@ -8,25 +8,6 @@
(λ(p) (syntax->datum (custom-read-syntax-proc (object-name p) p))))
(define (split-metas tree)
(define (meta-matcher x) ; meta has form (define-meta key value)
(and (list? x) (>= (length x) 3) (eq? (first x) (world:current-define-meta-name))))
(define matches empty)
(define rest
(let loop ([x tree])
[(meta-matcher x)
(set! matches (cons x matches))
(loop empty)]
[(list? x)
(define-values (new-matches rest) (partition meta-matcher x))
(set! matches (append new-matches matches))
(map loop rest)]
[else x])))
(let ([meta-key second][meta-value third])
(values (map meta-key matches) (map meta-value matches) rest)))
(define (make-custom-read-syntax reader-mode)
(λ (path-string p)
(define read-inner (make-at-reader
@ -38,7 +19,6 @@
#:syntax? #t
#:inside? #t))
(define source-stx (read-inner path-string p))
(define-values (meta-keys meta-values meta-free-file-data) (split-metas (syntax->datum source-stx)))
(define reader-here-path (cond
[(symbol? path-string) (symbol->string path-string)]
[(equal? path-string "unsaved editor") path-string]
@ -53,34 +33,24 @@
[else world:mode-preproc])])
(define meta-keys-plus-here (cons (world:current-here-path-key) meta-keys)) ; here-path at front so it can be overridden
(define meta-values-plus-here (cons reader-here-path meta-values))
(define post-parser-syntax
(with-syntax ([(KEY ...) (datum->syntax source-stx meta-keys-plus-here)]
[(VALUE ...) (datum->syntax source-stx meta-values-plus-here)]
[METAS (format-id source-stx "~a" (world:current-meta-export))]
[META-MOD (format-symbol "~a" (world:current-meta-export))]
(with-syntax ([HERE-KEY (format-id source-stx "~a" (world:current-here-path-key))]
[HERE-PATH (datum->syntax source-stx reader-here-path)]
[POLLEN-MOD (format-symbol "~a" 'pollen-lang-module)]
[DOC (format-id source-stx "~a" (world:current-main-export))]
[PARSER-MODE-VALUE (format-symbol "~a" parser-mode)]
[DIRECTORY-REQUIRES (datum->syntax source-stx (require+provide-directory-require-files path-string))]
[(SOURCE-LINE ...) (datum->syntax source-stx meta-free-file-data)])
[(SOURCE-LINE ...) source-stx]
[DOC (format-id source-stx "~a" (world:current-main-export))])
#'(module runtime-wrapper racket/base
(module META-MOD racket/base
(provide (all-defined-out))
(define METAS (apply hash (append (list 'KEY VALUE) ...))))
(module POLLEN-MOD pollen
(define-meta HERE-KEY HERE-PATH)
(define parser-mode 'PARSER-MODE-VALUE)
(provide (except-out (all-defined-out) parser-mode)
(prefix-out inner: parser-mode)) ; avoids conflicts with importing modules
(require (submod ".." ".." META-MOD)) ; get metas from adjacent submodule
(provide (all-from-out (submod ".." ".." META-MOD)))
(require (submod pollen/runtime-config show) 'POLLEN-MOD)
(provide (all-from-out 'POLLEN-MOD))
(show DOC inner:parser-mode)))))