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#lang restructure/racket
7 years ago
(require racket/private/generic-methods)
(provide (all-defined-out))
;; helper class
(define-subclass object% (PortWrapper _port)
(unless (port? _port)
(raise-argument-error 'PortWrapper:constructor "port" _port))
7 years ago
(define/public (pos [where #f])
(when where (file-position _port where))
(file-position _port))
(define/public (dump) (void)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (make-object PortWrapper (open-input-bytes #"Foo"))))
(check-not-exn (λ () (make-object PortWrapper (open-output-bytes))))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (make-object PortWrapper -42))))
#| approximates
;; basically just a wrapper for a Racket output port
(define-subclass* PortWrapper (EncodeStream [maybe-output-port (open-output-bytes)])
(unless (output-port? maybe-output-port)
(raise-argument-error 'EncodeStream:constructor "output port" maybe-output-port))
(super-make-object maybe-output-port)
(inherit-field _port)
(define/override-final (dump) (get-output-bytes _port))
(define/public-final (write val)
(unless (bytes? val)
(raise-argument-error 'EncodeStream:write "bytes" val))
(write-bytes val _port)
(define/public-final (writeBuffer buffer)
(write buffer))
(define/public-final (writeUInt8 int)
(write (bytes int)))
(define/public (writeString string [encoding 'ascii])
;; todo: handle encodings correctly.
;; right now just utf8 and ascii are correct
(caseq encoding
[(utf16le ucs2 utf8 ascii) (writeBuffer (string->bytes/utf-8 string))
(when (eq? encoding 'utf16le)
(error 'swap-bytes-unimplemented))]
[else (error 'unsupported-string-encoding)]))
(define/public (fill val len)
(write (make-bytes len val))))
7 years ago
(define es (+EncodeStream))
(check-true (EncodeStream? es))
(send es write #"AB")
(check-equal? (· es pos) 2)
(send es write #"C")
(check-equal? (· es pos) 3)
(send es write #"D")
(check-equal? (· es pos) 4)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send es write -42)))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send es write 1)))
(define op (open-output-bytes))
(define es2 (+EncodeStream op))
(send es2 write #"FOOBAR")
(check-equal? (send es2 dump) #"FOOBAR")
(check-equal? (send es2 dump) #"FOOBAR") ; dump can repeat
(check-equal? (get-output-bytes op) #"FOOBAR")
(define es3 (+EncodeStream))
(send es3 fill 0 10)
(check-equal? (send es3 dump) (make-bytes 10 0)))
#| approximates
;; basically just a wrapper for a Racket port
;; but needs to start with a buffer so length can be found
7 years ago
(require "sizes.rkt")
(define-macro (define-reader ID)
#'(define/public (ID)
(define bs (*ref type-sizes (string->symbol (string-downcase (string-replace (symbol->string 'ID) "read" "")))))
(readBuffer bs)))
7 years ago
(define countable<%>
(interface* ()
([(generic-property gen:countable)
(generic-method-table gen:countable
(define (length o) (get-field length_ o)))])))
(define DecodeStreamT
(class* PortWrapper
(init-field [buffer #""])
(unless (bytes? buffer) ; corresponds to a Node Buffer, not a restructure BufferT object
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:constructor "bytes" buffer))
(super-make-object (open-input-bytes buffer))
(inherit-field _port)
7 years ago
(field [_pos 0]
7 years ago
[length_ (length buffer)])
7 years ago
(define/override (pos [where #f])
(when where
(set! _pos (super pos where)))
(define/public (count-nonzero-chars)
;; helper function for String
;; counts nonzero chars from current position
(length (car (regexp-match-peek "[^\u0]*" _port))))
(public [-length length])
(define (-length) length_)
(define/public (readString length__ [encoding 'ascii])
7 years ago
(define proc (caseq encoding
[(utf16le) (error 'bah)]
[(ucs2) (error 'bleh)]
[(utf8) bytes->string/utf-8]
[(ascii) bytes->string/latin-1]
[else identity]))
7 years ago
(define start (pos))
(define stop (+ start length__))
(proc (subbytes buffer start (pos stop))))
7 years ago
(define/public-final (readBuffer count)
(unless (index? count)
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:read "positive integer" count))
7 years ago
(define bytes-remaining (- length_ (pos)))
7 years ago
(when (> count bytes-remaining)
(raise-argument-error 'DecodeStream:read (format "byte count not more than bytes remaining = ~a" bytes-remaining) count))
7 years ago
(increment-field! _pos this count) ; don't use `pos` method here because `read-bytes` will increment the port position
7 years ago
(define bs (read-bytes count _port))
7 years ago
(unless (= _pos (file-position _port)) (raise-result-error 'DecodeStream "positions askew" (list _pos (file-position _port))))
7 years ago
(define/public (read count) (readBuffer count))
(define/public (readUInt8) (bytes-ref (readBuffer 1) 0))
(define/public (readUInt16BE) (+ (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 8) (readUInt8)))
(define/public (readInt16BE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt16BE) 16))
(define/public (readUInt16LE) (+ (readUInt8) (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 8)))
(define/public (readUInt24BE) (+ (arithmetic-shift (readUInt16BE) 8) (readUInt8)))
(define/public (readUInt24LE) (+ (readUInt16LE) (arithmetic-shift (readUInt8) 16)))
(define/public (readInt24BE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt24BE) 24))
(define/public (readInt24LE) (unsigned->signed (readUInt24LE) 24))
7 years ago
7 years ago
(define/override-final (dump)
(define current-position (port-position _port))
(set-port-position! _port 0)
(define bs (port->bytes _port))
(set-port-position! _port current-position)
(define-subclass DecodeStreamT (DecodeStream))
(define ds (+DecodeStream #"ABCD"))
(check-true (DecodeStream? ds))
7 years ago
(check-equal? (length ds) 4)
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD")
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD") ; dump can repeat
7 years ago
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt16BE) 16706)
(check-equal? (send ds dump) #"ABCD")
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 2)
7 years ago
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt8) 67)
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 3)
7 years ago
(check-equal? (send ds readUInt8) 68)
(check-equal? (· ds pos) 4)
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send ds read -42)))
(check-exn exn:fail? (λ () (send ds read 1))))
;; Streamcoder is a helper class that checks / converts stream arguments before decode / encode
;; not a subclass of DecodeStream or EncodeStream, however.
(define-subclass RestructureBase (Streamcoder)
(define/overment (decode x [parent #f])
(when parent (unless (indexable? parent)
7 years ago
(raise-argument-error 'Streamcoder:decode "hash or indexable" x)))
(define stream (if (bytes? x) (+DecodeStream x) x))
(unless (DecodeStream? stream)
(raise-argument-error 'Streamcoder:decode "bytes or DecodeStream" x))
(inner (void) decode stream parent))
(define/overment (encode x [val #f] [parent #f])
(define stream (cond
[(output-port? x) (+EncodeStream x)]
[(not x) (+EncodeStream)]
[else x]))
(unless (EncodeStream? stream)
(raise-argument-error 'Streamcoder:encode "output port or EncodeStream" x))
(inner (void) encode stream val parent)
(when (not x) (send stream dump))))
(define-subclass Streamcoder (Dummy)
(define/augment (decode stream . args) "foo")
(define/augment (encode stream val parent) "bar")
(define/override (size) 42))
(define d (+Dummy))
(check-true (Dummy? d))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (send d decode 42)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (send d decode #"foo")))
(check-exn exn:fail:contract? (λ () (send d encode 42 21)))
(check-not-exn (λ () (send d encode (open-output-bytes) 42))))