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#lang debug racket
6 years ago
(require racket/generator)
6 years ago
(provide (all-defined-out))
(struct $csp ([vars #:mutable]
[constraints #:mutable]) #:transparent)
6 years ago
(define (make-csp) ($csp null null))
6 years ago
(struct $var (name vals) #:transparent)
(define $var-name? symbol?)
6 years ago
(struct $constraint (names proc) #:transparent
#:property prop:procedure
(λ (constraint csp)
(unless ($csp? csp)
(raise-argument-error '$constraint-proc "$csp" csp))
(match-define ($constraint names proc) constraint)
[(empty? names) (proc)]
(match-define (cons name other-names) names)
(for/and ([val (in-list ($csp-vals csp name))])
6 years ago
;; todo: reconsider efficiency of currying every value
(($constraint other-names (curry proc val)) csp))])))
(define/contract (check-name-in-csp! caller csp name)
(symbol? $csp? $var-name? . -> . void?)
(define names (map $var-name ($csp-vars csp)))
(unless (memq name names)
(raise-argument-error caller (format "csp variable name: ~v" names) name)))
6 years ago
(define (nary-constraint? constraint n)
6 years ago
(= n (length ($constraint-names constraint))))
(define/contract (unary-constraint? constraint)
($constraint? . -> . boolean?)
(nary-constraint? constraint 1))
(define/contract (binary-constraint? constraint)
($constraint? . -> . boolean?)
(nary-constraint? constraint 2))
6 years ago
(define/contract (add-vars! csp names [vals-or-procedure empty])
(($csp? (listof $var-name?)) ((or/c (listof any/c) procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
(for/fold ([vars ($csp-vars csp)]
#:result (set-$csp-vars! csp vars))
([name (in-list names)])
(when (memq name (map $var-name vars))
(raise-argument-error 'add-vars! "var that doesn't exist" name))
(append vars
(let ([vals (if (procedure? vals-or-procedure)
(list ($var name vals))))))
(define/contract (add-var! csp name [vals-or-procedure empty])
(($csp? $var-name?) ((or/c (listof any/c) procedure?)) . ->* . void?)
(add-vars! csp (list name) vals-or-procedure))
6 years ago
(define/contract (add-constraints! csp proc namess)
($csp? procedure? (listof (listof $var-name?)) . -> . void?)
(set-$csp-constraints! csp (append ($csp-constraints csp)
(for/list ([names (in-list namess)])
(for ([name (in-list names)])
(check-name-in-csp! 'add-constraint! csp name))
($constraint names proc)))))
(define/contract (add-pairwise-constraint! csp proc var-names)
($csp? procedure? (listof $var-name?) . -> . void?)
(add-constraints! csp proc (combinations var-names 2)))
6 years ago
(define/contract (add-constraint! csp proc var-names)
($csp? procedure? (listof $var-name?) . -> . void?)
(add-constraints! csp proc (list var-names)))
(define/contract (no-solutions? csp)
($csp? . -> . boolean?)
(for/or ([var (in-list ($csp-vars csp))])
6 years ago
(empty? ($var-vals var))))
6 years ago
(struct inconsistency-error () #:transparent)
6 years ago
(define/contract (apply-unary-constraint csp constraint)
($csp? unary-constraint? . -> . $csp?)
(match-define ($constraint (list constraint-name) proc) constraint)
(define new-csp ($csp (for/list ([var (in-list ($csp-vars csp))])
6 years ago
(match-define ($var name vals) var)
(if (eq? name constraint-name)
6 years ago
;; special rule: use promise for a constant value
;; to skip the filtering
6 years ago
($var name (if (promise? proc)
(force proc)
(filter proc vals)))
6 years ago
;; once the constraint is applied, it can go away
6 years ago
;; ps this is not the same as an "assigned" constraint
;; because the var may still have multiple values
6 years ago
(remove constraint ($csp-constraints csp))))
6 years ago
(when (no-solutions? new-csp) (raise (inconsistency-error)))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define/contract (make-nodes-consistent csp)
($csp? . -> . $csp?)
(for/fold ([csp csp])
([constraint (in-list ($csp-constraints csp))]
#:when (unary-constraint? constraint))
(apply-unary-constraint csp constraint)))
(define/contract ($csp-vals csp name)
($csp? $var-name? . -> . (listof any/c))
(check-name-in-csp! '$csp-vals csp name)
(for/first ([var (in-list ($csp-vars csp))]
#:when (eq? name ($var-name var)))
6 years ago
($var-vals var)))
(struct $arc (name constraint) #:transparent)
6 years ago
(define/contract (reduce-domains-by-arc csp arc)
($csp? $arc? . -> . $csp?)
(match-define ($arc name ($constraint names constraint-proc)) arc)
(match-define (list other-name) (remove name names))
(define proc (if (eq? name (first names)) ; name is on left
constraint-proc ; so val goes on left
(λ (val other-val) (constraint-proc other-val val)))) ; otherwise reverse arg order
(define (satisfies-arc? val)
(for/or ([other-val (in-list ($csp-vals csp other-name))])
6 years ago
(proc val other-val)))
(apply-unary-constraint csp ($constraint (list name)
(string->symbol (format "satisfies-arc-with-~a?" other-name))))))
(define/contract (binary-constraints->arcs constraints)
((listof binary-constraint?) . -> . (listof $arc?))
