10 Module reference
10.1 Cache
10.2 Decode
10.3 File
10.4 Pagetree
10.5 Render
10.6 Template
10.7 Tag
10.8 Top
10.9 World
On this page:

10.7 Tag

 (require pollen/tag) package: pollen

Convenience functions for working with tags.


(make-tag-function id)  (-> txexpr?)

  id : txexpr-tag?
Make a tag function for id. As arguments, a tag function takes an optional set of X-expression attributes (txexpr-attrs?) followed by X-expression elements (txexpr-elements?). From these, the tag function creates a tagged X-expression using id as the tag.


> (require pollen/tag)
> (define beaucoup (make-tag-function 'em))
> (beaucoup "Bonjour")

'(em "Bonjour")

> (beaucoup '((id "greeting")) "Bonjour")

'(em ((id "greeting")) "Bonjour")

Entering attributes this way can be cumbersome. So for convenience, a tag function provides an alternative: any symbol + string pairs at the front of your expression will be interpreted as attributes, if the symbols are followed by a colon. If you leave out the colon, the symbols will be interpreted as part of the content of the tag.


> (require pollen/tag)
> (define beaucoup (make-tag-function 'em))
> (beaucoup 'id: "greeting" 'class: "large" "Bonjour")

'(em ((id "greeting") (class "large")) "Bonjour")

; Don't forget the colons
> (beaucoup 'id "greeting" 'class "large" "Bonjour")

'(em id "greeting" class "large" "Bonjour")

; Don't forget to provide a value for each attribute
> (beaucoup 'id: 'class: "large" "Bonjour")

'(em id: class: "large" "Bonjour")

Pollen also uses this function to provide the default behavior for undefined tags. See #%top.