put offset properties under markup

Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent fce85ca7a7
commit 3febe20e5b

@ -1,9 +1,11 @@
#lang qtest/markdown
> what could happen on two lines that doesn't happen in one
> what could happen on two lines
> that doesn't happen in one
oh my
tell me
I dono
I, donut

@ -23,7 +23,10 @@
(define-tag-function (blockquote attrs exprs)
(qexpr (list* '(container "bq") '(font "fira") '(fontsize "10") '(line-height "11") '(left-inset "5") attrs) exprs))
(qexpr (list* '(container "bq")
'(font "fira") '(fontsize "10") '(line-height "13.5")
'(inset-top "1") '(inset-bottom "7") '(inset-left "8")
attrs) exprs))
(define id (default-tag-function 'id))
(define class (default-tag-function 'class))
@ -60,10 +63,10 @@
[str (in-list (string-split (string-join (get-elements expr) "") "\n"))])
`(,(get-tag expr) ,(get-attrs expr) ,str))
(qexpr (list* '(container "codeblock") '(line-height "13") '(left-inset "12") '(right-inset "12") attrs) new-exprs))
(qexpr (list* '(container "codeblock") '(line-height "13") '(inset-left "12") '(inset-right "12") attrs) new-exprs))
(define (list-base attrs exprs [bullet-val #f])
(qexpr (list* '(left-inset "20") attrs)
(qexpr (list* '(inset-left "20") attrs)
(for/list ([(expr idx) (in-indexed exprs)])
(list* (get-tag expr) (cons (list 'list-index (or bullet-val (format "~a." (add1 idx)))) (get-attrs expr)) (get-elements expr)))
@ -87,7 +90,7 @@
#:draw (λ (q doc)
(when (pair? (quad-elems q))
(font doc (path->string (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'font)))
(font-size doc (string->number (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize "12")))
(font-size doc (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize 12))
(fill-color doc (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'color "black"))
(define str (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)))
(match-define (list x y) (quad-origin q))
@ -105,7 +108,7 @@
(define-runtime-path fira-mono "fonts/fira-mono.ttf")
(define default-font-face charter)
(define default-font-size "12")
(define default-font-size 12)
(define (->string-quad doc q)
@ -133,13 +136,12 @@
[elems (quad-elems q)]
[size (delay
(define fontsize (string->number (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize)))
(define fontsize (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'fontsize))
(font-size doc fontsize)
(font doc (path->string (hash-ref (quad-attrs q) 'font)))
(define str (if (pair? (quad-elems q)) (unsafe-car (quad-elems q)) ""))
(define line-height (cond
[(and (pair? (quad-elems q))
(string->number (quad-ref q 'line-height "NaN")))]
[(and (pair? (quad-elems q)) (quad-ref q 'line-height))]
[else (current-line-height doc)]))
(pt (string-width doc str) line-height))])]))
@ -161,7 +163,7 @@
(define dumb-hardcoded-value 380.1234)
(define q:line (q #:size (pt dumb-hardcoded-value line-height)
#:in 'nw
#:inner 'sw ; puts baseline at lower right corner of line box
#:inner 'sw
#:out 'sw
#:printable #true
#:draw-start draw-debug))
@ -206,9 +208,17 @@
(check-true (line-break? (second (quad-elems (q "foo" pbr "bar")))))
(check-true (line-break? (second (atomize (q "foo" pbr "bar"))))))
(define (copy-block-attrs source-hash dest-hash)
(define block-attrs '(container inset-top inset-bottom))
(for ([k (in-list block-attrs)])
[(hash-ref source-hash k #f) => (λ (val) (hash-set! dest-hash k val))]))
(define (line-wrap xs wrap-size)
(wrap xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size (string->number (quad-ref q 'left-inset "0"))
(string->number (quad-ref q 'right-inset "0"))))
(wrap xs (λ (q idx) (- wrap-size
(quad-ref q 'inset-left 0)
(quad-ref q 'inset-right 0)))
#:hard-break line-break?
#:soft-break soft-break-for-line?
@ -219,42 +229,33 @@
[(hr-break? q)
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
[draw-start (λ (dq doc)
(save doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin dq))