(for*/list ([constraint (in-list constraints)]
[name (in-list ($constraint-names constraint))])
6 years ago
($arc name constraint)))
(define/contract (terminating-at arcs name)
((listof $arc?) $var-name? . -> . (listof $arc?))
(for/list ([arc (in-list arcs)]
6 years ago
#:when (eq? name (second ($constraint-names ($arc-constraint arc)))))
6 years ago
(define/contract (constraint-assigned? csp constraint)
($csp? $constraint? . -> . any/c)
(for/and ([name (in-list ($constraint-names constraint))])
(memq name (map $var-name (assigned-vars csp)))))
(define/contract (remove-extraneous-constraints csp)
6 years ago
($csp? . -> . $csp?)
($csp-vars csp)
(for/list ([constraint (in-list ($csp-constraints csp))]
6 years ago
#:unless (constraint-assigned? csp constraint))
6 years ago
(define/contract (ac-3 csp)
($csp? . -> . $csp?)
;; as described by AIMA @ 265
(define all-arcs (binary-constraints->arcs (filter binary-constraint? ($csp-constraints csp))))
(for/fold ([csp csp]
[arcs all-arcs]
#:result (remove-extraneous-constraints csp))
([i (in-naturals)]
#:break (empty? arcs))
(match-define (cons arc other-arcs) arcs)
(match-define ($arc name _) arc)
6 years ago
(define reduced-csp (reduce-domains-by-arc csp arc))
(values reduced-csp (if (= (length ($csp-vals csp name)) (length ($csp-vals reduced-csp name)))
;; revision did not reduce the domain, so keep going
;; revision reduced the domain, so supplement the list of arcs
(remove-duplicates (append (all-arcs . terminating-at . name) other-arcs))))))
6 years ago
(define/contract (make-arcs-consistent csp)
($csp? . -> . $csp?)
;; csp is arc-consistent if every pair of variables (x y)
;; has values in their domain that satisfy every binary constraint
(ac-3 csp))
6 years ago
(define/contract (var-assigned? var)
($var? . -> . boolean?)
(= 1 (length ($var-vals var))))
(define/contract (assignment-complete? csp)
($csp? . -> . boolean?)
(andmap var-assigned? ($csp-vars csp)))
6 years ago
(define (assigned-helper csp) (partition var-assigned? ($csp-vars csp)))
6 years ago
(define/contract (unassigned-vars csp)
($csp? . -> . (listof $var?))
6 years ago
(match-define-values (assigned unassigned) (assigned-helper csp))
(define/contract (assigned-vars csp)
($csp? . -> . (listof $var?))
(match-define-values (assigned unassigned) (assigned-helper csp))
6 years ago
(define/contract (select-unassigned-var csp)
($csp? . -> . $var?)
6 years ago
(define uvars (unassigned-vars csp))
(when (empty? uvars)
6 years ago
(raise-argument-error 'select-unassigned-var "csp with unassigned vars" csp))
;; minimum remaining values (MRV) rule
6 years ago
(argmin (λ (var) (length ($var-vals var))) uvars))
6 years ago
(define/contract (order-domain-values vals)
((listof any/c) . -> . (listof any/c))
;; todo: least constraining value sort
(define/contract (constraint-contains-name? constraint name)
6 years ago
($constraint? $var-name? . -> . boolean?)
(and (memq name ($constraint-names constraint)) #true))
6 years ago
(define/contract (assign-val csp name val)
($csp? $var-name? any/c . -> . $csp?)
6 years ago
(define csp-with-assignment (apply-unary-constraint csp ($constraint (list name) (delay (list val)))))
(for/fold ([csp csp-with-assignment])
6 years ago
([constraint (in-list ($csp-constraints csp))]
#:when (and (constraint-contains-name? constraint name)
6 years ago
(constraint-assigned? csp constraint)))
6 years ago
(unless (constraint csp) (raise (inconsistency-error)))
(remove-extraneous-constraints csp)))
;; todo: inferences between assignments
(define/contract (infer csp)
($csp? . -> . $csp?)
(values csp))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define/contract (backtracking-solver csp)
6 years ago
($csp? . -> . generator?)
(generator ()
6 years ago
(let backtrack ([csp (make-arcs-consistent (make-nodes-consistent csp))])
[(assignment-complete? csp) (yield csp)]
[else ;; we have at least 1 unassigned var
(match-define ($var name vals) (select-unassigned-var csp))
(for ([val (in-list (order-domain-values vals))])
6 years ago
(with-handlers ([inconsistency-error? void])
6 years ago
(backtrack (infer (assign-val csp name val)))))]))))
(define/contract (solve* csp [finish-proc values][solution-limit +inf.0])
(($csp?) (procedure? integer?) . ->* . (listof any/c))
(define solutions
(for/list ([solution (in-producer (backtracking-solver csp) (void))]
[idx (in-range solution-limit)])
(finish-proc solution)))
6 years ago
(unless (pair? solutions) (raise (inconsistency-error)))
6 years ago
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define/contract (solve csp [finish-proc values])
(($csp?) (procedure?) . ->* . any/c)
(first (solve* csp finish-proc 1)))
6 years ago
6 years ago
(define ($csp-ref csp name) (car ($csp-vals csp name)))
(define/contract (alldiff x y)
(any/c any/c . -> . boolean?)
(not (equal? x y)))
(define/contract (alldiff= x y)
(any/c any/c . -> . boolean?)
(not (= x y)))
6 years ago