Hyphenate @racket[_xexpr] by calculating hyphenation points and inserting @racket[_joiner] at those points. By default, @racket[_joiner] is the soft hyphen (Unicode 00AD = decimal 173). Words shorter than @racket[#:min-length]@racket[_length] will not be hyphenated. To hyphenate words of any length, use @racket[#:min-length]@racket[#f].
@ -103,56 +105,54 @@ Don't send raw HTML or XML through @racket[hyphenate]. It can't distinguish tags
If you're working with HTML, be careful not to include any @code{<script>} or @code{<style>} blocks, which contain non-hyphenatable data. You can protect that data by using the @racket[#:omit] keyword to provide a @racket[_test]. The @racket[_test] will be applied to all tagged X-expressions (see @racket[txexpr?]) and strings. When @racket[_test] evaluates to true, the item will be skipped.
If you're working with HTML, be careful not to include any @code{<script>} or @code{<style>} blocks, which contain non-hyphenatable data. You can protect that data by using the @racket[#:omit-txexpr] keyword to specify a @racket[_txexpr-test]. The test will be applied to all tagged X-expressions (see @racket[txexpr?]). When @racket[_txexpr-test] evaluates to true, the item will be skipped.
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(hyphenate '(body "processing" (script "no processing")) #\-)
(hyphenate '(body "processing" (script "no processing")) #\-
You can also use @racket[#:omit-txexpr] to omit tagged X-expressions with particular attributes. This can be used to selectively suppress hyphenation at the markup level.
Like @racket[hyphenate], but only words matching @racket[_pred] are hyphenated. Convenient if you want to prevent hyphenation of certain sets of words, like proper names:
Similarly, you can use the @racket[#:omit-word] argument to avoid words that match @racket[_word-test]. Convenient if you want to prevent hyphenation of certain sets of words, like proper names:
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(hyphenate "Brennan Huff likes fancy sauce" #\-)
(define uncapitalized? (λ(word) (let ([letter (substring word 0 1)])
Sometimes you need @racket[hyphenatef] to prevent unintended consequences. For instance, if you're using ligatures in CSS, certain groups of characters (fi, fl, ffi, et al.) will be replaced by a single glyph. That looks snazzy, but adding soft hyphens between any of these pairs will defeat the ligature substitution, creating inconsistent results. With @racket[hyphenatef], you can skip these words:
Sometimes you need @racket[#:omit-word] to prevent unintended consequences. For instance, if you're using ligatures in CSS, certain groups of characters (fi, fl, ffi, et al.) will be replaced by a single glyph. That looks snazzy, but adding soft hyphens between any of these pairs will defeat the ligature substitution, creating inconsistent results. With @racket[#:omit-word], you can skip these words:
@margin-note{``Wouldn't it be better to exclude certain pairs of letters rather than whole words?'' Yes. But for now, that's not supported.}
@examples[#:eval my-eval
(hyphenate "Hufflepuff golfing final on Tuesday" #\-)
(define (no-ligs? word)
(not (ormap (λ(lig) (regexp-match lig word))
'("ff" "fi" "fl" "ffi" "ffl"))))
(hyphenatef "Hufflepuff golfing final on Tuesday" no-ligs? #\-)
(define (ligs? word)
(ormap (λ(lig) (regexp-match lig word))
'("ff" "fi" "fl" "ffi" "ffl")))
(hyphenate "Hufflepuff golfing final on Tuesday" #:omit-word ligs? #\-)
It's possible to do fancier kinds of hyphenation restrictions that take account of context, like not hyphenating the last word of a paragraph. But @racket[hyphenatef] only operates on words. So you'll have to write some fancier code. Separate out the words eligible for hyphenation, and then send them through good old @racket[hyphenate].