@ -7,10 +7,20 @@
(list? procedure? . -> . list?)
(dropf-right (dropf items test-proc) test-proc))
;; convert a list into a list of slices that are len long (last one might be shorter)
(define+provide/contract (list->slices xs len)
(list? integer? . -> . (listof list?))
[(equal? xs null) null]
[(len . > . (length xs)) (list xs)]
[else (cons (take xs len) (list->slices (drop xs len) len))]))
;; split list into list of sublists using test-proc
(define+provide/contract (splitf-at* xs split-test)
;; todo: better error message when split-test is not a predicate
(list? predicate/c . -> . (listof list?))
(define (&splitf-at* xs [acc '()]) ; use acc for tail recursion