@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ Displays a list of available commands.
Start the project server from the current directory using the default port, which is the value of the parameter @racket[current-server-port] (by default, port @id[default-project-server-port]).
This command can be invoked with two optional arguments.
This command can be invoked with two optional arguments, and one optional switch.
@racket[raco pollen start _path] will start the project server from @racket[_path] rather than the current directory (making @racket[_path] its root directory).
@ -67,6 +67,8 @@ If you want to start in the current directory but with a different port, use @li
> raco pollen start . 8088}
Adding the optional @exec{-l} or @exec{--launch} switch will open the main project dashboard in your web browser after the project server starts.
@section{@exec{raco pollen render}}
Render all preprocessor source files and then all pagetree files found in the current directory. If none of these files are found, a pagetree will be generated for the directory (which will include all source files) and then rendered.