get confirmation for overwrite only by request

Matthew Butterick 8 years ago
parent c9984455ba
commit c558907af3

@ -36,10 +36,7 @@
[("version") (handle-version)]
[("reset") (handle-reset (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))]
[("setup") (handle-setup (get-first-arg-or-current-dir))]
[("clone" "publish") (define rest-args
(with-handlers ([exn:fail? (λ _ #f)])
(cddr (vector->list (current-command-line-arguments)))))
(handle-publish (get-first-arg-or-current-dir) rest-args command-name)]
[("clone" "publish") (handle-publish)]
[else (handle-unknown command-name)]))
(define (very-nice-path x)
@ -58,7 +55,7 @@ render [dir] [dest] render project in dir (default is current dir)
render filename render filename only (can be source or output name)
publish copy project to ~a without source files
publish [dir] [dest] copy project in dir to dest without source files
(warning: overwrites existing dest dir)
(warning: overwrites existing dest)
setup preload cache
reset reset cache
version print the version" (current-server-port) (make-publish-dir-name))))
@ -142,11 +139,29 @@ version print the version" (current-server-port) (make-publish-di
(define (handle-publish directory-maybe rest-args arg-command-name)
(define target-path
(and rest-args (not (null? rest-args)) (path->complete-path (string->path (car rest-args))))
(make-publish-dir-name arg-command-name)))
(define (handle-publish)
(define command-name ; either "publish" or "clone"
(vector-ref (current-command-line-arguments) 0))
(define force-target-overwrite? (make-parameter #t))
(define fake-command-line (command-line
;; drop command name
#:argv (vector-drop (current-command-line-arguments) 1)
[("-c" "--confirm") "Confirm overwrite of existing dest dir"
(force-target-overwrite? #f)]
#:args other-args
(cons command-name other-args)))
;; fake-command-line looks like
;; command-name [maybe-source-dir-arg] [maybe-dest-dir-arg]
(define source-dir
(simplify-path (get-first-arg-or-current-dir (list->vector fake-command-line))))
(define dest-dir
(and (>= (length fake-command-line) 3)
(path->complete-path (string->path (third fake-command-line))))
(make-publish-dir-name command-name))))
(define (delete-it path)
@ -159,34 +174,37 @@ version print the version" (current-server-port) (make-publish-di
(andmap equal? prefix (take xs (length prefix)))))
((explode-path possible-subdir) . has-prefix? . (explode-path possible-superdir)))
(define source-dir (simplify-path directory-maybe))
(when (not (directory-exists? source-dir))
(error 'publish (format "source directory ~a does not exist" source-dir)))
(define target-dir (simplify-path target-path))
(when (source-dir . contains-directory? . target-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't be inside source directory (~a)" target-dir source-dir))
(when (target-dir . contains-directory? . source-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't contain source directory (~a)" target-dir source-dir))
(when (equal? target-dir (current-directory))
(error 'publish "aborted because target directory for publishing (~a) can't be the same as current directory (~a)" target-dir (current-directory)))
(when (source-dir . contains-directory? . dest-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't be inside source directory (~a)" dest-dir source-dir))
(when (dest-dir . contains-directory? . source-dir)
(error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't contain source directory (~a)" dest-dir source-dir))
(when (equal? dest-dir (current-directory))
(error 'publish "aborted because destination directory for publishing (~a) can't be the same as current directory (~a)" dest-dir (current-directory)))
(display (format "publishing from ~a " source-dir))
(displayln (format "to ~a ..." target-dir))
(displayln (format "to ~a ..." dest-dir))
(define do-publish-operation?
(or (not (directory-exists? target-dir))
(or (not (directory-exists? dest-dir))
(display (format "target directory ~a exists. Overwrite? [yes/no] " target-dir))
(display (format "destination directory ~a exists. Overwrite? [yes/no] " dest-dir))
(case (read)
[(y yes) #t]
[else #f]))))
(when (directory-exists? target-dir)
(delete-directory/files target-dir))
(copy-directory/files source-dir target-dir)
(when (directory-exists? dest-dir)
(delete-directory/files dest-dir))
(copy-directory/files source-dir dest-dir)
(parameterize ([current-project-root (current-directory)])
(define (delete-from-publish-dir? p)
(and (omitted-path? p) (not (extra-path? p))))
(for-each delete-it (find-files delete-from-publish-dir? target-dir)))
(for-each delete-it (find-files delete-from-publish-dir? dest-dir)))
(displayln "publish completed")]
[else (displayln "publish aborted")]))

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -110,6 +110,8 @@ Make a copy of the project directory on the desktop, but without any source file
If you're already in your project directory and want to publish somewhere other than the desktop, use @racket[raco pollen publish _. _dest-dir].
By default, this command will automatically overwrite the destination directory. Adding the optional @exec{-c} or @exec{--confirm} switch will ask for confirmation if the destination already exists.
You can determine the default publishing destination for a project by overriding @racket[default-publish-directory].
Certain files and directories are automatically omitted from the published directory, including Racket and Pollen sources, Pollen caches, and source-control directories (like @tt{.git} and @tt{.svn}). You can omit other files by overriding @racket[default-omitted-path?]. You can override these omissions — that is, force a path to be published — by overriding @racket[default-extra-path?].
