Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 2a1dde5c5c
commit 30693ca0b9

@ -1,50 +1,45 @@
#lang racket/base
(provide color-mixin)
(define (normalize-color color)
;; parses color string into list of values
(let loop ([color color])
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient) color] ; todo
;; 3-digit hex becomes 6-digit hex
[(and (string? color) (regexp-match #px"^#(?i:[0-9A-F]){3}$" color))
(loop (list->string (cdr (apply append
(for/list ([c (in-string color)])
(list c c))))))] ; change #abc to ##aabbcc then drop the first char
;; 6-digit hexish string becomes list of hex numbers and maybe #f vals
[(and (string? color) (= 7 (string-length color)) (string-prefix? color "#"))
(loop (for/list ([str (in-list (regexp-match* #rx".." (string-trim color "#")))])
(string->number str 16)))] ; match two at a time and convert to hex
;; named color
[(and (string? color) (hash-ref namedColors color #f)) => loop]
;; array of numbers
[(and (list? color) (andmap number? color))
(for/list ([i (in-list color)])
(define x (/ i (case (length color)
[(3) 255.0] ; RGB
[(4) 100.0] ; CMYK
[else 1.0])))
(if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))]
[else #f])))
(match color
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient) color] ; todo
[(? string?)
[(regexp-match #px"^#(?i:[0-9A-F]){3}$" color) ; change #rgb to #rrggbb
(match-let ([(list hsh r g b) (string->list color)])
(list->string (list hsh r r g g b b))))]
;; 6-digit hexish string becomes list of hex numbers and maybe #f vals
[(and (= 7 (string-length color)) (string-prefix? color "#"))
; match two at a time and convert to hex
(match-let ([(list hsh r r2 g g2 b b2) (string->list color)])
(map (λ (str) (string->number str 16)) (list (string r r2) (string g g2) (string b b2)))))]
[(hash-ref named-colors color #f) => normalize-color]
[else #false])]
[(list (? number?) ...) (for/list ([c (in-list color)])
(define x (/ c (case (length color)
[(3) 255.0] ; RGB
[(4) 100.0] ; CMYK
[else 1.0])))
(if (integer? x) (inexact->exact x) x))]
[_ #false]))
(define (color-mixin [% mixin-tester%])
(define (color-mixin [% object%])
(class %
(field [_opacityRegistry (mhash)]
[_opacityCount 0]
[_gradCount 0]
[_fill-color #f])
(field [@opacity-registry (make-hash)]
[@opacity-count 0]
[@grad-count 0]
[@current-fill-color #false])
(define/public (set-color color-in stroke)
(define color (normalize-color color-in))
@ -54,17 +49,18 @@
#;[(is-a? color PDFGradient)
(set-color-space "Pattern" stroke)
(send color apply op)
#t] ; todo
#true] ; todo
(define color-space (case (length color)
[(4) "DeviceCMYK"]
[(3) "DeviceRGB"]
[else (raise-argument-error 'set-color "color of length 3 or 4" color)]))
(define color-space
(case (length color)
[(3) "DeviceRGB"]
[(4) "DeviceCMYK"]
[else (raise-argument-error 'set-color "color of length 3 or 4" color)]))
(set-color-space color-space stroke)
;; 181126 don't round, to be consistent with pdfkit behavior
(send this addContent (format "~a ~a" (string-join (map (λ (num) (number num #:round #false)) color) " ") op))
(send this addContent (format "~a ~a" (string-join (map (λ (num) (numberizer num #:round #false)) color) " ") op))
(define/public (set-color-space space stroke)
(define op (if stroke "CS" "cs"))
@ -74,10 +70,9 @@
(unless (normalize-color color)
(raise-argument-error 'fill-color "valid color string" color))
(when (set-color color #f) (fill-opacity opacity))
;; save this for text wrapper, which needs to reset
;; the fill color on new pages
(set! _fill-color (list color opacity))
(set! @current-fill-color (list color opacity))
(define/public (stroke-color color [opacity 1])
@ -99,23 +94,24 @@
(define stroke-opacity (and stroke-arg (bounded 0 stroke-arg 1)))
(when (or fill-opacity stroke-opacity)
(define key (format "~a_~a"
(if fill-opacity (number fill-opacity) "")
(if stroke-opacity (number stroke-opacity) "")))
(if fill-opacity (numberizer fill-opacity) "")
(if stroke-opacity (numberizer stroke-opacity) "")))
(match-define (list dictionary name)
(hash-ref! (get-field _opacityRegistry this) key
(hash-ref! (get-field @opacity-registry this) key
(λ ()
(define dictionary (mhash 'Type "ExtGState"))
(when fill-opacity (hash-set! dictionary 'ca fill-opacity))
(when stroke-opacity (hash-set! dictionary 'CA stroke-opacity))
(define dictionary (make-hasheq '((Type . "ExtGState"))))
(when fill-opacity
(hash-set! dictionary 'ca fill-opacity))
(when stroke-opacity
(hash-set! dictionary 'CA stroke-opacity))
(define ref-dict (send this ref dictionary))
(· ref-dict end)
(list ref-dict (format "Gs~a" (increment-field! _opacityCount this))))))
(hash-set! (· this page ext_gstates) name dictionary)
(send ref-dict end)
(set! @opacity-count (add1 @opacity-count))
(list ref-dict (format "Gs~a" @opacity-count)))))
(hash-set! (send (send this page) ext_gstates) name dictionary)
(send this addContent (format "/~a gs" name))))))
(define namedColors
(define named-colors
(hash "aliceblue" '(240 248 255)
"antiquewhite" '(250 235 215)
"aqua" '(0 255 255)

@ -19,7 +19,7 @@
(provide PDFDocument)
(define PDFDocument
(class (annotation-mixin (image-mixin (text-mixin (fonts-mixin (color-mixin (vector-mixin object%))))))
(class (annotation-mixin (image-mixin (text-mixin (fonts-mixin (vector-mixin (color-mixin object%))))))
(init-field [(@options options) (mhasheq)])
(field [@pages null]

@ -157,7 +157,7 @@
(when (or (· options underline) (· options strike))
(send this save)
(unless (· options stroke)
(define fill-colorArgs (· this _fill-color))
(define fill-colorArgs (· this @current-fill-color))
(send this stroke-color . fill-colorArgs))
(define line-width (if (< (· this _fontSize) 10)
