You cannot select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

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#lang racket/base
11 years ago
(require (for-syntax racket/base))
(require racket/string racket/list racket/vector)
11 years ago
(require "patterns.rkt" "exceptions.rkt" txexpr xml)
;;; Hyphenate module
;;; Racket port of Ned Batchelder's
;;; (in the public domain)
;;; which in turn was an implementation
;;; of the Liang hyphenation algorithm in TeX
;;; (also in the public domain)
(module+ safe (require racket/contract))
(define-syntax (define+provide+safe stx)
11 years ago
(syntax-case stx ()
[(_ (proc arg ... . rest-arg) contract body ...)
#'(define+provide+safe proc contract
11 years ago
(λ(arg ... . rest-arg) body ...))]
[(_ name contract body ...)
(define name body ...)
(provide name)
(module+ safe
(provide (contract-out [name contract]))))]))
11 years ago
;; module data, define now but set! them later (because they're potentially big & slow)
(define exceptions #f)
(define pattern-tree #f)
11 years ago
;; module default values
11 years ago
(define default-min-length 5)
11 years ago
(define default-joiner (integer->char #x00AD))
;; Convert the hyphenated pattern into a point array for use later.
(define (vector->exceptions exn-strings)
(define (make-key x)
(string-replace x "-" ""))
(define (make-value x)
(list->vector (cons 0 (map (λ(x) (if (equal? x "-") 1 0)) (regexp-split #px"[a-z]" x)))))
(make-hash (vector->list (vector-map (λ(x) (cons (make-key x) (make-value x))) exn-strings))))
11 years ago
;; An exception-word is a string of word characters or hyphens.
(define (exception-word? x)
(if (regexp-match #px"^[\\w-]+$" x) #t #f))
;;; Helper functions
;; Convert a pattern like 'a1bc3d4' into a string of chars 'abcd'
;; and a list of points [ 1, 0, 3, 4 ].
(define (make-pattern-tree pattern-data)
(define tree (make-hash))
;; Insert the pattern into the tree. Each character finds a dict
;; another level down in the tree, and leaf nodes have the list of
;; points.
(define (insert-pattern pat)
11 years ago
;; todo?: filter other characters out of input string?
(let* ([chars (regexp-replace* #px"[0-9]" pat "")]
;; regexp returns list of strings
[points (map (λ(x) (if (> (string-length x) 0) (string->number x) 0)) (regexp-split #px"[.a-z]" pat))]
[tree tree])
(for ([char chars])
(when (not (hash-has-key? tree char))
(hash-set! tree char (make-hash)))
(set! tree (hash-ref tree char)))
(hash-set! tree empty points)))
(vector-map insert-pattern pattern-data)
(define (make-points word)
(define (make-zeroes points)
; controls hyphenation zone from edges of word
11 years ago
; possible todo: make this user-configurable?
(vector-map (λ(i) (vector-set! points i 0)) (vector 1 2 (- (vector-length points) 2) (- (vector-length points) 3)))
(let* ([word (string-downcase word)]
(if (hash-has-key? exceptions word)
(hash-ref exceptions word)
(let* ([work (string-append "." word ".")]
[points (make-vector (add1 (string-length work)) 0)])
(for ([i (string-length work)])
(let ([tree pattern-tree])
(for ([char (substring work i (string-length work))]
#:break (not (hash-has-key? tree char)))
(set! tree (hash-ref tree char))
(when (hash-has-key? tree empty)
(let ([point (hash-ref tree empty)])
(for ([j (length point)])
(vector-set! points (+ i j) (max (vector-ref points (+ i j)) (list-ref point j)))))))))
; make-zeroes controls minimum hyphenation distance from edge.
