better error for malformed meta

Matthew Butterick 9 years ago
parent 5f9fd6bd19
commit d2c9a5d057

@ -31,7 +31,7 @@
body-exprs (... ...))
(require 'inner)
(require 'inner racket/list)
;; in an inline module, reader-here-path and parser-mode are undefined
@ -46,18 +46,28 @@
;; Split out the metas.
(define (split-metas-to-hash x)
(define (meta-key x) (car (caadr x)))
(define (meta-value x) (cadr (caadr x)))
(define is-meta-element? (λ(x) (and (list? x) ; possible txexpr
(>= (length x) 2) ; = tag + attribute + other elements (which are ignored)
(equal? 'meta (car x)) ; tag is 'meta
(define (first-attribute x) (caadr x))
(define (meta-key x) (first (first-attribute x)))
(define (meta-value x) (second (first-attribute x)))
(define (properly-formed-meta-payload? x) (and (list? (second x))
(pair? (first-attribute x))
(symbol? (meta-key x)) ; attribute key is symbol
(string? (meta-value x))))) ; attribute value is string
(string? (meta-value x)))) ; attribute value is string
(define is-meta-element?
(define possible-meta (and (list? x) ; possible txexpr
(>= (length x) 2) ; = tag + attribute + other elements (which are ignored)
(equal? 'meta (car x)))) ; tag is 'meta
(if possible-meta
(if (properly-formed-meta-payload? x)
(error 'is-meta-element? "error: meta must be a symbol / string pair, instead got: ~v" x))
(define (splitter x)
(define meta-acc null)
(define meta-acc empty)
(define (split-metas x)
[(list? x) (define-values (new-metas rest) (values (filter is-meta-element? x) (filter (compose1 not is-meta-element?) x)))
[(list? x) (define-values (new-metas rest) (partition is-meta-element? x))
(set! meta-acc (append new-metas meta-acc))
(map split-metas rest)]
[else x]))
@ -65,13 +75,11 @@
(values result meta-acc))
(define-values (doc-without-metas meta-elements) (splitter x))
(define meta-xexpr (apply metaroot meta-elements))
(define meta-element->assoc (λ(x) (let ([key (meta-key x)][value (meta-value x)]) (cons key value))))
(define metas (make-hash (map meta-element->assoc (cdr meta-xexpr))))
(define metas-xexpr (apply metaroot meta-elements))
(define meta-element->assoc (λ(me) (cons (meta-key me) (meta-value me))))
(define metas (make-hash (map meta-element->assoc (cdr metas-xexpr))))
(values doc-without-metas metas))
(require racket/list)
(define doc-with-metas
,@(cons (meta 'here-path: here-path)
