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8 years ago
#lang racket/base
8 years ago
(require racket/class (for-syntax racket/base racket/syntax br/syntax) br/define racket/dict)
8 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; js-style `push`, which appends to end of list
(define-macro (push-end! ID THING)
#'(set! ID (append ID (list THING))))
(define-macro-cases increment!
[(_ ID) #'(increment! ID 1)]
[(_ ID EXPR)
#'(begin (set! ID (+ ID EXPR)) ID)])
(module+ test
(define xs '(1 2 3))
(push-end! xs 4)
(check-equal? xs '(1 2 3 4)))
(define-macro (+= ID THING) #'(begin (set! ID (+ ID THING)) ID))
(define-macro (++ ID) #'(+= ID 1))
(define-macro (-- ID) #'(+= ID -1))
(define-macro (-= ID THING) #'(+= ID (- THING)))
;; fancy number->string. bounds are checked, inexact integers are coerced.
(define (number x)
(unless (and (number? x) (< -1e21 x 1e21))
(raise-argument-error 'number "valid number" x))
(let ([x (/ (round (* x 1e6)) 1e6)])
(number->string (if (integer? x)
(inexact->exact x)
(module+ test
(check-equal? (number 4.5) "4.5")
(check-equal? (number 4.0) "4")
(check-equal? (number 4) "4")
(check-equal? (number -4) "-4"))
(define ·-helper
(λ (x . refs)
(for/fold ([x x])
8 years ago
([ref (in-list refs)]
#:break (not x))
8 years ago
;; give `send` precedence (presence of method => wants runtime resolution of value)
[(and (object? x)
(memq ref (interface->method-names (object-interface x)))) (dynamic-send x ref)]
;; dict first, to catch objects that implement gen:dict
[(dict? x) (dict-ref x ref #f)]
[(object? x) (cond
[(memq ref (field-names x)) (dynamic-get-field ref x)]
[else #f])]
[else (raise-argument-error '· "object or dict" x)]))) '·))
(define-macro (· X REF ...) #'(·-helper X 'REF ...))
8 years ago
8 years ago
#;(module+ test
(define c (class object%
(field [a 42])
(define/public (res) (hash 'res (hash 'b 43)))))
(define co (make-object c))
(define h2 (hash 'a 42 'res co))
(check-equal? (· h2 a) 42)
(check-equal? (· h2 b) 43)
(check-equal? (· co a) 42)
(check-equal? (· co b) 43))
8 years ago
(define-macro (·map REF XS)
#'(for/list ([x (in-list XS)]) (· x REF)))
(module+ test
(require rackunit)
(define C
(class object%
(field [foo 'field])
(define/public (bar) 'method)
(define/public (zam) (hasheq 'zoom 'hash))))
(define h (hasheq 'bam (new C) 'foo 'hashlet))
(define o (new C))
(check-equal? (· o foo) 'field)
(check-equal? (· o bar) 'method)
(check-equal? (· o zam zoom) 'hash)
(check-equal? (· h bam foo) 'field)
(check-equal? (· h bam bar) 'method)
(check-equal? (· h bam zam zoom) 'hash)
(check-equal? (·map foo (list o h)) '(field hashlet)))