(match-define (list right bottom)(size dq))
(translate doc left (+ top (/ bottom 2)))
(move-to doc 0 0)
(line-to doc right 0)
(line-width doc 3)
(stroke doc "#999")
(restore doc))]))]
(stroke doc "#999"))]))]
(define new-elems (consolidate-runs pcs))
[(pair? new-elems)
(match (consolidate-runs pcs)
[(? pair? elems)
(define elem (unsafe-car elems))
(list (struct-copy quad q:line
[attrs (let ([attrs (hash-copy (quad-attrs q:line))])
(define container-val (quad-ref (unsafe-car new-elems) 'container))
(when (and container-val
(for/and ([elem (in-list (unsafe-cdr new-elems))])
(equal? (quad-ref elem 'container)
(hash-set! attrs 'container container-val))
[attrs (copy-block-attrs (quad-attrs elem)
(hash-copy (quad-attrs q:line)))]
[size (let ()
(define line-heights
(λ (q) (string->number (quad-ref q 'line-height "NaN")))
(λ (q) (quad-ref q 'line-height))
(match-define (list w h) (quad-size q:line))
(pt w (if (empty? line-heights) h (apply max line-heights))))]
[elems new-elems]
[elems elems]
[offset (pt
(string->number (quad-ref (car new-elems) 'left-inset "0"))
(quad-ref elem 'inset-left 0)
(second (quad-offset q:line)))]
[draw-end (match (and (or (para-break? q) (not q))
(quad-ref (car new-elems) 'list-index))
(quad-ref elem 'list-index))
[#false void]
[val (λ (q doc)
(save doc)
@ -262,7 +263,7 @@
(quad-origin (car (quad-elems q))))
(text doc val x y)
(restore doc))])]))]
[else null])])
[_ null])])
(if (and (para-break? q) (not (hr-break? q)))
(list q:line-spacer)
@ -270,11 +271,11 @@
(define top-margin 60)
(define bottom-margin 120)
(define side-margin 120)
(define page-offset (pt (/ side-margin 3) (/ top-margin 3)))
(define page-offset (pt (/ side-margin 4) (/ top-margin 3)))
(require racket/date)
(define q:page (q #:offset page-offset
#:draw-start (λ (q doc) (add-page doc)
(scale doc 2 2))
(scale doc 3 3))
#:draw-end (λ (q doc)
(font-size doc 10)
(font doc charter)
@ -288,23 +289,25 @@
(define q:doc (q #:draw-start (λ (q doc) (start-doc doc))
#:draw-end (λ (q doc) (end-doc doc))))
(define (make-blockquote pcs)
(define (make-blockquote lines)
(define first-line (car lines))
(q #:attrs (hasheq 'type "bq")
#:in 'nw
#:out 'sw
#:elems pcs
#:size (delay (pt (pt-x (size (car pcs)))
(for/sum ([pc (in-list pcs)])
(pt-y (size pc)))))
#:offset (pt 0 (quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0))
#:elems lines
#:size (delay (pt (pt-x (size first-line)) ;
(+ (for/sum ([line (in-list lines)])
(pt-y (size line)))
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-top 0)
(quad-ref first-line 'inset-bottom 0))))
#:draw-start (λ (q doc)
(save doc)
(match-define (list left top) (quad-origin q))
(match-define (list right bottom) (size q))
#;(rect doc (- left 4) (+ top 6) right (+ bottom 2))
(rect doc left top right (+ bottom 4))
(rect doc left top right bottom)
(line-width doc 1)
(fill-and-stroke doc "#eee" "#999")
(restore doc))))
(fill-and-stroke doc "#eee" "#999"))))
(define (make-codeblock pcs)
(q #:attrs (hasheq 'type "codeblock")

@ -79,9 +79,11 @@
[(cons (? valid-tag?) rest)
(match rest
[(list (? txexpr-attrs? attrs) (? qexpr? elems) ...)
(define mheq (make-hash))
(for ([attr-pair (in-list attrs)])
(apply hash-set! mheq attr-pair))
(define mheq (make-hash)) ; want mutable hash
(for ([kv (in-list attrs)])
(match-define (list k v) kv)
;; coerce number strings to actual numbers
(hash-set! mheq k (or (string->number v) v)))
(q #:attrs mheq #:elems (map loop elems))]
[(list (? qexpr? elems) ...)
(q #:elems (map loop elems))])]
@ -90,7 +92,7 @@
(module+ test
(qexpr->quad `(q ((font "Charter") (fontsize "12")) (q "Foo bar") ,(make-quad "zzz") (q "Zim Zam")))
(q (hasheq 'font "Charter" 'fontsize "12") (q "Foo bar") (q "zzz") (q "Zim Zam"))))
(q (hasheq 'font "Charter" 'fontsize 12) (q "Foo bar") (q "zzz") (q "Zim Zam"))))
(define (qml->qexpr x)
(parameterize ([permissive-xexprs #t]
