Matthew Butterick 6 years ago
parent 05af5c0e21
commit 1b3712dc8e

@ -254,7 +254,7 @@
(define matches null)
(define (extract! x)
(match x
[(? pred) ;; store matched item and return processed value
[(? pred)
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(proc x)]
[(? txexpr?) (let-values ([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)])
@ -266,20 +266,22 @@
(define+provide+safe (findf*-txexpr tx pred)
(txexpr? procedure? . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-elements?))
(define-values (_ matches) (splitf-txexpr tx pred))
(and (pair? matches) matches))
(match/values (splitf-txexpr tx pred)
[(_ (? pair? matches)) matches]
[(_ _) #false]))
(define+provide+safe (findf-txexpr tx pred)
(txexpr? procedure? . -> . (or/c #f txexpr-element?))
(define matches (findf*-txexpr tx pred))
(and matches (car matches)))
(match (findf*-txexpr tx pred)
[(cons match _) match]
[_ #false]))
;; don't use "![CDATA[...]]" wrapper in HTML, it's not consistent with the spec
(define (->cdata x) (if (string? x) (cdata #f #f x) x))
;; but treat CDATA strings correctly anyhow, because that's friendly
(define (cdata-string? x)
(and (string? x) (regexp-match #rx"^<!\\[CDATA\\[.*\\]\\]>$" x) #t))
(and (string? x) (regexp-match #rx"^<!\\[CDATA\\[.*\\]\\]>$" x) #true))
(define+provide+safe (xexpr->html x)
(xexpr? . -> . string?)
@ -287,11 +289,9 @@
(let loop ([x x])
(match x
[(? txexpr?)
(let*-values ([(tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x)]
[(proc) (if (memq tag '(script style))
(define-values (tag attrs elements) (txexpr->values x))
(define proc (if (memq tag '(script style)) ->cdata loop))
;; a little faster than `txexpr` since we know the pieces are valid
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs (map proc elements)))]
(txexpr-unsafe tag attrs (map proc elements))]
[(? cdata-string?) (->cdata x)]
[_ x]))))
