Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent fd1eeaf889
commit 5c7e99838c

@ -13,11 +13,10 @@
((hasheq 'foo "bar" 'zim "zam") . update-with . (hasheq 'zim "BANG") (hasheq 'toe "jam") (hasheq 'foo "zay"))
'#hasheq((zim . "BANG") (foo . "zay") (toe . "jam"))))
(define (merge-whitespace aqs)
(define (merge-whitespace aqs [white-aq? (λ (aq) (char-whitespace? (car (qe aq))))])
;; collapse each sequence of whitespace aqs to the first one, and make it a space
;; also drop leading & trailing whitespaces
;; (same behavior as web browsers)
(define (white-aq? aq) (char-whitespace? (car (qe aq))))
(let loop ([acc null][aqs aqs])
(if (null? aqs)
(flatten acc)

@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
#lang debug racket/base
(require racket/contract racket/list txexpr sugar/debug sugar/list racket/promise
(require racket/contract racket/list txexpr sugar/debug sugar/list racket/promise racket/function
"param.rkt" "qexpr.rkt" "atomize.rkt" "quad.rkt")
(define debug #f)
(define/contract (breaks xs-in
(define/contract (breaks xs
[target-size (current-line-width)]
[debug #f]
#:break-val [break-val 'break]
;; todo: generalize these procs so they're not particular to quads
#:mandatory-break-proc [mandatory-break? (λ (q) (memv (car (qe q)) '(#\newline)))]
@ -14,39 +14,48 @@
(delay (values 0 1 0))
(delay (values 1 1 1)))))])
(if (promise? val) (force val) (val))))])
((any/c) (integer? #:break-val any/c
((any/c) (integer? any/c
#:break-val any/c
#:mandatory-break-proc procedure?
#:optional-break-proc procedure?
#:size-proc procedure?) . ->* . (listof any/c))
#;(and (pair? xs)
(let ([can-be-break? (disjoin mandatory-break? optional-break?)])
(for/first ([x (in-list xs)]
[next-x (in-list (cdr xs))]
#:when (and (can-be-break? x) (can-be-break? next-x)))
(raise-argument-error 'breaks "no adjacent break possibilities allowed in input" (list x next-x)))))
(define last-breakpoint-k #f)
(define (capture-k!) (let/cc k (set! last-breakpoint-k k) #f))
(for/fold ([xss null]
[size-so-far 0]
#:result (reverse xss))
([x (in-list xs-in)])
(for/fold ([vals null]
[size-so-far #f]
#:result (reverse (dropf vals optional-break?)))
([x (in-list xs)])
(define-values (size-start size-mid size-end) (size-proc x))
[(<= (+ size-so-far size-end) target-size) ;; check overflow condition based on size-end (as if x were breakpoint)
[(and (not size-so-far) (optional-break? x)) (when debug (report x 'skipping-opt-break-at-beginning))
(values vals size-so-far)]
[(or (not size-so-far) (<= (+ size-so-far size-end) target-size)) ;; check overflow condition based on size-end (as if x were breakpoint)
(define (insert-break) (values (cons break-val (dropf vals optional-break?)) #f))
[(mandatory-break? x) (when debug (report x 'got-mandatory-break))
(values (cons break-val xss) 0)]
[(and (optional-break? x) (capture-k!)) (when debug (report x 'resuming-breakpoint)) ;; return point for k
(set! last-breakpoint-k #f) ;; prevents continuation loop
(values (cons break-val xss) 0)] ;; when break is found, q is omitted from accumulation
(insert-break)] ;; when break is found, q is omitted from accumulation
[else (when debug (report x 'add-to-line))
(values (cons x xss) (if (zero? size-so-far) ;; we're still at start
(values (cons x vals) (if (not size-so-far) ;; we're still at start
(+ size-so-far size-mid)))])] ;; otherwise recur based on size-mid
;; overflow handlers
[last-breakpoint-k (when debug (report x 'invoking-last-breakpoint))
(last-breakpoint-k #t)]
[else (when debug (report x 'falling-back))
(values (list* x break-val xss) size-start)]))) ;; fallback if no last-breakpoint-k exists
(values (list* x break-val vals) size-start)]))) ;; fallback if no last-breakpoint-k exists
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define ch (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 1 1 1))) #\x))
(define x (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 1 1 1))) #\x))
(define zwx (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 0 0 0))) #\z))
(define a (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 1 1 1))) #\a))
(define b (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 1 1 1))) #\b))
(define c (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 1 1 1))) #\c))
@ -54,6 +63,10 @@
(define sp (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 0 1 0))) #\space))
(define br (q (hasheq 'size (delay (values 0 0 0))) #\newline))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define (visual-breaks str int)
(apply string (for/list ([b (in-list (breaks (atomize str) int))])
@ -61,26 +74,40 @@
[else #\|]))))
(check-equal? (breaks (list) 1) null)
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch) 1) (list ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch) 1) (list ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch) 1) (list ch 'break ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch) 2) (list ch ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch ch) 2) (list ch ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch ch ch) 3) (list ch ch ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch ch ch) 1) (list ch 'break ch 'break ch 'break ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch ch ch) 10) (list ch ch ch ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x) 1) (list x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x) 1) (list x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x) 1) (list x 'break x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x) 2) (list x x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x x) 2) (list x x 'break x x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'break x x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x x x) 1) (list x 'break x 'break x 'break x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x x x) 10) (list x x x x x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch sp ch) 1) (list ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch sp ch) 2) (list ch ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x sp x) 1) (list x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x sp x) 2) (list x x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list a sp b) 3) (list a sp b))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch sp ch ch) 3) (list ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x sp x x) 3) (list x 'break x x))
;; leading & trailing spaces
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp x) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp x sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp sp x sp sp) 2) (list x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp sp x sp sp x sp) 1) (list x 'break x))
;; zero width nonbreakers
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp zwx) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (breaks (list zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp sp zwx sp sp) 2) (list zwx))
(check-equal? (breaks (list sp sp zwx sp sp zwx sp) 2) (list zwx sp sp zwx))
(check-equal? (breaks (list a br b) 2) (list a 'break b))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch br ch ch) 3) (list ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch br ch) 3) (list ch ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch ch) 3) (list ch ch ch 'break ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch sp ch ch) 2) (list ch ch 'break ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list ch ch ch sp ch ch) 3) (list ch ch ch 'break ch ch))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x br x x) 3) (list x 'break x x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x br x) 3) (list x x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x x) 3) (list x x x 'break x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x sp x x) 2) (list x x 'break x 'break x x))
(check-equal? (breaks (list x x x sp x x) 3) (list x x x 'break x x))
(check-equal? (visual-breaks "My dog has fleas" 1) "M|y|d|o|g|h|a|s|f|l|e|a|s")
(check-equal? (visual-breaks "My dog has fleas" 2) "My|do|g|ha|s|fl|ea|s")
