@ -150,18 +150,17 @@
(define+provide+safe (txexpr tag [attrs null] [elements null])
(define+provide+safe (txexpr tag [attrs null] [elements null])
((symbol?) (txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?) . ->* . txexpr?)
((symbol?) (txexpr-attrs? txexpr-elements?) . ->* . txexpr?)
(unless (txexpr-tag? tag)
(error 'txexpr (format "This is not a txexpr-tag: ~v" tag)))
(unless (txexpr-attrs? attrs)
(error 'txexpr (format "This is not a list of txexpr-attrs: ~v" attrs)))
(unless (txexpr-elements? elements)
(error 'txexpr (format "This is not a list of txexpr-elements: ~v" elements)))
(define result (cons tag (append (if (empty? attrs) empty (list attrs)) elements)))
(define result (cons tag (append (if (empty? attrs) empty (list attrs)) elements)))
(if (txexpr? result)
(unless (txexpr? result)
(error 'txexpr "not a txexpr"))
(error 'txexpr
[(not (txexpr-tag? tag))
(format "This is not a txexpr-tag: ~v" tag)]
[(not (txexpr-attrs? attrs))
(format "This is not a list of txexpr-attrs: ~v" attrs)]
[(not (txexpr-elements? elements))
(format "This is not a list of txexpr-elements: ~v" elements)]
[else ""]))))
(define+provide+safe (txexpr* tag [attrs null] . elements)
(define+provide+safe (txexpr* tag [attrs null] . elements)