data object that supports random access
A Node Buffer object is basically a byte string.
First argument must be a string, Buffer, ArrayBuffer, Array, or array-like object.
A Restructure RBuffer object is separate.
(define (+Buffer xs [type #f])
[(string? xs) (string->bytes/utf-8 xs)]
[else (list->bytes xs)]))
(define-subclass RestructureBase (Buffer [length_ #xffff])
(define-subclass RestructureBase (RBuffer [length_ #xffff])
(define/override (decode stream [parent #f])
(define length__ (utils-resolveLength length_ stream parent))
@ -33,7 +41,6 @@ A Buffer is a container object for any data object that supports random access
(send stream writeBuffer buf))))
(define-subclass Buffer (BufferT))

@ -9,3 +9,10 @@
(define index? (λ (x) (and (number? x) (integer? x) (not (negative? x)))))
(define (unsigned->signed uint bits)
(define most-significant-bit-mask (arithmetic-shift 1 (sub1 bits)))
(- (bitwise-xor uint most-significant-bit-mask) most-significant-bit-mask))
(define (signed->unsigned sint bits)
(bitwise-and sint (arithmetic-shift 1 bits)))

@ -43,22 +43,15 @@
[delta (if _signed? 0 signed-min)])
(values (- signed-min delta) (- signed-max delta))))
(define (unsigned->signed uint)
(define most-significant-bit-mask (arithmetic-shift 1 (sub1 bits)))
(- (bitwise-xor uint most-significant-bit-mask) most-significant-bit-mask))
(define (signed->unsigned sint)
(bitwise-and sint (arithmetic-shift 1 bits)))
(define/augment (decode stream . args)
(define bstr (send stream read _size))
(define bstr (send stream readBuffer _size))
(define bs ((if (eq? endian system-endian) identity reverse) (bytes->list bstr)))
(define unsigned-int (for/sum ([(b i) (in-indexed bs)])
(arithmetic-shift b (* 8 i))))
(post-decode unsigned-int))
(define/public (post-decode unsigned-int)
((if _signed? unsigned->signed identity) unsigned-int))
(if _signed? (unsigned->signed unsigned-int bits) unsigned-int))
(define/public (pre-encode val-in)
(exact-if-possible val-in))
@ -80,7 +73,7 @@
(define byte-size (/ _size 8))
(define/augment (decode stream . args) ; convert int to float
(define bs (send stream read byte-size))
(define bs (send stream readBuffer byte-size))
(floating-point-bytes->real bs (eq? endian 'be)))
(define/augment (encode stream val-in) ; convert float to int

@ -12,56 +12,114 @@
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readBuffer(buf.length).should.deep.equal new Buffer [1,2,3]
(define buf (+Buffer (bytes 1 2 3)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(1 2 3)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readBuffer (*length buf)) (+Buffer '(1 2 3))))
; it 'should readUInt16BE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0xab, 0xcd]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readUInt16BE().should.deep.equal 0xabcd
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#xab #xcd)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readUInt16BE) #xabcd))
; it 'should readUInt16LE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0xab, 0xcd]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readUInt16LE().should.deep.equal 0xcdab
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#xab #xcd)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readUInt16LE) #xcdab))
; it 'should readUInt24BE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readUInt24BE().should.deep.equal 0xabcdef
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#xab #xcd #xef)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readUInt24BE) #xabcdef))
; it 'should readUInt24LE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0xab, 0xcd, 0xef]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readUInt24LE().should.deep.equal 0xefcdab
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#xab #xcd #xef)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readUInt24LE) #xefcdab))
; it 'should readInt24BE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0xff, 0xab, 0x24]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readInt24BE().should.deep.equal -21724
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#xff #xab #x24)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readInt24BE) -21724))
; it 'should readInt24LE', ->
; buf = new Buffer [0x24, 0xab, 0xff]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readInt24LE().should.deep.equal -21724
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(#x24 #xab #xff)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readInt24LE) -21724))
; describe 'readString', ->
; it 'should decode ascii by default', ->
; buf = new Buffer 'some text', 'ascii'
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readString(buf.length).should.equal 'some text'
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer "some text" 'ascii))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readString (*length buf)) "some text"))
; it 'should decode ascii', ->
; buf = new Buffer 'some text', 'ascii'
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readString(buf.length, 'ascii').should.equal 'some text'
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer "some text" 'ascii))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readString (*length buf) 'ascii) "some text"))
; it 'should decode utf8', ->
; buf = new Buffer 'unicode! 👍', 'utf8'
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readString(buf.length, 'utf8').should.equal 'unicode! 👍'
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer "unicode! 👍" 'utf8))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readString (*length buf) 'utf8) "unicode! 👍"))
; todo: support freaky string encodings
; it 'should decode utf16le', ->
; buf = new Buffer 'unicode! 👍', 'utf16le'
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
@ -86,7 +144,17 @@
; buf = new Buffer [0x8a, 0x63, 0x63, 0x65, 0x6e, 0x74, 0x65, 0x64, 0x20, 0x63, 0x68, 0x87, 0x72, 0x61, 0x63, 0x74, 0x65, 0x72, 0x73]
; stream = new DecodeStream buf
; stream.readString(buf.length, 'mac').should.equal 'äccented cháracters'
; it 'should return a buffer for unsupported encodings', ->
; stream = new DecodeStream new Buffer [1, 2, 3]
; stream.readString(3, 'unsupported').should.deep.equal new Buffer [1, 2, 3]
(let ()
(define buf (+Buffer '(1 2 3)))
(define stream (+DecodeStream buf))
(check-equal? (send stream readString 3 'unsupported) (+Buffer '(1 2 3))))

