
Matthew Butterick 4 years ago
parent 3160a46beb
commit 9bd067552d

@ -1 +1 @@

@ -179,7 +179,7 @@
;; then the output path argument should force .txt rendering, regardless of `current-poly-target` setting
;; so the output path may contain information we need that we can't necessarily derive from the source path.
(define-values (expanded-source-paths expanded-output-paths)
(define all-jobs
;; we generate the output paths in parallel with the source paths
;; rather than afterward, because
;; for poly files we want to be able to look at
@ -194,26 +194,24 @@
;; so after we expand, we only remove duplicates where both the source and dest in the pair
;; are the same
(let* ([pairs (remove-duplicates (map cons sps ops))]
[pairs (sort pairs string<? #:key (compose1 path->string car))]
[pairs (sort pairs string<? #:key (compose1 path->string cdr))])
(for/lists (sps ops)
([pr (in-list pairs)])
(values (car pr) (cdr pr))))]
[pairs (sort pairs path<? #:key car)]
[pairs (sort pairs path<? #:key cdr)])
(for/list ([pr (in-list pairs)])
($job (car pr) (cdr pr))))]
[(cons path rest)
(match (->complete-path path)
[(? pagetree-source? pt)
(loop (append (pagetree->paths pt) rest) sps ops)]
[(app ->source-path (and (not #false) (? file-exists?) sp))
[(app ->source-path sp) #:when (and sp (file-exists? sp))
(define op (match path
[(== (->output-path path)) path]
[_ (->output-path sp)]))
(loop rest (cons sp sps) (cons op ops))]
[_ (loop rest sps ops)])])))
[(null? expanded-source-paths) (message "[no paths to render]")]
[(eq? special-output 'dry-run) (for-each message expanded-source-paths)]
[(null? all-jobs) (message "[no paths to render]")]
[(eq? special-output 'dry-run) (for-each message (map $job-source all-jobs))]
(define all-jobs (map $job expanded-source-paths expanded-output-paths))
(parameterize ([current-null-output? (eq? special-output 'null)])
(for-each (λ (job) (render-to-file-if-needed ($job-source job) #f ($job-output job)))
(match wants-parallel-render?
