@ -560,19 +560,19 @@ The value of edge is ◊|edge| pixels}
@subsubsection{Inserting metas}
@italic{Metas} are key–value pairs embedded in a source file that are not included in the main output when the source is compiled. Rather, they're gathered and exported as a separate hash table called, unsurprisingly, @id{metas}. This hashtable is a good place to store information about the document that you might want to use later (for instance, a list of topic categories that the document belongs to).
@italic{Metas} are key–value pairs embedded in a source file that are not included in the main output when the source is compiled. Rather, they're gathered and exported as a separate @deftech{hash table} called, unsurprisingly, @id{metas}. This hashtable is a good place to store information about the document that you might want to use later (for instance, a list of topic categories that the document belongs to).
@margin-note{Pollen occasionally uses metas internally. For instance, the @racket[get-template-for] function will look in the metas of a source file to see if a template is explicitly specified. The @racketmodname[pollen/core] module also contains functions for working with metas, such as @racket[select-from-metas].}
To make a meta, you create a tag with the special @racket[define-meta] name. Then you have two choices: you can either embed the key-value pair as an attribute, or as a tagged X-expression within the meta (using the key as the tag, and the value as the body):
To make a meta, you create a tag with the special @racket[define-meta] name, followed by a key name, and then a value that's a single X-expression:
What if you want to use a sequence of X-expression elements as a meta value? You can convert them into a single X-expression by wrapping them in a containing tag. You can use a new tag, or even just the @racket[@] splicing tag:
#lang pollen/markup
◊(define-meta title ◊@{Conclusion to ◊em{Infinity War}})
The title is ◊(select-from-metas 'title metas)
@repl-output{'(root "The title is " "Conclusion to " (em "Infinity War"))}