@ -39,7 +39,7 @@
(define/public-final (writeBuffer buffer)
(write buffer)))
(define es (+EncodeStream))
(check-true (EncodeStream? es))
(send es write #"AB")
@ -64,47 +64,71 @@
;; basically just a wrapper for a Racket port
;; but needs to start with a buffer so length can be found
(require "sizes.rkt")
(define-macro (define-reader ID)
#'(define/public (ID)
(define bs (*ref type-sizes (string->symbol (string-downcase (string-replace (symbol->string 'ID) "read" "")))))
(readBuffer bs)))
(define-subclass* PortWrapper (DecodeStream [buffer #""])
(unless (bytes? buffer)
(unless (bytes? buffer) ; corresponds to a Node Buffer, not a restructure BufferT object
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:constructor "bytes" buffer))
(super-make-object (open-input-bytes buffer))
(inherit-field _port)
(getter-field [length (bytes-length buffer)])
(define/override-final (dump)
(define current-position (port-position _port))
(set-port-position! _port 0)
(define bs (port->bytes _port))
(set-port-position! _port current-position)
(field [pos 0]
[length (*length buffer)])
(define/public-final (readUInt8) (read 1))
(define/public-final (readInt8) (read 1))
(define/public (readString length [encoding 'ascii])
(define proc (caseq encoding
[(utf16le) (error 'bah)]
[(ucs2) (error 'bleh)]
[(utf8) bytes->string/utf-8]
[(ascii) bytes->string/latin-1]
[else identity]))
(proc (subbytes buffer pos (increment-field! pos this length))))
(define/public-final (read count)
(define/public-final (readBuffer count)
(unless (index? count)
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:read "positive integer" count))
(define bytes-remaining (- length (port-position _port)))
(when (> count bytes-remaining)
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:read (format "byte count not more than bytes remaining = ~a" bytes-remaining) count))
(read-bytes count _port))
(increment-field! pos this count)
(define bs (read-bytes count _port))
(unless (= pos (file-position _port)) (raise-result-error 'DecodeStream "positions askew" (list pos (file-position _port))))
(define/public-final (readBuffer count)
(read count)))
(define/public (read count) (readBuffer count))
(define/public (readUInt8) (bytes-ref (readBuffer 1) 0))
(define/public (readUInt16BE) (+ (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 8) (readUInt8)))
(define/public (readInt16BE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt16BE) 16))
(define/public (readUInt16LE) (+ (readUInt8) (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 8)))
(define/public (readUInt24BE) (+ (arithmetic-shift (readUInt16BE) 8) (readUInt8)))
(define/public (readUInt24LE) (+ (readUInt16LE) (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 16)))
(define/public (readInt24BE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt24BE) 24))
(define/public (readInt24LE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt24LE) 24))
(define/override-final (dump)
(define current-position (port-position _port))
(set-port-position! _port 0)
(define bs (port->bytes _port))
(set-port-position! _port current-position)
(define ds (+DecodeStream #"ABCD"))
(check-true (DecodeStream? ds))
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD")
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD") ; dump can repeat
(check-equal? (send ds read 2) #"AB")
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt16BE) 16706)
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD")
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 2)
(check-equal? (send ds read 1) #"C")
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt8) 67)
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 3)
(check-equal? (send ds read 1) #"D")
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt8) 68)
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 4)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send ds read -42)))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send ds read 1))))

@ -2,10 +2,12 @@
(provide (all-defined-out))
(require "number.rkt")
(define (resolveLength len stream parent)
(define (resolveLength length [stream #f] [parent #f])
(define res
[(number? len) len]
[(procedure? len) (len parent)]
[(and parent (symbol? len) (hash-ref (· parent res) len))] ; treat as key into RStruct parent
[(and stream (Number? len) (send len decode stream))]
[else (raise-argument-error 'resolveLength "not a fixed size" len)]))
[(number? length) length]
[(procedure? length) (length parent)]
[(and parent (symbol? length)) (*ref parent length)] ; treat as key into RStruct parent
[(and stream (Number? length)) (send length decode stream)]
[else (raise-argument-error 'resolveLength "fixed-size argument" length)]))