Matthew Butterick 11 years ago
parent db44ef7eff
commit dc3c0b482e

@ -1,36 +0,0 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/set)
(require "readability.rkt" "file-tools.rkt" "world.rkt" "debug.rkt")
(define (pd which)
(->path (format "/Users/MB/git/pollen/~a" which)))
(define (route-index [dir pollen-project-directory])
(define (make-link-cell [href+text (cons #f #f)])
(define href (car href+text))
(define text (cdr href+text))
(filter-not void? `(td ,(when (and href text)
`(a ((href ,href)) ,text)))))
(define (make-path-row p)
(define pstring (->string p))
(define (file-in-dir? p) (file-exists? (apply build-path (map ->path (list dir p)))))
(define sources (filter file-in-dir? (list (->preproc-source-path pstring) (->pollen-source-path pstring))))
`(tr ,@(map make-link-cell (list
(cons pstring pstring)
(cons (format "raw/~a" pstring) "raw")
(if (not (empty? sources))
(cons (->string (car sources)) "source")
(cons #f #f))))))
(define (unique-sorted-paths xs)
(sort (set->list (list->set (map ->output-path xs))) #:key ->string string<?))
(define (ineligible-path? x) (or (not (visible? x)) (member x RESERVED_PATHS)))
(define project-paths (filter-not ineligible-path? (directory-list dir)))
`(table ,@(map make-path-row (unique-sorted-paths project-paths))))
(route-index (pd "foobar"))

@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
#lang racket/base
(require racket/list racket/contract racket/rerequire racket/file racket/format xml)
(require racket/list racket/contract racket/rerequire racket/file racket/format xml racket/match racket/set)
(require (only-in net/url url-query url->path url->string))
(require (only-in web-server/http/request-structs request-uri request-client-ip))
(require "world.rkt" "render.rkt" "readability.rkt" "predicates.rkt" "debug.rkt")
@ -73,74 +73,36 @@
(define/contract (route-index)
(-> xexpr?)
(define (route-index [dir pollen-project-directory])
(define (make-link-cell href+text)
(match-define (cons href text) href+text)
(filter-not void? `(td ,(when (and href text)
`(a ((href ,href)) ,text)))))
;; This function generates the Pollen dashboard.
;; First, generate some lists of files.
(define (make-path-row p)
(define pstring (->string p))
(define (file-in-dir? p) (file-exists? (apply build-path (map ->path (list dir p)))))
(define sources (filter file-in-dir? (list (->preproc-source-path pstring) (->pollen-source-path pstring))))
(define source (if (not (empty? sources)) (->string (car sources)) #f))
`(tr ,@(map make-link-cell
(append (list
(cons pstring pstring)
(cons (format "raw/~a" pstring) "raw"))
(if source
(cons source "source")
(cons (format "xexpr/~a" source) "xexpr")
(cons (format "~a?force=true" pstring) pstring))
(make-list 3 (cons #f #f)))))))
;; get lists of files by mapping a filter function for each file type
(define-values (pollen-files preproc-files ptree-files template-files)
(let ([all-files-in-project-directory (directory-list pollen-project-directory)])
(apply values
(map (λ(test) (filter test all-files-in-project-directory))
(list pollen-source? preproc-source? ptree-source? template-source?)))))
(define (unique-sorted-output-paths xs)
(sort (set->list (list->set (map ->output-path xs))) #:key ->string string<?))
;; The actual post-preproc files may not have been generated yet
;; so calculate their names (rather than rely on directory list)
(define post-preproc-files (map ->output-path preproc-files))
(define (ineligible-path? x) (or (not (visible? x)) (member x RESERVED_PATHS)))
;; Make a combined list of preproc files and post-preproc file, in alphabetical order
(define all-preproc-files (sort (append preproc-files post-preproc-files)
#:key path->string string<?))
(define project-paths (filter-not ineligible-path? (directory-list dir)))
;; calculate names of post-pollen files
(define post-pollen-files (map ->output-path pollen-files))
;; Make a combined list of pollen files and post-pollen files, in alphabetical order
(define all-pollen-files (sort (append pollen-files post-pollen-files) #:key path->string string<?))
(define leftover-files (filter (λ(f) (and
(not (equal? (->string f) "polcom")) ;todo: generalize this test
(not ((->string f) . starts-with? . "."))
(not (f . in? . all-pollen-files))
(not (f . in? . all-preproc-files))))
(directory-list pollen-project-directory)))
;; Utility function for making file rows
(define (make-file-row file routes)
;; Utility function for making cells
(define (make-link-cell type)
(let* ([source (add-ext (remove-ext file) POLLEN_SOURCE_EXT)]
[preproc-source (add-ext file POLLEN_PREPROC_EXT)]
[file-string (->string file)]
[name (case type
['direct file-string]
['preproc-source "source"]
[else (->string type)])]
[target (case type
['direct name]
[(source xexpr) (format "/~a/~a" type source)]
['preproc-source (format "/~a/~a" 'raw preproc-source)]
['force (format "/~a?force=true" file-string)]
[else (format "/~a/~a" type file-string)])])
`(td (a ((href ,target)) ,name))))
`(tr ,(make-link-cell 'direct) ,@(map make-link-cell routes)))
(if (andmap empty? (list ptree-files all-pollen-files all-preproc-files template-files leftover-files))
'(body "No files yet. Get to work!")
(style ((type "text/css")) "td a { display: block; width: 100%; height: 100%; padding: 8px; }"
"td:hover {background: #eee}")
(table ((style "font-family:Concourse T3;font-size:115%"))
;; options for ptree files and template files
,@(map (λ(file) (make-file-row file '(raw))) (append leftover-files ptree-files template-files))
;; options for pollen files
,@(map (λ(file) (make-file-row file '(raw source xexpr force))) post-pollen-files)
;; options for preproc files
;; branching in λ is needed so these files can be interleaved on the list
,@(map (λ(file) (make-file-row file '(raw preproc-source))) post-preproc-files)))))
`(table ,@(map make-path-row (unique-sorted-output-paths project-paths))))
(define (get-query-value url key)
