Every @racket[(setup:_name)] function will resolve the current value of that variable: it will return the value from the @racket[setup] submodule (if @racket[_name] was defined there), otherwise it will return the default value (which is directly available from @racket[default-]@racket[_name]). For instance, @racket[default-command-char] will always be @litchar{◊}, but in the example above, @racket[(setup:command-char)] would return @litchar{🎸}.
Every @racket[setup:]@racket[_name] function will resolve the current value of that variable: it will return the value from the @racket[setup] submodule (if @racket[_name] was defined there), otherwise it will return the default value (which is directly available from @racket[default-]@racket[_name]). For instance, @racket[default-command-char] will always be @litchar{◊}, but in the example above, @racket[(setup:command-char)] would return @litchar{🎸}.