; todo: dropping first 2 elements is needed for mysterious reasons to be documented later
(vector-drop (make-zeroes points) 2)))
;; helpful extension of splitf-at
(define (splitf-at* xs split-test)
(define (trim items test-proc)
(dropf-right (dropf items test-proc) test-proc))
(define (&splitf-at* xs [acc '()])
(if (empty? xs)
;; reverse because accumulation is happening backward
;; (because I'm using cons to push latest match onto front of list)
(reverse acc)
(let-values ([(item rest)
;; drop matching elements from front
;; then split on nonmatching
;; = nonmatching item + other elements (which will start with matching)
(splitf-at (dropf xs split-test) (compose1 not split-test))])
;; recurse, and store new item in accumulator
(&splitf-at* rest (cons item acc)))))
;; trim off elements matching split-test
(&splitf-at* (trim xs split-test)))
11 years ago
;; Find hyphenation points in a word. This is not quite synonymous with syllables.
(define (word->hyphenation-points word [min-length default-min-length])
(define (make-pieces word)
(define word-dissected (flatten (for/list ([char word]
[point (make-points word)])
(if (even? point)
char ; even point denotes character
(cons char 'syllable))))) ; odd point denotes char + syllable
(map list->string (splitf-at* word-dissected symbol?)))
(if (and min-length (< (string-length word) min-length))
(list word)
(make-pieces word)))
;; joiner contract allows char or string; this coerces to string.
(define (joiner->string joiner)
(if (char? joiner) (format "~a" joiner) joiner))
(define (apply-proc proc x [omit-string (λ(x) #f)] [omit-txexpr (λ(x) #f)])
; ((procedure? txexpr?) ((or/c null (listof txexpr-tag?))) . ->* . txexpr?)
(let loop ([x x])
[(and (string? x) (not (omit-string x))) (proc x)]
[(and (txexpr? x) (not (omit-txexpr x))) (cons (car x) (map loop (cdr x)))]
[else x])))
11 years ago
(define+provide+safe (hyphenate x [joiner default-joiner]
#:exceptions [extra-exceptions '()]
#:min-length [min-length default-min-length]
#:omit-word [omit-word? (λ(x) #f)]
#:omit-string [omit-string? (λ(x) #f)]
#:omit-txexpr [omit-txexpr? (λ(x) #f)])
((xexpr?) ((or/c char? string?)
#:exceptions (listof exception-word?)
#:min-length (or/c integer? #f)
#:omit-word (string? . -> . any/c)
#:omit-string (string? . -> . any/c)
#:omit-txexpr (txexpr? . -> . any/c)) . ->* . xexpr/c)
;; set up module data
11 years ago
;; todo?: change set! to parameterize
(set! exceptions (vector->exceptions (vector-append default-exceptions (list->vector extra-exceptions))))
(when (not pattern-tree) (set! pattern-tree (make-pattern-tree default-patterns)))
(define joiner-string (joiner->string joiner))
11 years ago
;; todo?: connect this regexp pattern to the one used in word? predicate
(define word-pattern #px"\\w+") ;; more restrictive than exception-word
11 years ago
(define (insert-hyphens text)
(regexp-replace* word-pattern text (λ(word) (if (not (omit-word? word))
(string-join (word->hyphenation-points word min-length) joiner-string)
11 years ago
(apply-proc insert-hyphens x omit-string? omit-txexpr?))
(define+provide+safe (unhyphenate x [joiner default-joiner]
#:omit-word [omit-word? (λ(x) #f)]
#:omit-string [omit-string? (λ(x) #f)]
#:omit-txexpr [omit-txexpr? (λ(x) #f)])
((xexpr/c) ((or/c char? string?)
#:omit-word (string? . -> . any/c)
#:omit-string (string? . -> . any/c)
#:omit-txexpr (txexpr? . -> . any/c)) . ->* . xexpr/c)
(define word-pattern (pregexp (format "[\\w~a]+" joiner)))
(define (remove-hyphens text)
(regexp-replace* word-pattern text (λ(word) (if (not (omit-word? word))
(string-replace word (joiner->string joiner) "")
(apply-proc remove-hyphens x omit-string? omit-txexpr?))